Lets See Your Outside Plants

Get some PVC pipe and steel rebar and make a hoop house with painters plastic around it. Mine cost less then 50$... A few zip ties and your good to go. Work smarter not harder
Boytritus has some to with moisture, and high humidity. I never seen any caterpillars on my plants before. But I'm out west so different pest for different coast lines, maybe?
And is covered by what and secured how?
Google diy hoop house. It's not too hard, I just got rebar and hammered it into the ground like 8 of them. And twelve, 12 foot PVC pipes with a few connectors. Put the PVC over the rebar. Connect the PVC pipe together and get a huge painters plastic 4mm and however big your greenhouse is going to be then throw over. I held the plastic down over the hoop house with cinder blocks all around worked for me.
Google diy hoop house. It's not too hard, I just got rebar and hammered it into the ground like 8 of them. And twelve, 12 foot PVC pipes with a few connectors. Put the PVC over the rebar. Connect the PVC pipe together and get a huge painters plastic 4mm and however big your greenhouse is going to be then throw over. I held the plastic down over the hoop house with cinder blocks all around worked for me.
A roll of contractor grade 5 mil 20 x200 foot was almost $150 dollars a long time ago.

If you got it? Enjoy.
Last pic before harvest...idk when that will be but not long now...theres more plants but whats the point of spamming my family album, they all look like this more or less.gonna hash it all cuz of budrot...sigh..on to next strains, these aint got no resistance

I'm disabled, my spine is toast. Anything big enough to cover this 13' girl would be a pain. The humidity gets out of hand around here. Rot and pm can hit pretty quick.
I'm disabled, my spine is toast. Anything big enough to cover this 13' girl would be a pain. The humidity gets out of hand around here. Rot and pm can hit pretty quick.
Ive seen a youtube channel where this guy has this really open expansive* fenced in garden and he wheelchairs up and down in it...id have to find it again...is that you? Do you have a youtube channel?
Have used this contraption for two years now. Unfortunately I’ll have to dream something else up as my plants aren’t in the same spot this year. It’s just house poly (vapour barrier) with the corners reinforced with tuck tape. I then installed tarp grommets where I reinforced and tied down. For the rear I just rolled the poly around a 2x2 and screwed it to the back fence. This thing has lasted through some serious winds and nothing has let go. The thing I like about it is it’s very easy to put up and down so if the weather is nice she comes down and the girls get full sun. 79FA3DF0-89F7-4442-BB88-0ED39DAD3B22.jpeg
If your going to cover your plants it would be a good idea to have a fan in there