
Those two scenarios are not mutually exclusive. In the case of ADE, the vaccine could be a Trojan horse for the virus, thereby landing you in the hospital unnecessarily. Feel free to read up on ADE. We don't know if it's happening yet, but numbers from Israel sure suggest at such a real possibility, hence the need for so many boosters.

Here's the TLDR part:

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I live in a tiny little town with just about 100 people, and at least 15 that I know of came down with Covid last week-every single person who attends the local church. 2 people died last year here during the first wave. I can almost guarantee you that none of these people were vaccinated, this place is a Trumper/anti-vaxx haven. Over 15% of the town infected....
I think one of the biggest mistakes modern medicine made was to move away from Latin. Now the idiots think they understand what they read because it's english. Unfortunately they don't understand the unique meanings the words carry in the profession.

You can usually spot them by their clinging to raw statistics because they really don't understand curve fitting. Oh well, fewer but better.
Here is that latest batshit “ cure “ going on ….
Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide.
Even thru a nebulizer .

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic more commonly used to prevent infection from minor cuts, burns and scrapes. It is also used as a tooth whitener in some toothpastes, and as a common household cleaning agent.

But it can be poisonous for humans if swallowed in strong enough concentrations. The AAFA recommends against inhaling it in through a nebulizer, a medical machine which turns medications into breathable mist.

"Only use asthma medicine prescribed by your doctor in your nebulizer. Other chemicals can be harmful to your lungs," the AAFA warned.

Antivaxxers … Let america
be free … of you.
Here is that latest batshit “ cure “ going on ….
Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide.
Even thru a nebulizer .

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic more commonly used to prevent infection from minor cuts, burns and scrapes. It is also used as a tooth whitener in some toothpastes, and as a common household cleaning agent.

But it can be poisonous for humans if swallowed in strong enough concentrations. The AAFA recommends against inhaling it in through a nebulizer, a medical machine which turns medications into breathable mist.

"Only use asthma medicine prescribed by your doctor in your nebulizer. Other chemicals can be harmful to your lungs," the AAFA warned.

Antivaxxers … just chew a bullet already. Let america
be free … of you.
That's actually last year's news, circa March 2020. I don't claim to support it's use myself, but Thomas Levy (who apparently holds both a Medical Doctorate and also a Law Doctorate) seems to:
That's actually last year's news, circa March 2020. I don't claim to support it's use myself, but Thomas Levy (who apparently holds both a Medical Doctorate and also a Law Doctorate) seems to:
"Because hydrogen peroxide consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen
atom (H2O2), it is this extra oxygen atom that makes it so deadly for viruses. In order
to comprehend why H2O2 therapy works so well, you must first understand that viral
infections are eradicated from the body not by killing the virus itself, but rather by
killing the cells that produce them."
that "extra" oxygen molecule is what makes h2o2 a strong disinfects by oxidizing anything it can glom onto...including the tissues of your body, which is why there are warnings on it. i have some 32% and it will burn a hole in your skin in about 30 seconds
Another tragedy

Father of 12 dies of COVID in Texas after struggles finding ECMO machine, family says

A day after a wife’s public plea to help find her husband an ECMO machine to save his life, a Texas father died of COVID-19.

Reed Hickson, a 49-year-old father of 12 from College Station, died Monday. He is among the nearly 63,000 people who have died from the virus in Texas, according to New York Times data.

“My little brother Reed was called home last night, leaving behind a legacy of true love and greatness, his family of 12 beautiful children and his magnificent soul mate,” Samuel Hickson said on Facebook Tuesday of his brother.

Gina Robnett Hickson, Reed Hickson’s wife of 29 years, said Sunday he was in need of a hospital bed with ECMO capabilities.

ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, machines are in limited supply in many parts of the country, McClatchy News reported. The machines work as a last resort procedure against the virus by replacing the function of the heart and lungs by sucking blood out of the body, pushing it through an artificial lung that feeds it oxygen, then returning it to the heart.

“He stayed stable for a couple of days and then he was starting to steadily decline. We had, I cannot tell you how many people trying to save his life and trying to get an ECMO machine, a hospital that had a bed with one,” Gina Robnett Hickson told KTBX.

Family friend Dr. Andy Wilson told the TV station they looked to Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma and Florida to find the machine before he died Monday. Only some hospitals are equipped to carry ECMO machines, as they require a specially trained team of health care workers, McClatchy News reported.

Reed Hickson’s bout with COVID-19 began around a month ago and included a 10-day stay in the hospital and two additional admittances to the ICU, his wife said. Most of the family also caught the virus but had mild forms, she told KTBX.

Putting the patriarch of the family on a ventilator “was his only chance to stay alive,” the wife said on Facebook a day before his death. It’s unclear if the father was vaccinated.
Another tragedy

Father of 12 dies of COVID in Texas after struggles finding ECMO machine, family says

Putting the patriarch of the family on a ventilator “was his only chance to stay alive,” the wife said on Facebook a day before his death. It’s unclear if the father was vaccinated.

when it becomes clear he was vaccinated, then i'll give a damn, until then, don't care anymore
Fluvoxamine, an antidepressant has also been hyped as a “ miracle game changer “
( * spits beer … sorry :mrgreen: )

What makes this result potentially such a big deal is that fluvoxamine is inexpensive and has already been FDA approved for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), so any doctor can prescribe it for Covid-19 using their clinical judgment (what’s called “off-label” prescribing). It’s a pill, which means it doesn’t need to be administered in a hospital or by a medical professional.

To be clear, these results have just been released, and clinicians around the world will want to take a close look at them as they decide whether or not to prescribe fluvoxamine. Future research could also moderate this exciting result.

Here’s what we know: This is a large and well-designed study that affirms previous studies that pointed in the same direction. More research is needed, but the results from this trial might already start changing how we treat Covid-19. And the way researchers stumbled upon the drug as a potential treatment is a worthwhile story in itself about the scientific process and the unseen and often unheralded work that’s helping humanity fight the pandemic. Thank god these “ researchers “ stumble upon shit ….

Read this last quote carefully …..

This is a huge finding,” study co-author Ed Mills, a professor of health sciences at McMaster University, told me.

The game changers are things we already had in the cupboards.”

Another tragedy

Father of 12 dies of COVID in Texas after struggles finding ECMO machine, family says

A day after a wife’s public plea to help find her husband an ECMO machine to save his life, a Texas father died of COVID-19.

Reed Hickson, a 49-year-old father of 12 from College Station, died Monday. He is among the nearly 63,000 people who have died from the virus in Texas, according to New York Times data.

“My little brother Reed was called home last night, leaving behind a legacy of true love and greatness, his family of 12 beautiful children and his magnificent soul mate,” Samuel Hickson said on Facebook Tuesday of his brother.

Gina Robnett Hickson, Reed Hickson’s wife of 29 years, said Sunday he was in need of a hospital bed with ECMO capabilities.

ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, machines are in limited supply in many parts of the country, McClatchy News reported. The machines work as a last resort procedure against the virus by replacing the function of the heart and lungs by sucking blood out of the body, pushing it through an artificial lung that feeds it oxygen, then returning it to the heart.

“He stayed stable for a couple of days and then he was starting to steadily decline. We had, I cannot tell you how many people trying to save his life and trying to get an ECMO machine, a hospital that had a bed with one,” Gina Robnett Hickson told KTBX.

Family friend Dr. Andy Wilson told the TV station they looked to Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma and Florida to find the machine before he died Monday. Only some hospitals are equipped to carry ECMO machines, as they require a specially trained team of health care workers, McClatchy News reported.

Reed Hickson’s bout with COVID-19 began around a month ago and included a 10-day stay in the hospital and two additional admittances to the ICU, his wife said. Most of the family also caught the virus but had mild forms, she told KTBX.

Putting the patriarch of the family on a ventilator “was his only chance to stay alive,” the wife said on Facebook a day before his death. It’s unclear if the father was vaccinated.
Who has 12 kids???

Fucking over breeders, ruining this planet.