Total newby!


New Member
I have very limited resources, a husband who was very hesitant to even support this. I was given 5 seeds from a friend, they said it was the strain orange skittlez. I took them home soaked them for 24 hrs, pit in paper towel in total darkness, 3 out of 4 sprouted. Planted them on may 24th. In a mixture of stuff I bought from a local nursery. I read it makes a better sturdier plant with you do a 24hour light cycle during vegetative, I've just recently switched them into flowering stage with 12 hours on and 12 hours off. I am having a hard time with what to do next!!!!!please help.


Well-Known Member
Keep her fed during the stretch, defoliate lightly if necessary to allow proper airflow, try to keep the humidity down, and make sure the buds are spread far enough apart for air to flow around everything. Good luck!!


New Member
Keep her fed during the stretch, defoliate lightly if necessary to allow proper airflow, try to keep the humidity down, and make sure the buds are spread far enough apart for air to flow around everything. Good luck!!
Thanks, another question. I'm a little confused about what I should do regarding gender. I've done my best and think all 3 are females. But I dont know.


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on them, you'll know. If any roosters are in the hen house, where buds normally form, you'll see clusters of tiny balls. They form a lot faster than a bud.


Well-Known Member
Can't really tell from the pics, looks a little early to tell. Where those little pointy shoots are coming out, where they meet the stalk is where you're gonna see male/female parts. You want to see 2 little "hairs" coming out of that area for a female.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
That pic looks like a male but it may identify as a female. We dont know that plants truth. so out of respect for equality we should leave it in the room regardless.


Well-Known Member
This is one of them.
You had 5 seeds and 3 of 4 sprouted? What happened to the 5th seed?

This one is looking male.

But that may be to your advantage. You got 5 seeds and 3 sprouted. If you got a male and 2 females you can collect pollen from the male and pollinate a few branches on a female and make a couple hundred seeds for future grows and never have to worry about a source for cannabis again.


Well-Known Member
Your first grow will be a learning experience. Regardless how it turns out realize that years later you will still be learning and that’s the fun and exciting part. I would suggest ordering some of the wonderful books available online as well as doing online research like you are now. One thing I will warn is with fertilizers use 1/4 of the recommended dose and work your way up from there. Nothing is more frustrating than burning your babies to death.
One thing I read years ago that really left a mark on me was “ Use this as something that brings you joy and even if you are not as successful as you would of liked don’t let it bring negativity into your life or discourage you.” I try to apply this wisdom to everything I do in my life