The "Canada" described here doesn't actually correspond to mine but this was planned even before the 2015 elections - too many TrudeauManiacs just didn't realize it back then...
1st of all i'm starting to find all this dealer talk questionable at times, then i'd like to point out we should should have a USB/WiFi/Flash-SD hand microscopy ready when dealing, because "thumble weed" is made obvious at some 100 X magnification i'd say. Well, formerly my dealer stayed long enough so he didn't mind, not to mention he was currious too anyway, as i figure he didn't have one himself. Today it's all erased from reality, a thing of the past now that our only supply is the SQdC... No microscopes there. And there's a lot more in what's not quantified in dollars that also escapes the naked eye. Including the absence of hints as trichome glands, as i just mentioned. At least i was never asked to give my identity cards before passing the door of my own private living room.
About invisible systematic
VILIFICATION, please consider this simple exercise: the challenge is to get affordable 2:1 THC:CBD dry flowers, though i found that even "bio" or "organic" ain't helping it much. The thing is if plants can be assumed to have a finite capacity of noble molecules genesis then THC-centric, Full-CBD or even so-called "balanced" 1:1 are actually EXTREME THC/CBD ratio boundaries with vast voids between man-made clusters (horiz.="criminal"/"recreative"; vert.="medical"):

Pass the word...
Lets interpret what we see. It appears to me this animation of a Leafly THC/CBD genetic distribution graphic illustrates dense twin THC-centric clusters which got darker because that's the fruit of a much longer tradition practically going back to the invention of agriculture, since humans looked more like thick-furr apes when their brains integrated cannabis receptors as a consequence of evolution i would say. Then even more THC-oriented genetic selection occured, e.g. after politicians created a crisis out of thin air just to manipulate vulnerable audiences, initially in the victorian age and more recently between 2 wars.
I may be wrong but such phenomenon is
NOT naturally-occuring to me. That's why i consider the 1:1 and Full-CBD groups resulted from negationists/bigot prohibitionists searching for some anti-cannabis vaccine, to "protect"... In The Name Of Children!

Remember the summer we were all expecting to light up on Canada Day?? Go back in time a few months.
Simultaneously in new York that same day a parallel event was featured with Louise Harbour and many other UN insiders, they gathered to openly criticize UNGASS 2016, which cynically coïncided with a "4-20" by the way! ZERO "Fake News" there, not to mention this took place only
3 weeks after a french-speaking immigrant got KILLED by SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert in Montréal-N. over 8 oz gathered from multiple pockets... M'well, although i NEVER read about this last detail until a few days ago: apparently the guy had his brain crushed with only 3.5 g in his own pocket - which i still find too thin to justify such police abuse when dealing with an unarmed man, quite obviously. It's no secret neither that the cop walked away with a disciplinary reprimand and that's another hint on my radar, because after a while our politicians reveal themselves via those places where they never go. This man had a right to fair trial in a justice court, for exemple. Show me *
1* single politician who dared defende such legal right established in our common canuck constitution of 1867!!
Anyway i can trust no political parties in Ottawa and neither in my own province, which i suppose differs slightly anywhere else. To top it all i don't even feel as if i can trust the Bloc Pot with my vote and it's been on the mass-mediatic map for decades i think, so no friends among our own kind neither. Now tell me how that compares with Vancouver and Toronto, etc. Plus now all our "elites" push para-military police funding to fight street gangs, so they say.
Euh... Ah, i was supposed to suggest an easy SQdC (probing) experience... Here's my preliminary observation: it cost ~50$ more for 2:1 (THC:CBD) cannabis because non psycho-active mari-caca actually adds about 2 ~3 $ per gram to the bill and the 1/8th oz format combined to a 30 g purchase limit implies it's not too convenient to attempt effective blend permutations between the 3 groups - and there's more, always more!...
Since a plant can't realistically be all resin (...), if one falls for temptation of buying high-rating products then the automatic outcome shall still reflect extreme boundaries with little genetic-encoding room left to the "entourage effects". In other words the need to compensate for greed is another bigot vilification trap. Etc., etc. And i ain't mentioned savvy non-detection toxicity-optimized synergy soups of Pest Control Products approved through a catalog of 96 items approved by Health-Canada who are quick to call us "chemophobics" if we dare ask... Etc.
But i'm looking into this tube through the consumer's end i'm afraid, so that may explain the different perceptions. Being a Québeker only puts icing on the cake, no federalist politicians can resist that or we'd be hearing of the 5-yr revision due to happen during the NEXT mandate, so NOW would be a good time to get serious retrospective IMHO. Too bad politically-convenient
Québec Bashing served as a smoke screen to silence similar concerns.
Good day, have fun!!