20 gal of Gold

Also regarding about what you said with spraying the buds after a rain would help it dry faster, what kind of spray would you use? H202?
it appears someone placed it in grow journals already, is it int he correct place?
Yes it is, thank you anyway! I searched how to do so on the forums and another mod previously told another member to send them a message with the linked post and new location, so I did that.
Also regarding about what you said with spraying the buds after a rain would help it dry faster, what kind of spray would you use? H202?
Drying out completely is your goal, and the surfactants are your best friends to reach that goal. H202 ensures an oxygen rich environment, inhibiting mold and bacteria. You can combine the two and spray when the rain stops to replace stagnant water with fast-drying, oxygen-rich water!

Any surfactant should work(plain ivory white bottle is probably the cheapest and most readily available, but if organic I'd go yucca or aloe) to help it dry off. You want to use enough to make the water "flatten" on the leaves and buds. It's good to error on the lower side of things with anything foliar. I'd add a little bit, shake it up in a spray bottle, and spot test on a leaf. If it makes droplets you need more. If it "flattens" you're good to go!

As far as h202 goes, the 3% stuff at the stores contains stabilizers that we really dont want to be using. They have 12%, 35%, etc of food grade h202. That's the stuff you want! I have some 12% on hand and 3-5 ml is good for a lower end rate. Alot of ppl use 8 ml (or equivalent solution depending on h202 concentrations) without problems. Some people may recommend more, but I wouldn't do so myself. That always seems to get the job done for me!
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Drying out completely is your goal, and the surfactants are your best friends to reach that goal. H202 ensures an oxygen rich environment, inhibiting mold and bacteria. You can combine the two and spray when the rain stops to replace stagnant water with fast-drying, oxygen-rich water!

Any surfactant should work(plain ivory white bottle is probably the cheapest and most readily available, but if organic I'd go yucca or aloe) to help it dry off. You want to use enough to make the water "flatten" on the leaves and buds. It's good to error on the lower side of things with anything foliar. I'd add a little bit, shake it up in a spray bottle, and spot test on a leaf. If it makes droplets you need more. If it "flattens" you're good to go!

As far as h202 goes, the 3% stuff at the stores contains stabilizers that we really dont want to be using. They have 12%, 35%, etc of food grade h202. That's the stuff you want! I have some 12% on hand and 3-5 ml is good for a lower end rate. Alot of ppl use 8 ml (or equivalent solution depending on h202 concentrations) without problems. Some people may recommend more, but I wouldn't do so myself. That always seems to get the job done for me!
Wicked thanks for your info and knowledge I appreciate it!
Ok so let's continue!

Here we are at the end of July. The smaller plant is basically SOL I told her "good luck girl you're on your own now.." LOL

The larger girl is showing some deficiencies/root stress but this tends to happen regardless of feeding when you have this much root mass in such a relatively small pot. She is clearly root bound as there's roots everywhere and she's over 7' tall from the deck (again, should have upsized but planned not to). Root bound plant + black pot + some hot California sun = unhappy rootzone! LOL
As I stated before my backyard doesn't get too much direct sun though, maybe a few hours touching the actual pot.

Needless to say shes drinking like a fish at this point. My set up and schedule doesn't really allow me to keep up with her! Shes drinking everyday and pretty dry in the morning.
Another thing! Dry pot + high ambient temperatures also = unhappy rootzone! You must realize that in nature(in the ground), the majority of the rootzone its protected from heat by the topsoil, and the topsoil usually receives some protection from the foliage(or natural cover crop)!
The reason that plants in the ground usually do so much better are usually contributed to 3 things!
1. The temperature of the root zone is cooler and much more consistent! And as goes with most things involving plants, gradual changes are best. Less shock!
2. More root space! (The obvious one huh?LOL)
3. More consistent water levels! Ground water is usually available even when the topsoil dries out, and as long as the soil drains well overwatering is uncommon.
So ya a fast drinking/evaporating rootbound black potted plant like this is bound to bring some problems. LOL
That brings me to a couple of other points.
1. Mulch would have definitely helped at this stage, or in general during the heat! It slows evaporation and helps keep the topsoil moist. I should have placed some even earlier in the grow, but again this grow had minimal inputs.
2. As I keep repeating, black pots are your enemy in hot sun with a rootbound plant! A plant without roots along the edges(such as a seedling or new transplant) can actually benefit from the increased soil temps and drive root growth. But that's because the plant doesn't drink as fast so the pot stays more consistently moist/cool and roots aren't getting fried!
Also, black pots can help during the cold season or colder climates for the same reason. A method I've experimented with in the past is painting my pots white! It definitely helps during the hot season! Try it out, set 1 white pot and 1 black pot out in the sun and feel both of them after some prolonged sun exposure. Doesn't take a genius to realize the black pot will be much hotter! The black pot will actually burn to the touch while the white pot will just stay warm.
The problem with both black and white pots is that they are both a double edged sword. White pots will keep the rootzone too cold in the cold, and black pots will make the rootzone too hot in the heat!

My newfound solution to this problem (dont know why I never thought of it before LOL) is to use panda film! You can wrap the pots with the white side out for a cooling effect, and either wrap the black side out or remove the film altogether for a heating effect. I find this even more effective for cooling than a white pot because of the airspace between the film and pot.
You can also use it as a mulch that will condensate all moisture that has evaporated.
You can also use it for great benefits with fabric pots! Let's face it root pruning is a sound practice for container growing but they really aren't so practical without adjustments! The outer edges of the pot just dry out so fast from air/light exposure that dry pockets/channels occur and the roots hardly make it to the edges! Unnecessary stress. With the panda film wrap the edges are protected from light/sun and the airflow is reduced, so the edges remain moist, yet there is still an adequate air gap for root pruning to take place! Amazing LOL

Anyway, one stoned thought leads to another and I said I'd post any useful information that I think of! :lol:
I topped all the lateral branches I believe a week before this to reduce the width so she doesn't take up the whole backyard


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Here they are 1 week into August. The smaller girl is transitioning and the big one will soon follow! Watering until run off once per day but its really not enough!
The top angle pic was taken standing on a chair


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Here they are midway through August.
The feeding needed to be stepped up a bit and another layer of soil was added/wetted in attempts to maintain her health. I realize she was long due for intervention! LOL
So to justify spending money on the grow I installed a cheap reed fence on some T posts along the back fence! (Remember I was worried about these plants getting jacked like my last crop)
My backyard is surrounded by trees/vegetation and makes it nearly impossible to breach or really even see through except on the fence that we share with our neighbors directly behind us. And they went through the neighbors yard and hopped that fence to steal the plants! So now although the lady still stands taller than the extended fence, it makes it a bitch to get in/out of our backyard so I hope that does the trick LOL fuckers:cuss:

Naturally I worried that the neighbors directly behind us had something to do with it as well but who knows. Anyway, they were replaced with new neighbors early this year so there's that, along with the "barrier" and fingers crossed I should be good!

Foot in a picture taken from sitting in a chair for reference LOL size 14 btw


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Here we are at the end of August.

The little plant has just been absolutely swallowed up by the bigger one. I forget about her sometimes(sorry girl). The big one stands about 9-10 ft tall from the deck and is almost done stretching. Gonna need a ladder at harvest LOL

She has required a second watering most days, but I'm not always around to do so therefore she hasn't been reaching her full potential. Not bad for a big plant in a small pot though!

I felt I needed to do something about this so I put panda film on my shopping list and started doing some reading which eventually lead me to SIP's and subsequently SWICK's. There's always something new to learn and I've been away from cannabis reading these recent years so I've been doing a lot of catching up and I have some exciting experiments and side by sides to come! I love the whole ground water idea and since I'm having trouble keeping up with watering I figured I'd rig something up to hopefully extend her watering intervals.

You must understand this 20 gal rootball leaves the completely saturated medium almost bone dry after 1 day so the ghetto swick I planned on rigging up wasn't expected to be a sole watering method. However, if it could keep the medium moist longer that would help tremendously. :blsmoke:


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Here we are 9-14 about a week ago. Almost caught up! LOL

Plenty of pics attached this time. Little known fact! When the nugs start developing, the plants secrete a hormone that influences us humans to take more pictures! :lol:

So I went ahead and set up a little SWICK rig. No pics yet I'll have to snap some soon. Real basic, cheap, and ghetto, this thing has made my plant much happier! LOL

I just bought a tote that the pot hardly fits in and filled it 6" of hydroton. The pot sits on that, with 2" of coco around the pot. Overflow holes drilled at 5" so that leaves a 1" air gap for when I fill the reservoir. The hydroton wicks the moisture to the coco, and the coco wicks the moisture to the pot through the drain holes! I also wrapped panda film around both the pot and the reservoir. It protects them both from excessive heat, and keeps the res growth free.
I also cut some panda film to place over the topsoil to slow evaporation but it fits loosely.
The swick helps alot but wont sustain the moisture alone. I still need to top water between 1-2 days.

When I set it up I saw a major growth spurt on the nugs! Turns out this was mostly from the cooler rootzone temps, because I dug down to the drain holes the next day and realized the coco wasn't even making contact with the soil! LOL

All of the run off from previous waterings left gaps by the drain holes. So I stuffed wet coco into them and set it back up. All is well! I knew I needed the panda film for the temps but I waited so long to do it! I missed out on stronger growth going into flowering from the excess heat, but it is what it is:blsmoke:


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Here we are at the end of August.

The little plant has just been absolutely swallowed up by the bigger one. I forget about her sometimes(sorry girl). The big one stands about 9-10 ft tall from the deck and is almost done stretching. Gonna need a ladder at harvest LOL

She has required a second watering most days, but I'm not always around to do so therefore she hasn't been reaching her full potential. Not bad for a big plant in a small pot though!

I felt I needed to do something about this so I put panda film on my shopping list and started doing some reading which eventually lead me to SIP's and subsequently SWICK's. There's always something new to learn and I've been away from cannabis reading these recent years so I've been doing a lot of catching up and I have some exciting experiments and side by sides to come! I love the whole ground water idea and since I'm having trouble keeping up with watering I figured I'd rig something up to hopefully extend her watering intervals.

You must understand this 20 gal rootball leaves the completely saturated medium almost bone dry after 1 day so the ghetto swick I planned on rigging up wasn't expected to be a sole watering method. However, if it could keep the medium moist longer that would help tremendously. :blsmoke:
Bro seriously that's insane how big you got her in that pot bucket I'm fucking mind blown lol
Here we are 9-14 about a week ago. Almost caught up! LOL

Plenty of pics attached this time. Little known fact! When the nugs start developing, the plants secrete a hormone that influences us humans to take more pictures! :lol:

So I went ahead and set up a little SWICK rig. No pics yet I'll have to snap some soon. Real basic, cheap, and ghetto, this thing has made my plant much happier! LOL

I just bought a tote that the pot hardly fits in and filled it 6" of hydroton. The pot sits on that, with 2" of coco around the pot. Overflow holes drilled at 5" so that leaves a 1" air gap for when I fill the reservoir. The hydroton wicks the moisture to the coco, and the coco wicks the moisture to the pot through the drain holes! I also wrapped panda film around both the pot and the reservoir. It protects them both from excessive heat, and keeps the res growth free.
I also cut some panda film to place over the topsoil to slow evaporation but it fits loosely.
The swick helps alot but wont sustain the moisture alone. I still need to top water between 1-2 days.

When I set it up I saw a major growth spurt on the nugs! Turns out this was mostly from the cooler rootzone temps, because I dug down to the drain holes the next day and realized the coco wasn't even making contact with the soil! LOL

All of the run off from previous waterings left gaps by the drain holes. So I stuffed wet coco into them and set it back up. All is well! I knew I needed the panda film for the temps but I waited so long to do it! I missed out on stronger growth going into flowering from the excess heat, but it is what it is:blsmoke:
They looking fucking great good job man!
Bro seriously that's insane how big you got her in that pot bucket I'm fucking mind blown lol
Haha she's a beast forsure I took some cuttings in case shes fire:blsmoke:
But thank you! While not ideal you can actually grow some pretty monster plants with limited root space! The problem is that you have to water much more frequently, you run out of nutrients in your medium, and it's a lot easier to get heat stress/root damage. I grew 3 lb plants in 15 gal pots years back I just had to water 3 times a day in its prime LOL. It also seems they will shed some leaves regardless of feedings and nutrient lockout is more common. But we're making do here! :lol:

My soil has been basically inert/used up for some time now and I'm treating it as such with plenty of feedings
Here we are today, all caught up on the grow now.
That took a lot longer than I thought! LOL
If anything else comes to mind I'll be sure to include it. Other than that I will update here and there with progression pictures and any experiments or side by sides that I do!

She's coming along nicely. Some colas are beginning to get chunky now but they still have some time! I threw in a bunch of pics. A few close ups, but I'm only using my phone for pics. You can see the recently added panda film wrapped swick in some of them. It doesn't make it any shorter that's for sure LOL! Shes standing about 10' tall with the pot and the extra 6" the swick added

Also attached is a close up of an extremely premature partially dried baby nug :lol:


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Pulled out the ladder so I could peep these top nugs out:weed:

A hand/lighter for reference
Measurement from the deck. Pot/swick set up adds about 1 1/2 ft, so that puts her at around 8 ft. About 4 months of growth. I can only imagine if she had better sun exposure, a longer veg time, and more root space!

I kept some clones and will likely run her again or fool around with some seeds. I wish I kept her brother to make some seeds with the two because he was a beast! Oh well I have some of her gorilla glue bagseed parent's seedstock maybe I'll grow some out, find the most gassy pheno, and use this one as the shim for some experimental fem crosses. She smells lovely like that gassy gg but some top nugs smell sweeter/less gassy? Idk if I've smelled one plant with two very different smells like that before.. pretty weird LOL!
The only thing I can think of is that the tops may be more mature and they do get more sun. I've read UV exposure can have an influence on Terps but it seems pretty drastic imo. We'll see if the lowers gain a sweeter overtone or stay gassy like they are and that should give me a pretty strong hunch if it is the extra sun or not!
I prefer gassy though so I hope it finishes like that:blsmoke:
Hey what's that PVC pipe is It for watering the plant cause sheit I was looking into getting some of that panda wrap myself but I couldnt find anything only about how to use the stuff lmao well for outdoors anyways, but now I think I got it and gonna get all my shit together for next year lol faak bro you should be teaching this shit for a living lol
Pulled out the ladder so I could peep these top nugs out:weed:
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A hand/lighter for reference
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Measurement from the deck. Pot/swick set up adds about 1 1/2 ft, so that puts her at around 8 ft. About 4 months of growth. I can only imagine if she had better sun exposure, a longer veg time, and more root space!
View attachment 4993838

I kept some clones and will likely run her again or fool around with some seeds. I wish I kept her brother to make some seeds with the two because he was a beast! Oh well I have some of her gorilla glue bagseed parent's seedstock maybe I'll grow some out, find the most gassy pheno, and use this one as the shim for some experimental fem crosses. She smells lovely like that gassy gg but some top nugs smell sweeter/less gassy? Idk if I've smelled one plant with two very different smells like that before.. pretty weird LOL!
The only thing I can think of is that the tops may be more mature and they do get more sun. I've read UV exposure can have an influence on Terps but it seems pretty drastic imo. We'll see if the lowers gain a sweeter overtone or stay gassy like they are and that should give me a pretty strong hunch if it is the extra sun or not!
I prefer gassy though so I hope it finishes like that:blsmoke:
Holy fuck man those colas are huge lol and ya I agree I prefer gassy.. I'm definitely getting gorilla strain my next grow lol I gotta give it a go
I tried to get some close ups with some app I downloaded but I'm not very good at using it yet LOL!CM210923-170134001.jpgCM210923-120923007.jpgCM210923-112739004.jpgCM210923-112535001.jpg

She definitely still has a bit of time left. Hope to get some monster top colas! Damn dog hair is always sticking to the leaves LOL!

I'm going to be experimenting with bud washing this harvest. Non-washed vs baking soda/lemon juice vs hydrogen peroxide. They will be swirled in buckets of each, then swirled in RO water to rinse. I might try additional tests of plain RO, warm RO, and all 3 of baking soda/lemon juice/h202 as well and compare all batches. I will be inspecting them prior and will judge the success based on taste/smell/ looks.
I will inspect under magnification for removed debris/contamination and also for any trichome head degradation.

I'll be doing this with some top colas that will finish first, potentially pulled a little early. I have high hopes for at least one of these methods of bud washing so I want to observe some results to narrow down my choices before the rest of the harvest. It may not work out that way but regardless there will be some experimental comparisons done! :blsmoke: