Hi, just wanted to share what I have going, ~using bugabee method. I’ve only been using it for about a month now but it seems pretty nice so far, some of my best looking seedling to date.

That’s my girls, maybe a male or 2, mostly auto flowers. Ranging from over a month, to a week old. The oldest ones were stressed by over nute and some over water too.

All of these plants were removed from a different substrate (fine vermiculite and peat), yesterday I switched the fine it with the extra coarse, it looks like all the plants took it pretty well.
thE fine works really well for seedlings but I think that is what helped me overwater. my exact mix now is 50 peat, 40 coarse virmuclite 10 fine virmuclite. also pelletized gypsum and dolo lime, not powder, no scale, eyeballed the right amount, I think a little heavy.
Here is the ferts I will be using throughout, ~exclusively. 200 ppm of this every watering and Folier spray seems to make the plants happy (200ppm tap water being used, 400ppm total), from day 0-30, at least. Was trying to keep water ph sub 6 but it rises to 7, sitting outside, I’ll care when the plants do.
it was the closest thing I could find to 2-1-2 from this company and I wanted to give them a try, I like the ingredients they are using. On second look I think they had something closer to 2-1-2, but I don’t want to look again haha. So far I really like it and I think this gallon should last forever.
I guess that’s all for now but here is some of my best looking seedlings.