Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Well-Known Member
Your number 4 point is flat wrong and has been proven false.

1. It is their choice to be at risk. Hell even the first people that got covid before there was a vaccine have a immune system with antibodies that are 10-13 times more effective than the vaccine. They don't need the shot because they have natural immunity.
Please quote your sources so we can demonstrate that they are based on a kindergartener's understanding of statistics.

2. Being told you have one option is not a choice. It is an ultimatum and coercion. That is just wrong and immoral.

You have several options other than a vaccine. Testing, self isolation, illness and death.

3. You have yet to back up anything you have said and you have not disproved anything I have stated. You just insult me and say I'm stupid and promoting propaganda when I have done nothing but lay out facts that you cant disprove.
You have proved nothing. Your sources are poor and as wrong as you are. Quoting them has proven that you are another idiot or a liar, probably both.


Well-Known Member
Funny you are posting something saying that the propaganda about hospitals flooding with the horse shit medication cases, like that means anything about the virus cases. More second level trolling bullshit by the death cult spammers.

The truthiness of the spam may make people feel superior when they push it like they are right about something that they are not. But it is bullshit, you are just lying and pretending like you are not. But it is still you lying.

1. It is their choice to be at risk. Hell even the first people that got covid before there was a vaccine have a immune system with antibodies that are 10-13 times more effective than the vaccine. They don't need the shot because they have natural immunity.
Right, their choice. That nobody is taking away from them.

But you are flat out wrong about the rest of your regurgitated propaganda. Unvaccinated people who have gotten the virus are still at least 200% more likely to end up getting sick from the virus once again than fully vaccinated people.

2. Being told you have one option is not a choice. It is an ultimatum and coercion. That is just wrong and immoral.
Nope it is still a choice. You are wrong. Business owners have the right to put conditions on their employees all the time. Snow flaking about this because you are radicalized into being unsafe during a pandemic doesn't change the fact that you still have the choice to be an idiot.

3. You have yet to back up anything you have said and you have not disproved anything I have stated. You just insult me and say I'm stupid and promoting propaganda when I have done nothing but lay out facts that you cant disprove.
lmao, love when new accounts that are indistinguishable from trolls demand that you post shit for the millionth time on their first day trolling the site.


You are wrong about this too. I have posted all this shit several times. Just because you changed your sock doesn't mean that I have to post it once again. See choices all over the place.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is going to change the minds of these fools. Some of them still deny reality as they’re being hooked up to ventilators. Taking their stupidity to the grave.

What do you do with people too fucking stupid to save themselves and are a menace to society? Lock them up. Give them the shot while they are incarcerated and let them go when they are fully vaccinated. Fill up the jails instead of the hospitals. If you run out of room, release the non violent criminals. They are less of a threat than the anti vaccine morons.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is going to change the minds of these fools. Some of them still deny reality as they’re being hooked up to ventilators. Taking their stupidity to the grave.

What do you do with people too fucking stupid to save themselves and are a menace to society? Lock them up. Give them the shot while they are incarcerated and let them go when they are fully vaccinated. Fill up the jails instead of the hospitals. If you run out of room, release the non violent criminals. They are less of a threat than the anti vaccine morons.
It must be Hawthorn break time in Old Leningrad.


Well-Known Member
I literally do not know a single person that has gotten the virus and had to have been hospitalized, much less died. Your media programming is hyping this up as fear because they want more gov overreach.
This is called narcissism, where, because you didn't have a certain experience, you assume everyone must have not had a certain experience. You have to start by realizing that there are more people here than you.


Well-Known Member
If I get covid from someone I'm not going to blame then or be mad
But you WOULD bleat your way to the front of the line for healthcare. What you selfish fucks fail to realize -OTHER. PEOPLE. STILL. GET. SICK. And the resources for critical and intensive care are stretched thin. As a nurse, I can tell you empathy for the unvaxxed is in very short supply.

I find it so baffling that you guys fail to deduce this.
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Well-Known Member
Exactly. People have a short memory of what these politicians say vs what they do once their party is in power.

And people are getting fired left and right.
You might misunderstand what capitalism is. It's like the African plains, survival of the fittest, cutthroat as fuck. It's not here to make you a latte and tell you how cute you are.


Well-Known Member
But you WOULD bleat your way to the front of the line for healthcare. What you selfish fucks fail to realize -OTHER. PEOPLE. STILL. GET. SICK. And the resources for critical and intensive care are stretched thin. As an nurse, I can tell you their empathy is in very short supply for the unvaxxed.

I find it so baffling that you guys fail to deduce this.
I don't. Today's Republicans don't give a flying fuck what happens to other people.

It's all about their freedumb.


Well-Known Member
But you WOULD bleat your way to the front of the line for healthcare. What you selfish fucks fail to realize -OTHER. PEOPLE. STILL. GET. SICK. And the resources for critical and intensive care are stretched thin. As a nurse, I can tell you the empathy is in very short supply for the unvaxxed.

I find it so baffling that you guys fail to deduce this.
Nobody seemed to care that I had to shut down my business and lost my livelihood. Ended up having to sell my house and moving across the country to take on a new opportunity. So no, I have no regard for your stupid mandates that do not help. They make things worse.

Yet still the feds are allowing hundreds of thousands of sick ppl across our border and are doing nothing about it. Why aren't you bitching about that if you are tired and your patience is running thin with those that aren't vaxed?

The beauty of American is I have the freedom to say fuck you and your vaccine mandates that really doesn't work. Why get the vaccine when you can still get covid after the fact? Ohh because the symptoms aren't as bad? Okay...I trust my immune system as it's worked pretty good so far. Never had the flu shot nor will I. If I do by chance get covid or the flu I'll be the first one on here to let ya know how good or bad it was. If I have to get hospitalized then you can say I told you so. Either way I still won't be getting the vaccine. So stop trying to infringe on people's freedoms to make you feel safer.


Well-Known Member
I don't. Today's Republicans don't give a flying fuck what happens to other people.

It's all about their freedumb.
I cant imagine what its like to have such a profound ignorance of science along with a selfish willingness to put others in jeopardy because they're so mentally weak that they've been manipulated into believing that vaccines are somehow political. Just reading these comments from antivaxxers speaks to their understanding of viral loads or how even the most basic healthcare works.

Years and years of vaccine mandates for public schools, travel, and healthcare and not once do I recall it becoming a political issue about "freedom" until the GOP politized science.