What did you accomplish today?

damn it's like a grand in Lawyer fees to buy a house here.

We still use lawyers here in NY too, but we're one of the few states that still does. We have "Abstract of titles" that contain all the deeds of everyone who has ever owned it. Some of the old original ones are fascinating, and are filled with racism and bigotry galore. Like "no Irish allowed to ever own this home", and all the neighborhoods were divided by nationality back in the day. There's sometimes peoples wills included in the abstract. Most other states use title companies now. I honestly know much less about them! My lawyer just charged me $750 to handle my rentals sale, but of course there are a shit ton of other taxes and charges...everyone has their hand out. Then I'll get nailed on capitol gains taxes too.
Hoped that my local hardware store would have the stain similar to the aquarium stand, but no. It shows they have it online, guess they don't keep track of it, SO I get to do a 30 mile round trip to HD tomorrow. So much for setting up the aquarium today.
Called the mortgage company, done deal, should show paid in full by Monday!
That's a molto of mine....get that f'ing payment off your back. I owe no one a cent.
Us either except for the tax collector that hits us up every year for the privilege of living in a house, on land I've already paid for.
And driving cars that are paid for. . .
The list goes on.
I was gonna include tax man. He's taken pretty big bites over the years.......no bad know...........we're "old farts). He's such a nasty subject. He'll, those guys will flip you upside down and bang your head in the road to get a gold tooth out.
Did get lucky today.....walked by a plant and noticed very small dark spot on a good size bud....didn't look good.........bud rot/mold........cut about a third off bud, could still set it at the cut.....went farther till no signs of rot.....I just learned that the mold starts in center of bud, so detection at the onset would be hard to detect. Took some scope shots....nasty!


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mortgage burning parties must be a Canadian thing judging from the laughing reactions.
It use to be a tradition somewhere, to paint your front door red when the mortgage got paid off. Maybe England???

Scotland Google says

Hoped that my local hardware store would have the stain similar to the aquarium stand, but no. It shows they have it online, guess they don't keep track of it, SO I get to do a 30 mile round trip to HD tomorrow. So much for setting up the aquarium today.
Called the mortgage company, done deal, should show paid in full by Monday!
A good trick...Mix different color stains to come up with the perfect color. Grab a spare clean board for experimenting. It works well.

Thats was an old hobby. Buy a nice piece of furniture with the top marred at the thrift store, strip it down, re-match the color of the stain, and refinish.
A good trick...Mix different color stains to come up with the perfect color. Grab a spare clean board for experimenting. It works well.

Thats was an old hobby. Buy a nice piece of furniture with the top marred at the thrift store, strip it down, re-match the color of the stain, and refinish.
I think I'm just going to paint it satin black after prepping the wood. If I can't find a quart I'll just use rattle cans, I'm pretty good with them.