Well-Known Member
Why would you trust anyone’s declarations when they’re seeking parole? It’s quite the self serving process.It boils down to this for me: why would I trust him or his declarations?
Why would you trust anyone’s declarations when they’re seeking parole? It’s quite the self serving process.It boils down to this for me: why would I trust him or his declarations?
If I read this correctly, it does not have an effect on my opinion. I don’t think thread title guy should be freed.Why would you trust anyone’s declarations when they’re seeking parole? It’s quite the self serving process.
I wouldn’t consider my argument sympathetic or empathetic. I have no love for the man. I don’t believe in capital punishment under any circumstances and believe the system should be the same for all.While I find your sympathy/empathy admirable, I'm more on the other end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, when you murder someone, nothing can ever be made right. There is no such thing as paying your debt to society with that crime. He should have been euthanized decades ago, imo.
QuranWhy would you trust anyone’s declarations when they’re seeking parole? It’s quite the self serving process.
Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming. (illā an tattaqū minhum tuqāt).[21]
I know I've done it once or twice.Perhaps he had a homicidal psychotic episode and killed someone important because “palestine”.
I know I've done it once or twice.
Probably all the ambien.
Yeh and what about the USS Liberty? You really think those Israeli pilots didn't know that was an American ship?And you know the reason SIrhan shot Kennedy?
The same reason bin Laden attacked on 9/11.
Fucking Palestine.
Or was it Israel?
A conundrum, isn't it?