Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning RIU . WiFi free weekend for me here . Had birthday party Saturday which was held at my first elementary school (now the township hall) sure brought back a lot of memories being there . Yesterday went and visited my nephew and the baby . She has her first round of chemo tomorrow . If she didn’t have the tube feed hose you would think there’s nothing wrong or had a surgery . My girls are still standing after the 2 inches of rain last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday . Thought for sure it was going to be a disaster but to my surprise they put on some weight . Supposedly some sunny days to come.


Well-Known Member
could You give me a shot explanation of what you use and how .


I use both Regalia and Venerate. Regalia is for powdery mildew, and Venerate is for bugs. They are both certified organic.

Indoors, I use them both as a spray weekly, from the time they sprout until about the 2nd week of flower. Outdoors. it depends of the year, but with a wet year like thuis in the NE, I am still spraying them in flower for a little added protection. It can also be used as a soil drench or a dip for smaller plants.

I mix the Regalia at 30 ml per gallon, although you can mix it up to 60 ml per gallon for problems, like an outbreak of pm.

I mix the Venerate at 45 ml per gallon. And I mix and spray them together...and as I said, it's safe to spray as soon as they sprout.

It makes a great IPM, or Integrated Pest Management, for a few dollars per week. The plants also produce more when using these products, so they really pay for themselves. And zero lost crops, at least indoors. This was a tough year outdoors in many places.