Reminder: Brett kavanaugh is a rapist


Well-Known Member
With Clarence Thomas and Kavanaugh, it's like the battle of the bodily fluids in the Supreme Court. Total bukkake fest.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with you if you were right.
Well we know you cry about it here on RIU, aaaaand you choose to live here in the US, aaaaaaaaand you choose to pay US taxes. Check, check and....check, but sure, "NO U" is always an excellent defense to fallback on.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Well we know you cry about it here on RIU, aaaaand you choose to live here in the US, aaaaaaaaand you choose to pay US taxes. Check, check and....check, but sure, "NO U" is always an excellent defense to fallback on.
There's no such thing as "the U.S." though. It's a legal fiction, a euphemism for a gang. I thought you knew that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Pro tip: If you have to reject the principles of property borders and nations in order to be "right", you might not be right.
Property and national borders are not the same thing. Nice conflation though.

Property arises from a different source than national borders. National borders often violate consent.

You are confused and I am winning.


Well-Known Member
Property and national borders are not the same thing. Nice conflation though.

Property arises from a different source than national borders. National borders often violate consent.

You are confused and I am winning.
Holy shit, you are so bad at words. I never said they were the same thing. If I say "cats and dogs", are you equally confused?