Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Well-Known Member
And you guys are literally taking sheep drench as medicine so really try harder and project less, ASMALLPENIS
You referring to Ivermectin?

Right, because "up yours" is so politically-charged

A cursory perusal of my posts would reveal the depth of your ignorance
You kinda asked for it when you did nothing but insult me over an opinion. Figired I'd hit a nerve and open up an honest discussion about it. But I am finding out that you guys are more hostile and not looking to have a discussion and you would rather demonize people that have a different opinion.


Well-Known Member
You kinda asked for it when you did nothing but insult me over an opinion. Figired I'd hit a nerve and open up an honest discussion about it. But I am finding out that you guys are more hostile and not looking to have a discussion and you would rather demonize people that have a different opinion.
You should think about a new account. This one is a laughing stock.


Well-Known Member
You referring to Ivermectin?

You kinda asked for it when you did nothing but insult me over an opinion. Figired I'd hit a nerve and open up an honest discussion about it. But I am finding out that you guys are more hostile and not looking to have a discussion and you would rather demonize people that have a different opinion.
Better than demonizing them for being a different race.


Well-Known Member
You referring to Ivermectin?

You kinda asked for it when you did nothing but insult me over an opinion. Figired I'd hit a nerve and open up an honest discussion about it. But I am finding out that you guys are more hostile and not looking to have a discussion and you would rather demonize people that have a different opinion.
When talking about public health and science, the opinion of a restaurateur is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
You referring to Ivermectin?

You kinda asked for it when you did nothing but insult me over an opinion. Figired I'd hit a nerve and open up an honest discussion about it. But I am finding out that you guys are more hostile and not looking to have a discussion and you would rather demonize people that have a different opinion.
You guys arent taking prescribed ivermectin. Youre taking sheep drench and cattle dewormer