Looking good?


Well-Known Member
Looks healthy. I'm near lat 36N, and mine start flowering in mid August. I recommend you put it in a larger pot. It is way outgrowing the one it's in.


Active Member
Thank you so much. I transferred it to a 35litre pot 3 weeks ago, what size it would you recommend please? And will it be hard to change pots? I’ll try my last method of laying it on its side on a table to try and avoid any damage? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much. I transferred it to a 35litre pot 3 weeks ago, what size it would you recommend please? And will it be hard to change pots? I’ll try my last method of laying it on its side on a table to try and avoid any damage? Thanks
If that's 35l, I'd go to 60l to 75l. Bigger is better. If you keep our in the pot its on now, you'll be watering and feeding it way more. When it does the initial flower stretch for the first three weeks of flower, it'll double in size, and it will want to feed/drink a lot.


Well-Known Member
Use some garden stakes to support the branches. Theyre going to be flopping all over the place when they get longer and have buds on them. I use stakes to spread it out in veg and give some structure. As it grows up more i'll string garden twine between the stakes to get the support/structure for the budding branches.


Active Member
Use some garden stakes to support the branches. Theyre going to be flopping all over the place when they get longer and have buds on them. I use stakes to spread it out in veg and give some structure. As it grows up more i'll string garden twine between the stakes to get the support/structure for the budding branches.
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Thanks for the advice. I was thinking about how to support the branches when they get heavier. Your suggestion is a fantastic idea, nice one


So this is a little late on the advice I'm sure.. But I was in a similar situation end of August.. I had them in 5 Gallon grow bags, and was having to feed/water nearly everyday if it wasn't for the rain.. I went as big as I thought I could manage.. Happy I did, I dried them out as much as I thought was safe, until they were visibly wilting, and with the 25G ready to go underneath me/them I very carefully used one hand to brace the trunk and soil, and with the other turned it upside down, completely, then slowly and gingerly started pulling the fabric bag away from the soil. Because it was so dry the bag pulled away fairly easily. I then slightly roughed up the edges of the massive root bulb I now had in my hand, gingerly flipped her right side up and transplanted her into her final home. :) No muss no fuss. No shock to either of them. I posted the before and afters below


Day of transplant - so unhappy girls

less than 2 weeks later, happy girls in bloom. - I'll also point out I did this about 2 weeks into their flower. Where I am, 46N I'm impatient for Mother Nature to change her light cycle so I started it early on my own with the 5Gallon growbags (when I could still move them.. - these 25G - are HEAVY- they're not going anywhere.. ) Now my only problem is I should have staked them when I transplanted... - lessons learned..


Active Member
Thanks so much for your advice. You’ve done a great job repotting them, they look great. My partner won’t allow me to go into larger pots as the neighbours will be able to see and they’re paranoid. So I’ll have to keep her in 50litre pot. I’m watering and feeding one day on, two days off at the moment. I’m sure it’ll be everyday soon. Thanks again, Loving your work. Here is my plant now

