HELP More Effective CLoning!


Well-Known Member
i know right? how does that help stimulate root growth?
its not about stimulating root growth

that's the rooting hormones job the rockwool is just to help it stay moist and dark and give the roots something to cling to


Well-Known Member
i would say try to stay sterile. that means use rockwool. or a rapid rooter plugs. or a 50/50 perlite/vermiculte mixture. tap water is usually okay because its been treated to resist bad micro growth. you can use filtered water also (i prefer) but then it doesn't hurt to add about 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide per gallon. skip all the mychorizhae... skip any nutes... don't get Miracle Grow perlite as it has added nutes.... soil can harbor all kinds of crap. All they need, as someone already said, is a clean environment where the stem can stay in contact with a moist/damp (not soaking wet) medium, where air is still available as well. If you clone in a glass of water then you want to add water occassionally or stir up the water to increase the oxygen in it. Humidity domes make it so that you don't have to mist your clones as often. If you aren't using one then mist your plants 2-4 times a day with pH nuetral water with little or no (ie; 5-10-5) nutrients at about 1/10 strength or less. Some say any nutrients will inhibit root growth, but i tend to beleive that very light nutes just keep the clone healthier while it is inevitably growing roots. Expect roots to take a good 2 weeks. By then you should have some good root growth, unless you manage to fry them in the first few days :D


Well-Known Member
i would say try to stay sterile. that means use rockwool. or a rapid rooter plugs. or a 50/50 perlite/vermiculte mixture. tap water is usually okay because its been treated to resist bad micro growth. you can use filtered water also (i prefer) but then it doesn't hurt to add about 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide per gallon. skip all the mychorizhae... skip any nutes... don't get Miracle Grow perlite as it has added nutes.... soil can harbor all kinds of crap. All they need, as someone already said, is a clean environment where the stem can stay in contact with a moist/damp (not soaking wet) medium, where air is still available as well. If you clone in a glass of water then you want to add water occassionally or stir up the water to increase the oxygen in it. Humidity domes make it so that you don't have to mist your clones as often. If you aren't using one then mist your plants 2-4 times a day with pH nuetral water with little or no (ie; 5-10-5) nutrients at about 1/10 strength or less. Some say any nutrients will inhibit root growth, but i tend to beleive that very light nutes just keep the clone healthier while it is inevitably growing roots. Expect roots to take a good 2 weeks. By then you should have some good root growth, unless you manage to fry them in the first few days :D
almost fried mine thanks god i adjust them everyday. if you ut blood/bone meal in the soil, why do you need nutes?


Well-Known Member
I love the rapid rooters and vita grow hormone (has both) Or Dip-N-Grow hormone. (Has both and a antibacterial.)

Dip the cutting in the hormone, put in rapid rooter. Keep the rooter in about 1/8 -1/4 inch water.

I don't do much of the fancy stuff, like scraping the bottom of the cutting or splitting them, etc. Do use clean tools, and dip right after cutting.

Just stick with it. Once you find your groove, its easy.


Well-Known Member
and how is that different than soil?
the reason i dont use soil is i use coco right through out the grow as it has a good water retention and always stays fluffy

it is good at defending the plant agains bacteria as it has special bacterias in it from the coco nut husks but each to there own


Well-Known Member
i've looking at the growing faq i'm using soil and exposing deeper layers inside the stem han't worked. niether has creating a little greenhouse. i use take root, grainular mycorrhizae, blood/bone meal, perlite, organic soil. i let the soil stay damp/dry side
You should get rid of the bone blood meal, soil ect and use vermiculite or a low neut soil.

Part of rooting is to encourage the plant to root and the bone blood and microzial stuff is just encouraging the plant to not root.

Also use new tender shoots and not old woody growth for cuttings. It takes longer to root at low soil temps.

vermiculite, water, light, humidity, dome.

The rooting hormone is to prevent fungial .

mich fungi help the plants after it has roots not before.


Well-Known Member
You should get rid of the bone blood meal, soil ect and use vermiculite or a low neut soil.

Part of rooting is to encourage the plant to root and the bone blood and microzial stuff is just encouraging the plant to not root.

Also use new tender shoots and not old woody growth for cuttings. It takes longer to root at low soil temps.

vermiculite, water, light, humidity, dome.

The rooting hormone is to prevent fungial .

mich fungi help the plants after it has roots not before.
are you sure?(about the mycorrizal) because i bought this shit offline and it specifically says "rooting gel" on it


Well-Known Member
You should get rid of the bone blood meal, soil ect and use vermiculite or a low neut soil.

Part of rooting is to encourage the plant to root and the bone blood and microzial stuff is just encouraging the plant to not root.

Also use new tender shoots and not old woody growth for cuttings. It takes longer to root at low soil temps.

vermiculite, water, light, humidity, dome.

The rooting hormone is to prevent fungial .

mich fungi help the plants after it has roots not before.
But blood meal is notoriously hot, and can fry the plants, which is what's most likely happening. Mycco is fine to use for clones, once the roots forms the mycoo will begin to colonize it.


Active Member
rockwool works great keep humidity high w a tent but not high so they get moldy then replant into soil once u see roots... they say to cut the roots at a 45 degree angle and not to close to a node which is where the plant splits for another branch ... u can buy cloning food too its very low in nutes so not to burn the little guys :)