Another “how close” post


Well-Known Member
I'll add this we maybe talking about the same thing. When he said recede I took that as disappear. I took it as he meant they will recede all the way into the calyx. Pistols may become shorter and " recede " some but not like when the plants pollinated. Personally after the majority of the pistols have turned brown and curled is when I start checking trichomes then it's usually still a couple to few weeks away. Like when someone has a receding hair line that shits gone. It doesn't mean their hair got a little shorter


Well-Known Member
I'll add this we maybe talking about the same thing. When he said recede I took that as disappear. I took it as he meant they will recede all the way into the calyx. Pistols may become shorter and " recede " some but not like when the plants pollinated. Personally after the majority of the pistols have turned brown and curled is when I start checking trichomes then it's usually still a couple to few weeks away. Like when someone has a receding hair line that shits gone. It doesn't mean their hair got a little shorter
Just stop man. They do recede if you let the buds mature. And they're pistils, not pistols, lol.