Overwatering issue RDWC system


Active Member
What the hell is going on here?
This looks like overwatering but how?
I have 2 inches of space from net pot to water level.
Air stones are working...
Ph 5.8
Water is 65°F
Temps 77°F
RH 60%
Co2 1200ppm


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Have you successfully ran this system before? You mentioned that the air stones are working. Is it possible that the water is circulating too quickly? Perhaps the water you are aerating is just getting recirculated away too quickly? I'm only guessing here but it does look to be air related. Plants look great, otherwise.
Leaves are big and full of water,perhaps its the light?But they look good to me.
Yeah they are full of water and clawing in the middle
Which is why I think watering issue.
Could be too much CO2 maybe? Or pool shock used to sterile the system?
They look nice @KambleFrost . Have you done any reading on VPD?
Here’s a link to a post

That’ll help you dial in your temps and Rh.
Yeah they are full of water and clawing in the middle
Which is why I think watering issue.
Could be too much CO2 maybe? Or pool shock used to sterile the system?

I would also make sure you’re not pumping garbage air into the water, smoke, carbon monoxide, etc. If it was pool shock, a pic of the roots would tell that.
Hahaha take a closer look to the middle
Leaves are clawing.
I’ve had that recently in my aero cloner. I chalked it up to a little too much ppm/EC. Is it something new? Your uppers have a slight claw too, I’m thinking the dose was a little hot but she grew into it.
If you’re worried, you could cut the ppm of the solution down.
No overwatering in hydro, unless it’s on the floor.
Yup pool shock for sure will make them droop.Should bounce back though as the chlorine evaporates.
Co2 yeah temp needs to be higher really hard to dial that in needing a sealed room with really high temps.
Yup pool shock for sure will make them droop.Should bounce back though as the chlorine evaporates.
Co2 yeah temp needs to be higher really hard to dial that in needing a sealed room with really high temps.
Make them claw like that too though?
I’m hoping it’s that simple, if it is I’ll be switching to peroxide instead
Idk if I even need it in this system tbh
Nope, they are pearly white when they haven’t been fed with the dark water that is my nutrients lol
It’s the FloraNova that taints their colour
I didn’t have any luck with flora nova and pool shock, peroxide was the ticket. I can see brown specks sticking to the roots in the pics, as long as those where there, I had issues. Maybe I’m seeing shit, but if not, don’t ignore it.
Make them claw like that too though?
I’m hoping it’s that simple, if it is I’ll be switching to peroxide instead
Idk if I even need it in this system tbh
I ran h2o2 when I did hydro,a little to strong and they all wilted.But hours later they'd recover.Your issue could just be fast growth,and\or EC just to high.Watch new growth ,if thats rockin then no issue.Water temp too cold can doit also.