how to grow mushrooms the easy way

Sorry I didn’t post anything. Been very busy with work.
I fixed the problem with the popcorn. I just needed to boil longer (1 hr) and used less popcorn and made sure they were split. The jars were colonized in 10 days .
ok, so I cased them with coir and vermiculite( pasteurized) last Monday almost a week ago. Here are some pictures. Out of 6 jars only one ran mycelium up through the soil and you can see the fingers of mycelium in the picture . The other jars the mycelium is not as aggressive. Still no contamination.

oh and one jar has tiny mushrooms growing three inches down .

I covered in foil to block light and i spritz the jars twice a day .
How long until mushrooms come out the top?
And I missing something ? Patience for sure lol

Days, if you see primordial then it won't be long
It’s 70% vermiculite to 30% cocoa coir , correct?
I’m not seeing the mycelium take over the coir and only two jars have pins but inches below the top
I can see mycelium at the surface now but there are pins about two to three inches down. I foiled the sides the same day I topped with cocoa coir.
Maybe some light leak or who knows . The second picture is the most advanced jar with pins at the top

the rest of the jars are finally getting mycelium to the surface. Still no contamination


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Your casing might have been a tad too deep. Further, you may have cased late.
The mycelium just isn’t running up the coir like I would think. I must have done something wrong with the coir casing . It is 70/30 vermiculite to coir. I ran the coir through a sifter so it is fine. I pasteurized it as per your post . Moist and 4 hours at 180. I got not contaminated casing or jars.
The casing was slightly damp . I spritz the jars with water twice a day. Too much water? Too little?
Every jar is growing mushrooms in well under the surface . I wrapped in foil to block light the same day I cased.
The second picture is a jar i cased about 5 days ago and the mycelium is barely touching it .


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Your casing might have been a tad too deep. Further, you may have cased late.
The mycelium just isn’t running up the coir like I would think. I must have done something wrong with the coir casing . It is 70/30 vermiculite to coir. I ran the coir through a sifter so it is fine. I pasteurized it as per your post . Moist and 4 hours at 200
The mycelium just isn’t running up the coir like I would think. I must have done something wrong with the coir casing . It is 70/30 vermiculite to coir. I ran the coir through a sifter so it is fine. I pasteurized it as per your post . Moist and 4 hours at 200

There are three things that affect casing.
Nutrient, pH, moisture.

If the pH is too acid you just get contamination. Too base, mycelium slows down. Too wet, it's stringy and lethargic, too dry and it is whisky and sparse.
I think my coir is too base then and it too wet.
Do you keep misting with mushrooms growing ? One of the jars has produced maybe a half oz dry. The others are behind . It seems like they will eventually yield decent.
I’m happy and surprised 0 contaminants so far ..
I just inoculated 4 more jars a few days ago. I was purposely careless with the syringe and how long I had the jars open. I didn’t spray any Lysol or anything . 0 contamination… the popcorn is so forgiving . Once I get the casing down this tech is awesome


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I think my coir is too base then and it too wet.
Do you keep misting with mushrooms growing ? One of the jars has produced maybe a half oz dry. The others are behind . It seems like they will eventually yield decent.
I’m happy and surprised 0 contaminants so far ..
I just inoculated 4 more jars a few days ago. I was purposely careless with the syringe and how long I had the jars open. I didn’t spray any Lysol or anything . 0 contamination… the popcorn is so forgiving . Once I get the casing down this tech is awesome

My pressure cooker maxes out at 15 psi but it doesn't go over that enough or does it need to maintain a psi OVER 15 psi?
My pressure cooker maxes out at 15 psi but it doesn't go over that enough or does it need to maintain a psi OVER 15 psi?

That is all most pressure cooker go to. You will be fine. Autoclaves go higher but all you need to figure is time, lower pressure only needs more time.

I find that instruments need 45 minutes. Raw grain in smaller amounts, 1.5 hours. Bags of grain 2.0 hours, pre grown (wet your grain and let it sit for two days) 1 hour. Agar or liquid culture 30 min

These are based on temperature strips placed in the substrate. And high quality grain.
I think my coir is too base then and it too wet.
Do you keep misting with mushrooms growing ? One of the jars has produced maybe a half oz dry. The others are behind . It seems like they will eventually yield decent.
I’m happy and surprised 0 contaminants so far ..
I just inoculated 4 more jars a few days ago. I was purposely careless with the syringe and how long I had the jars open. I didn’t spray any Lysol or anything . 0 contamination… the popcorn is so forgiving . Once I get the casing down this tech is awesome

No tyvek, no mixing substrate, no birthing, no waiting weeks and weeks, no fruiting chambers, no fanning, no tiny tiny yield, no dunking.
That is all most pressure cooker go to. You will be fine. Autoclaves go higher but all you need to figure is time, lower pressure only needs more time.

I find that instruments need 45 minutes. Raw grain in smaller amounts, 1.5 hours. Bags of grain 2.0 hours, pre grown (wet your grain and let it sit for two days) 1 hour. Agar or liquid culture 30 min

These are based on temperature strips placed in the substrate. And high quality grain.
I was goin to use verm and brown rice flour that's the only recipe I know plus I have some already at my disposal I've done it before with my buddy's PC but I forgot what pressure his was and he was helping me do it...I think we did it for a hour do 90 mins just to be safe ?
I was goin to use verm and brown rice flour that's the only recipe I know plus I have some already at my disposal I've done it before with my buddy's PC but I forgot what pressure his was and he was helping me do it...I think we did it for a hour do 90 mins just to be safe ?

Yep, good enough for small amounts.
I know this is an old one but that tek is way way overboard on cleaning.

there’s no need to shower or do laundry or any of that.

you want to hit 15psi for an hour minimum with grains. With something like brf flour you can get away with just steaming for a couple hours.
I know this is an old one but that tek is way way overboard on cleaning.

there’s no need to shower or do laundry or any of that.

you want to hit 15psi for an hour minimum with grains. With something like brf flour you can get away with just steaming for a couple hours.
Still I'll hit 15 psi for peace of mind but what you said makes me feel better about it too
I know this is an old one but that tek is way way overboard on cleaning.

there’s no need to shower or do laundry or any of that.

you want to hit 15psi for an hour minimum with grains. With something like brf flour you can get away with just steaming for a couple hours.
Do you know the initial cleanliness of the situation? I don't.

You do know that each of us has an external biome and some are quite nasty.

Clothes also confer that skin biome back to the skin of the person wearing them.

Brf? Ok, now you have to mix up a substrate that thins the flour and putting that substrate in quart jars ups the "steam" time.

All this is meant to start people off in ways other than that stupid pf tech.

Pf tech was designed exclusively to sell syringes, not for yield, not for simplicity.

I know that those who have used that tech are in love with it for some reason, having a big sweaty box had to make made sitting in their bedroom that has two inches of soaking perlite in the bottom and "fanning" it every few hours, waiting weeks if not months for their little pucks to colonize and consolodate. Then nursing that little puck to yield some insignificant fraction of an ounce. Building little tyvek lids (I suppose you can buy them pre-made now tho) is more silliness. Even that flaming of the needle after every inoculation is eliminated (nothing ever touches the needle)

Of course the new "easiest method" is now to buy a ported bag of sterile grain and a spore syringe.

All things considered, the cheapest as well.