You also have to give it a "cool" name and put a dragon or gremlin or something on the package.
The only downside to gaia green is the shipping costs, it seem more viable to get them at a local feed store vs trying to order them online
I am in Canada and I priced a few places like indoorgrowing canada, holland and even checked your shop, holland and indoor both were going to charge for overweight shipping "even tho they said free shipping" and I seen your place say it was free shipping "which if its true it makes your shop the cheapest place to get them online" so I was unsure. If the shipping is free with u all then id for sure get them, that would save me a trip to the feed store and would make it an amazing bargainGaia is pretty good although not a mom and pop company anymore as Hydrofarm bought out Grotek which bought Gaia Green a few years back. Hydrofarm is the lesster of the two evils with Hawthrone being the major shysters.
Are you in Canada or US? Us now has distributors ship of Gaia so most hydro stores should be able to get it. I do free shipping over $99 so get $100 and you save +++
I am in Canada and I priced a few places like indoorgrowing canada, holland and even checked your shop, holland and indoor both were going to charge for overweight shipping "even tho they said free shipping" and I seen your place say it was free shipping "which if its true it makes your shop the cheapest place to get them online" so I was unsure. If the shipping is free with u all then id for sure get them, that would save me a trip to the feed store and would make it an amazing bargain
Yeah Im in Ontario as well and shipping is getting absurd. Your gaia green excluding shipping costs is on point with the others but free shipping puts yours over 55 dollars cheaper then any other place online that ive seen, that savings is on par with what it costs at feed store, only difference would be the time and gas saved to go to feed store.. So basically that would be the best deal out thereWell the weight thing is a double edge sword as shipping is fuck ass expensive in Canada. I had two orders this month (most of my orders are to Ontario) and I've lost money on free shipping as the shipping costs were more than the profit I made. I actually lose about 40% profit on free shipping. I think I'm about $4000+ in free shipping that I had to eat up this year. I can write that off as a business cost when doing my corp taxes but have to ride that for a whole year.
I was thinking of raising prices across the board and doing 100% free shipping but not sure if the customer will look at the price first vs seeing free shipping with no purchase limit. I'd have to probably do a 20-25% price increase.
Yeah Im in Ontario as well and shipping is getting absurd. Your gaia green excluding shipping costs is on point with the others but free shipping puts yours over 55 dollars cheaper then any other place online that ive seen, that savings is on par with what it costs at feed store, only difference would be the time and gas saved to go to feed store.. So basically that would be the best deal out there
Yeah I personally seen that 1st hand, indoor canada was 99 when I placed order but 2 days later they bumped it to 149. I like your idea of maybe adjusting prices so you're not losing so much but offer free shipping with no minimum purchases. For myself I hate paying shipping but I really cant stand to be forced to pay 149 just to get free shipping..The problem is the stores are not charging enough for products to offset any free shipping costs. I've been watching online stores since legalization. 70% of them came out of the line with super cheap prices I was like WTF? Well with in a year they all jacked up the prices back to semi normal. Then had others doing free shipping after $79 or less Canada wide, now those ones are doing it for $149+ lol Then they had some weight restrictions.
Yeah I personally seen that 1st hand, indoor canada was 99 when I placed order but 2 days later they bumped it to 149. I like your idea of maybe adjusting prices so you're not losing so much but offer free shipping with no minimum purchases. For myself I hate paying shipping but I really cant stand to be forced to pay 149 just to get free shipping..
Ya I get has too be paid somewhere right. Either by you or in the profit from the order. It's either got to be here or there.Still deciding which way to go. For a couple more months I`m gonna do two free shipping levels. BC, AB and MB $49 and rest of Canada $99. I'm gonna debate of the free shipping across the board over the next few days and see how much I'd have to raise the prices to compensate for it
Another stupid thing all the stores do is list almost everything that suppliers have in their catalogues which for a retail store not financially possible as it would be millions of stock and probably a 20Ksf ware house to stock all even if you carried a couple set of each item.. A warehouse like that is $20K+ per month lol Even funnier is the suppliers don't even have 1/3 of those items in stock themselves.
Ya I get has too be paid somewhere right. Either by you or in the profit from the order. It's either got to be here or there.
It's either included in a price or charged to the customer. Don't feel bad. It's the way it works and we get it.