The Pro Miracle Gro Group

Monsanto is no worse than any of the big oil companies so think about that the next time you get in your car to go somewhere. Talk the talk then walk the walk. Literally...
I own an EV, and my power comes primarily from the solar grid. I think about that everytime I blow past a gas station. I do my best to boycott big oil too. It's cute to see you try to poke holes in my logic, but not sure why you would try to downplay the horrificness of companies like Monsanto and Bayer. It's not just Round-Up either. Monsanto has done a lot of horrible stuff to the planet or a long time. How much wildlife and people did they kill and harm with DDT back in the mid 1900's? You wanna defend them tho, eh?
Why is Monsanto no worse?
It's a typical knee-jerk defense mechanism. It's somewhat human nature to point to another person or entity who does terrible things and gets away with it as a defense for similar wrong-doings, but it's also not an actual defense. If anything all it does is serve to condone poor behavior.
I hate to do this with you.

Why is Monsanto no worse? I believe it should be by percentage of deadly afflictions of cancer causing chemicals by parent companies percentage of world sales by volume.

Organics and better is the path.

I never said organics wasn't a better path. I just find it somewhat hypocritical to go after one company/industry while going down to the gas station to fill up the tank because it's more convenient to drive a car. Both the oil and auto industries have been fighting tooth and nail for decades against measures to reduce the carbon footprint. They've been just as bad for the planet as Monsanto and company. At least Monsanto has made it possible to grow food in areas that struggled previously. I'm not a fan of genetically engineered crops but people are eating instead of starving because of them.

I don't like any of the global entities but I'm not going to just single out one as a villain and then use products from a different one. I mean where do you stop? If people traced the products they buy back to the
I own an EV, and my power comes primarily from the solar grid. I think about that everytime I blow past a gas station. I do my best to boycott big oil too. It's cute to see you try to poke holes in my logic, but not sure why you would try to downplay the horrificness of companies like Monsanto and Bayer. It's not just Round-Up either. Monsanto has done a lot of horrible stuff to the planet or a long time. How much wildlife and people did they kill and harm with DDT back in the mid 1900's? You wanna defend them tho, eh?

I'm not defending Monsanto. I'm just not going to single them out as the only bad actor while consuming or using products from others daily.

Is your electric vehicle made of sustainable organic materials? Or does it contain plastics and other petroleum products? That battery it uses. Have you seen the destruction going on with the mining operations to get the metals used to make them? What are the tires made of?

Have any appliances? GE has created toxic sites all over the world. Have you ever heard of Union Carbide? It's a guarantee that you use products either made by them or made using materials produced by them. Remember Bhopal?

I commend you for doing what you can to reduce your own footprint on this planet. I try and do the same. Singling out one bad actor while ignoring the others that you benefit from in some way is just playing lip service to the environmental and ecological disaster that's been in the making for years.
I never said organics wasn't a better path. I just find it somewhat hypocritical to go after one company/industry while going down to the gas station to fill up the tank because it's more convenient to drive a car. Both the oil and auto industries have been fighting tooth and nail for decades against measures to reduce the carbon footprint. They've been just as bad for the planet as Monsanto and company. At least Monsanto has made it possible to grow food in areas that struggled previously. I'm not a fan of genetically engineered crops but people are eating instead of starving because of them.

I don't like any of the global entities but I'm not going to just single out one as a villain and then use products from a different one. I mean where do you stop? If people traced the products they buy back to the

I'm not defending Monsanto. I'm just not going to single them out as the only bad actor while consuming or using products from others daily.

Is your electric vehicle made of sustainable organic materials? Or does it contain plastics and other petroleum products? That battery it uses. Have you seen the destruction going on with the mining operations to get the metals used to make them? What are the tires made of?

Have any appliances? GE has created toxic sites all over the world. Have you ever heard of Union Carbide? It's a guarantee that you use products either made by them or made using materials produced by them. Remember Bhopal?

I commend you for doing what you can to reduce your own footprint on this planet. I try and do the same. Singling out one bad actor while ignoring the others that you benefit from in some way is just playing lip service to the environmental and ecological disaster that's been in the making for years.
Was my 2 cents only. Peace. F'n hard under USDA and FDA for starters.
I never said organics wasn't a better path. I just find it somewhat hypocritical to go after one company/industry while going down to the gas station to fill up the tank because it's more convenient to drive a car. Both the oil and auto industries have been fighting tooth and nail for decades against measures to reduce the carbon footprint. They've been just as bad for the planet as Monsanto and company. At least Monsanto has made it possible to grow food in areas that struggled previously. I'm not a fan of genetically engineered crops but people are eating instead of starving because of them.

I don't like any of the global entities but I'm not going to just single out one as a villain and then use products from a different one. I mean where do you stop? If people traced the products they buy back to the

I'm not defending Monsanto. I'm just not going to single them out as the only bad actor while consuming or using products from others daily.

Is your electric vehicle made of sustainable organic materials? Or does it contain plastics and other petroleum products? That battery it uses. Have you seen the destruction going on with the mining operations to get the metals used to make them? What are the tires made of?

Have any appliances? GE has created toxic sites all over the world. Have you ever heard of Union Carbide? It's a guarantee that you use products either made by them or made using materials produced by them. Remember Bhopal?

I commend you for doing what you can to reduce your own footprint on this planet. I try and do the same. Singling out one bad actor while ignoring the others that you benefit from in some way is just playing lip service to the environmental and ecological disaster that's been in the making for years.
Your statement is the equivalent of saying that if you can't do everything 100% perfectly correct, then making a one percent difference is mesningless.

Come on now, of course I would prefer my car be made of hemp panels, and batteries, but sadly those aren't too readily available yet. The truth is that I am trying to make a difference, and I know that it isn't going to be a night and day difference, but also that every small difference I make will ultimately add up to a large collective difference. I personally take offence at your attempt to downplay the horrors of Monsanto and their affiliates by trying to poke holes in the attempts of myself and others who are actively trying to mitigate the issues you speak to. Meanwhile on the other hand, new growers reading your statements may interpret them to mean that Monsanto = good, and while perhaps that is not your intention, it is in fact a likely potential outcome.

You know it and I know it, Monsanto is a bad company. Just admit it. Are there other bad companies? Yes. Should we do our best to boycott them too? Yes. Can we boycott everyone and still drive a car? Probably not. But guess what.. you hit the big dogs hard first, and then their affiliates start to see which way the wind is blowing, and hopefully make change on their own. If not, hit the affiliates too. I guess maybe Scotts thinks they have clean hands because they don't make Round-Up, but only distribute it? That's a fallacy, and Scotts has death on their hands. It's clear as day. Just admit it. You know as well as I that there are plenty of other cheap salt nutes that are readily available, and not owned by a horrible company.
Your statement is the equivalent of saying that if you can't do everything 100% perfectly correct, then making a one percent difference is mesningless.

Come on now, of course I would prefer my car be made of hemp panels, and batteries, but sadly those aren't too readily available yet. The truth is that I am trying to make a difference, and I know that it isn't going to be a night and day difference, but also that every small difference I make will ultimately add up to a large collective difference. I personally take offence at your attempt to downplay the horrors of Monsanto and their affiliates by trying to poke holes in the attempts of myself and others who are actively trying to mitigate the issues you speak to. Meanwhile on the other hand, new growers reading your statements may interpret them to mean that Monsanto = good, and while perhaps that is not your intention, it is in fact a likely potential outcome.

You know it and I know it, Monsanto is a bad company. Just admit it. Are there other bad companies? Yes. Should we do our best to boycott them too? Yes. Can we boycott everyone and still drive a car? Probably not. But guess what.. you hit the big dogs hard first, and then their affiliates start to see which way the wind is blowing, and hopefully make change on their own. If not, hit the affiliates too. I guess maybe Scotts thinks they have clean hands because they don't make Round-Up, but only distribute it? That's a fallacy, and Scotts has death on their hands. It's clear as day. Just admit it. You know as well as I that there are plenty of other cheap salt nutes that are readily available, and not owned by a horrible company.

I've never said anything good about Monsanto, I'm not defending them, and I think they suck.

I'm actually someone that gives a damn about the planet and the environment. I'm probably greener than most people. I'm concerned about the indicators that are warning us that we're fucking up the environment. I think about the bees and the products people use that are toxic to them. Do you use spinosad? That's pure poison to bees and should be banned for sale across the planet. As it is gardeners are spraying that crap indiscriminately around their yards killing bees by the thousands.

I don't want to get into a long drawn out discussion that belongs in the politics section so I'll just post some good news. It's not 100% but it's something. Hopefully we'll see more of this garbage removed from the food supply.

They've been using this crap for years. One down hundreds if not thousands more to go.

"Chlorpyrifos is very toxic to bees. It can poison non-target insects for up to 24 hours after it is sprayed. Chlorpyrifos can be toxic to earthworms for up to 2 weeks after it is applied to soil."

There is urea in many nutrients including popular cannabis specific nutrients. Just for kicks I looked at a couple and on my second look at a label I found that Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom has urea in it. That's just one. If I were to spend some time looking at ingredients I could find dozens of cannabis specific products that contain urea.

I was going to buy AN sensi bloom until I saw that it had urea in it,
The reviews of the sensi bloom said that it kept the leaves a nice shade of green through flower regardless if there might have otherwise been ph issues.
When I saw urea on the the ingredients, I was like oh yeah no wonder everyone’s leaves are super green using this stuff, it’s got the urea! The $5 bottle of hardware store plant food (with just 3 ingredients) worked great when I used it and really made me wonder just how much these nute companies a little too extra with all their lineup of expensive products. However the herb came out tasting funky that time so I scrapped the $5 urea based fert.
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Might be your drying/curing causing that, decomposing plant matter does give off ammonia gasses, probably left it in the jar to long or didn't dry it enough. Happens to the best of us. Grow more!

Kind of reminds me of the whole add sugars to make your buds sweet thing, no that's to feed soil microbes. Urea is in most agricultural fertilizers it's a cheap source of nitrogen and my non organic store bought veggies don't taste like pee, at all.

Yea it could have been any number of factors, there was high humidity when I was drying, I’ve since switched soils and have seen a difference so I’m not sure exactly if it was the cheap fertilizer or not.
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I'm useing MG organic 9-4-12 .To a Washer machine plant.I put her though high stress training .Couldn't really water properly in the beginning of her life because work. I am also feeding my plant sugar in the form of 7 up Instead of molasses. And I used Mary Jane potting soil as a base.... This is not a joke it's a fun experiment I wanted to try


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I haven't tried that one yet. I'm currently using the Edibles (9-4-12)
Yes I use their organic "bloom". It's in the black box and is 100% organic. It's an 8-8-8 formula. It's not all I use, but it's in the lineup. You cannot burn the plants using this as it's 100% organic long as you
Ok, yes. I use Miracle Gro to grow my cannabis. It's what I used when I first started and what I still use to this day. I'm creating this post for all of the MG users like me who are getting tired of being bashed by others for using it. Im going to post positive proof that MG isn't a trash soil for growing cannabis. Currently, I'm in the middle of a grow where I'm using MG as my base soil. You can click the link below to see a video of how everything is coming along. I encourage everyone who use MG to post proof of your success so we can collectively quell the noise of all these naysayers.

:weed:. It's my first ever grow and I don't have a lot of $$ left after redoing my garage for these guys. Just became legal here and we thought we would give it a try. Honestly we were in way over our heads at first. No clue about lighting, didn't know what PAR was...nothing.But I love gardening, and began studying cannabis immediately. Began to follow some seasoned youtubers and realized I think we can do this. That's all it's about, is making a good product. Maybe as time goes on I won't care about MG, but it has done wonders for us during this grow. I use their tomato formula, their bloom formula and their new organics line as well. I also use Cal Mag and some Grandma's molasses during flower. First timer, I have spent a TON of $$ and I am just happy we got to the finish line ok :) .

I think this is a nice video, he shows his beautiful plants and pretty much explains how he feels about MG. I agree w him, some of us don't have $$, but do have experience w MG and some of us want to show that you can get a nice product using it. It's not all he uses and not all I use, but it can make some nice budz. Really that's all we are here for
Love this guy's quick video and his beautiful big trees.


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Yes I use their organic "bloom". It's in the black box and is 100% organic. It's an 8-8-8 formula. It's not all I use, but it's in the lineup. You cannot burn the plants using this as it's 100% organic long as you

:weed:. It's my first ever grow and I don't have a lot of $$ left after redoing my garage for these guys. Just became legal here and we thought we would give it a try. Honestly we were in way over our heads at first. No clue about lighting, didn't know what PAR was...nothing.But I love gardening, and began studying cannabis immediately. Began to follow some seasoned youtubers and realized I think we can do this. That's all it's about, is making a good product. Maybe as time goes on I won't care about MG, but it has done wonders for us during this grow. I use their tomato formula, their bloom formula and their new organics line as well. I also use Cal Mag and some Grandma's molasses during flower. First timer, I have spent a TON of $$ and I am just happy we got to the finish line ok :) .

I think this is a nice video, he shows his beautiful plants and pretty much explains how he feels about MG. I agree w him, some of us don't have $$, but do have experience w MG and some of us want to show that you can get a nice product using it. It's not all he uses and not all I use, but it can make some nice budz. Really that's all we are here for
Love this guy's quick video and his beautiful big trees.
The ladies this morning. I want to upload before I erase these. My first ever grow :weed:


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Ok, yes. I use Miracle Gro to grow my cannabis. It's what I used when I first started and what I still use to this day. I'm creating this post for all of the MG users like me who are getting tired of being bashed by others for using it. Im going to post positive proof that MG isn't a trash soil for growing cannabis. Currently, I'm in the middle of a grow where I'm using MG as my base soil. You can click the link below to see a video of how everything is coming along. I encourage everyone who use MG to post proof of your success so we can collectively quell the noise of all these naysayers.
Hey man, I'm still waiting on my tent and grow kit to come in the mail along with my seeds I ordered but I already went and got 2 cu. feet of Miracle gro performance organic, I have a pH control kit too with pH up/down and fox farm soil liquid trio big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom. I'm planning on trying to keep the water and soil at 6.5 pH the entire grow, they are Autoflower seeds and I'll be using a TS 1000 150w LED light on them. U think as long as I hold off on the fox farm nutes until flowering I should be ok? I see so many people saying I'll be good til flowering with miracle gro soil and now I'm wondering if I should go buy fox farm soil or not.
I was astonished to find out that the Miracle Gro "Edibles" and the "performance organics" were both low in heavy metals, as that has been a serious issue with Miracle Gro products in the past. Both come in at 1 ppm arsenic and cadmium, and 0 lead. If you want to cry, look up the Rose formula. WHATEVER YOU DO don't use any miracle gro formula that isn't meant specifically for food guys!
Hey man, I'm still waiting on my tent and grow kit to come in the mail along with my seeds I ordered but I already went and got 2 cu. feet of Miracle gro performance organic, I have a pH control kit too with pH up/down and fox farm soil liquid trio big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom. I'm planning on trying to keep the water and soil at 6.5 pH the entire grow, they are Autoflower seeds and I'll be using a TS 1000 150w LED light on them. U think as long as I hold off on the fox farm nutes until flowering I should be ok? I see so many people saying I'll be good til flowering with miracle gro soil and now I'm wondering if I should go buy fox farm soil or not.
Get better soil mg sucks
Ok, yes. I use Miracle Gro to grow my cannabis. It's what I used when I first started and what I still use to this day. I'm creating this post for all of the MG users like me who are getting tired of being bashed by others for using it. Im going to post positive proof that MG isn't a trash soil for growing cannabis. Currently, I'm in the middle of a grow where I'm using MG as my base soil. You can click the link below to see a video of how everything is coming along. I encourage everyone who use MG to post proof of your success so we can collectively quell the noise of all these naysayers.
Updated pics.. this is my first marijuana grow ever, never saw a marijuana plant before this. Although I have grown tomatoes for years. I am looking at using Maxi Grow and Bloom for my base nutes next time (although they are the SAME synthetic chemicals as MG) because they have cal mag and everything included in their mix. It's formulated for this and it will make for ease of use. I already amend w organics like black cow in my homemade potting mix, also bat guano, a little kelp meal, sometimes I use Jobes organic granular in my potting mix, I also water w Black Molasses (sulfer free) during flower 1x a week along w cal mag every 2nd watering. So yes I used Tomato MG as my base nute and then their MG bloom... and I feel this was a successful first time grow. I'll do even better next time. Interested to see what happens during a winter grow in my garage Also, I probably won't start w 7 different strains at once this time. Had no clue what i was doing or getting into... Reminds me of my first year w tomatoes.. only :bigjoint:


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I wouldnt wanna smoke anything that was grown in monsanto cancer dirt
Have you ever eaten corn or wheat. From anywhere, ever? Every dairy product at the grocery store, every box of crackers or chips, most vegetables..DELICIOUS MEATS....all have traces (or more) of glyphosate. It works it's way up the food chain, even many "organic" crops have traces of it. You are full of Monsanto cancer dirt homeskillet. AND, I agree with you by the way, I should have made that clear from the beginning LOL. Don't get me started on heavy metals...