Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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what i highlighted in your quote.
I am confused because I stated a singular. You posted about a plural that I dont see. So I cannot align the posts.

The one possibility is that (without saying so) you chose my instance to represent a class. In any case please define.
they just need to turn away one round/cycle and you'll see how fast people are vaccinated once family members see the plague in their house.

the law is ER must treat you to be stable for 72 hours..but they can release you..so give them what they need for 72 hours and they can come back if still alive- what happens if there is a major car accident with trauma patients?
Crisis standards explained:

On a typical day at the hospital, health care is prioritized for the person who is worst off and needs it most. Crisis standards change that. Instead, health care is provided to the patient most likely to survive.

The plan is to try to “maximize the number of lives saved,” said Shasta Kilminster-Hadley, a former attorney for the Idaho State Board of Medicine who teaches health care law at the University of Idaho. Kilminster-Hadley was also a contributor to the crisis standards in June 2020.

It's just a matter of time before somebody's loved one dies after they pull the plug:

As of Aug 31, there were four available ICU beds statewide.
You bein' a stinker again...

1. Bogus dude presents article with bogus headline.

2. You say it's a bogus headline.

3. She says the headline is made that way on purpose.

No. She said (plural) are made that way on purpose. That closes out what I was saying. What I said was (singular), so “other”.

Proper syntax denies me that interpretation. So I want it spelled out. The alternative is me selecting the worst compatible rationalization.
No. She said (plural) are made that way on purpose. That closes out what I was saying. What I said was (singular), so “other”.

Proper syntax denies me that interpretation. So I want it spelled out. The alternative is me selecting the worst compatible rationalization.

Cheese and rice. How are you able to have any communication on the internet with that level of scrutiny? If it must be plural, then you could easily imagine "they" being synonymous with "shitty headlines", couldn't you? And I think you've stated that you're part of the LGBTQ community, but you don't understand the use of "they" as a singular? C'mon meow, let's try arguing in good faith.
Cheese and rice. How are you able to have any communication on the internet with that level of scrutiny? If it must be plural, then you could easily imagine "they" being synonymous with "shitty headlines", couldn't you? And I think you've stated that you're part of the LGBTQ community, but you don't understand the use of "they" as a singular? C'mon meow, let's try arguing in good faith.
Good faith is awarded after good expression.

While I do slot into the category you mentioned, “they” as a generic pronoun is nails on my existential blackboard. I would sooner use “s’h’it” as a generic singular.
i think they are going to be doing 6 months instead of 8. the hospital has been calling people already to get boosters..not sure how because nothing's been approved but maybe expiry?
i think they are going to be doing 6 months instead of 8. the hospital has been calling people already to get boosters..not sure how because nothing's been approved but maybe expiry?
It's not called a booster but "a third shot". And, it has been authorized by FDA.
