
New Member
This is my first time attempting to have a green thumb,
Strain: Blueberry
PH reservoir is 5.8
return is 5.6
ppm 138
humidity 70's
heat 70's
chiller temps 68
running base nutrients:
I was hoping to allow 2 of the 5 girls to catch up by LST. but i dont know if i should just scrog and flower (if they are ready?) Ive been reading all the forums on ppms, and everyone seems to be feeding way more aggressive - with my ppms only reading 138. not running RO. my tap comes out pretty clean under 50 easily. roots are healthy. girls are around 2 1/2 months started from seed give or take. - any help as too what im doing wrong, or need to do


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Well-Known Member
Run off??? Rdwc does not have a runoff. So that is a little confusing.

How much room is there in that tent? After 2.5 months of veg plants should be absolutely fucking huge and there is literally not tent on the planet tall enough to flower a 2.5 month vegged plant. Unless you chopped and bent and twisted and bonzaid it crazy. They most likely will triple in size from the day you switch to flower.

So I have a feeling you got a huge head ache coming when you flip to massive brain smasher.

Use ec when talking about dissolved solids. Easier for everybody involved to understand. Your ppm may not be the same as my ppm. But your ec will always be the same.

Nothing wrong with low feed. If the plants look good then everything is good. You feed by what the plant says not what some guy on the internet says. The plant is the one eating not the keyboard warrior.


New Member
Run off??? Rdwc does not have a runoff. So that is a little confusing.

How much room is there in that tent? After 2.5 months of veg plants should be absolutely fucking huge and there is literally not tent on the planet tall enough to flower a 2.5 month vegged plant. Unless you chopped and bent and twisted and bonzaid it crazy. They most likely will triple in size from the day you switch to flower.

So I have a feeling you got a huge head ache coming when you flip to massive brain smasher.

Use ec when talking about dissolved solids. Easier for everybody involved to understand. Your ppm may not be the same as my ppm. But your ec will always be the same.

Nothing wrong with low feed. If the plants look good then everything is good. You feed by what the plant says not what some guy on the internet says. The plant is the one eating not the keyboard warrior.

Runoff maybe not correct terminology, but the flow back into the res. The tent is 10'x10',, with half of it utilized because im a newb at this and totally didnt take into account a lot of factors i now see. EC okay will do, i just got my Hone Forest in the mail yesterday, so im still trying to wrap my head around it. Apologies for the confusion. So should i flip to flower and scrog now then? my RDWC is a 2 x 4 system, with only 5 grow plot used (thank God obviously) So,, 5 girls in the tent. last picture was before the explosion
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Well-Known Member
Ahh. You uploaded better pics. Your not to bad for room. But those will be huge once flowered.

I use a net from the start and keep them very low and open. It is a little late to try and do much as far as canopy development. If you flip in a week the tent will fill out nicely. Just gotta watch height control.

Plants look healthy. Should be growing fast at this point.


New Member
So canopy development is futile? the root zones are the size of a basketball, and the only reason i put off the scrog until flower was to rotate them, as i would loose that ability with the net. And i heard from one of the videos, that in order too obtain big yields, i needed a "big house", so ive let them kind of get out of control. the width of the girls, 3 in particular are around 3ft. and i wanted to get the other 2 up to speed - but your telling me they will almost triple in size! didnt account for that. So just to recap, you say i should wait a week then flip? My led lamps are dimmable MarsHydro TSW 2000 - ive never dialed them past 50% in fear of light stress - do i go full on once in flower w/ nutrients? Thank you so much for your time and patience.


Well-Known Member
Step up to 100% don't just slam them with it. Canopy development is quite useful, but should have been started a month ago. start with low stress training and then move then to a scrog of necessary. I made portable scrogs for my hydro bins, should still allow for your rotation.



Well-Known Member
So canopy development is futile? the root zones are the size of a basketball, and the only reason i put off the scrog until flower was to rotate them, as i would loose that ability with the net. And i heard from one of the videos, that in order too obtain big yields, i needed a "big house", so ive let them kind of get out of control. the width of the girls, 3 in particular are around 3ft. and i wanted to get the other 2 up to speed - but your telling me they will almost triple in size! didnt account for that. So just to recap, you say i should wait a week then flip? My led lamps are dimmable MarsHydro TSW 2000 - ive never dialed them past 50% in fear of light stress - do i go full on once in flower w/ nutrients? Thank you so much for your time and patience.
This is my first run on LED so I'm not sure myself about optimal power. I stunted mine running at 50% on the dial. I'm thinking I will raise my light and up the power as the buds start to form.

But yeah. As said. Not much to do at this point for the canopy. Gotta start early.

But I'd start flower soonish. That tent going to fill up


New Member
Step up to 100% don't just slam them with it. Canopy development is quite useful, but should have been started a month ago. start with low stress training and then move then to a scrog of necessary. I made portable scrogs for my hydro bins, should still allow for your rotation.
WOW! i hope mine turn out to be that decadent and delicious lookin'!! Yeah, i truly wanted to start the training long ago, but was derailed by life issues. Definitely many lessons learned on this round. Im heading to lowes to grab the DIY set up today. Hopefully they will allow me to still do the ""sea of green"" method


Well-Known Member
I'm presently in the process of returning to DWC. I don't recirc cause I'm broke and can't afford a chiller. In the spirit of full disclosure, that was one of my better performances. I still have done Ok with coco so far but I miss DWC.
The scrogs weren't difficult, I used a blow torch to heat up a piece of metal to flatten the trimmer line like the head on a nail.
The hardest part was keeping the line taut while making the head on the other end. Then I just zip tie it to the top. I made 3" squares, some suggest 4" but I didn't have the flowering footprint I have now.
One more surprise, that was a Pineapple Express BAG SEED! So even bag seed can provide good smoke.


New Member
Sincerely i almost jumped on the DWC band wagon, but eventually decided to run RDWC out of fear of the root issues i was seeing people running into. It took me a good 6 months to budget out my system piece by piece. Not to mention i didnt want to fiddle with independent changes because lack of motivation on some days. this is my first build, first grow, and already I'm back in the batcave correcting minor issues to make things easier next run. I love RDWC. Already learned here that LST should have been done way sooner than ive allowed. Im still hoping and praying i can do some form of canopy control before i switch over. Just dont think it will be what i had in mind, which is a nut buster, but you live ya learn.