The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member
I ask you all to name a HITLER quote that was even REMOTELY as vile and disgusting as the things you all say about WHITES

you give me ALLEGED quotes he made at a BAR that are not even as bad as the stuff YOU ANTI-WHITES are saying in this THREAD about whites
You should check yourself before making a claim about which you know nothing.

Same goes for your claims about racism against white people. You can give no examples.

Just a crybaby pussy. That's all you are.


Well-Known Member
Same goes for your claims about racism against white people. You can give no examples.
I have never once said whites were victims "racism".

In fact "RACISM/ANTI-RACISM" is nothing but a SCAM being perpetrated on to WHITE COUNTRIES while non-White countries remain racially

. scam 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
It’s not going to happen. I’m not interested in hanging out with you and your pals at your klan meeting.
I do it ALL THE TIME - most people THINK im a self hating white liberal when i meet them lol
It gives me a HUGE opportunity to let you all TALK - i even GUIDE you into saying nonsense - I'll let you go on and on and on - but i guide you thru the conversation to make sure you dont go off-track - and eventually the moral/intellectual guillotine comes out and i make sure it is precise quick and as damaging as possible. The look on your faces is ALWAYS priceless - i've had people that WOULD have tried to kick my ass if they could. lmao


Well-Known Member
I ask you all to name a HITLER quote that was even REMOTELY as vile and disgusting as the things you all say about WHITES

you give me ALLEGED quotes he made at a BAR that are not even as bad as the stuff YOU ANTI-WHITES are saying in this THREAD about whites

So how about this - I will accept your CONSPIRACY THEORY that the NAZIS of WWII were SECRETLY as disgusting as you "anti-racists" aka Anti-Whites are OPENLY disgusting today
So you admit you’re wrong. Good NOW we’re making progress.


Well-Known Member
Hey Milquetoast cracker....quit embarrassing the rest of us Whitey's with your backwards assed country fuck bullshit. Just because you ain't proud of your heritage doesn't mean the rest of us aren't. Now shoo off to yer crackerjack hole in the ground trailer park like the varmint you are.... before I start talking sum real smack. Fucking bitch.

You know who I'm talking to.

Am I doing this right?


Well-Known Member
All these white "anti-racist" guys on here saying "My Wifes boyfriend is BLACK.... i bet that upsets you doesn't it RACIST?"
Did I also mention my Wife's Italian?

anti-whites blame Italians for history - so we know they are White - they do NOT blame non-Whites for history

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White