2 weeks 12/12 WW - Problem


Active Member
So today Marks the end of the Second week of flowering for my little White Widow.

I'm growing with 200watts cfl, and I have just been using Regular Bottled Drinking water.

All around Id say she is doing ok (as far as my newb eyes can see)
Except I noticed the new growth has been kinda funky the past two days. You can see what I mean in the pic, The upper most leaves are kind of curling under. Is this normal, or do I have to worry about it. Thanks in advance



Active Member
The light is about 3 inches from the top. I doubt its over watered, because usually check the soil, and I only water it a half cup every other day. I added some nutes yesterday, The curling didn't look as extreme today, we will see


Active Member
Ive only used nutes ONCE so far, yesterday, and this is going on a week and a half now. Its getting very chilly outside, the humidity has dropped drastically, could that be a possibly cause?


Well-Known Member
The light is about 3 inches from the top. I doubt its over watered, because usually check the soil, and I only water it a half cup every other day. I added some nutes yesterday, The curling didn't look as extreme today, we will see
How big is the pot your plant is in that you only need to water it a half cup of water? What is the temperature in your growspace? I don't think it's the humidity level, because you would want to lower the humidity during flowering anyway. It's probably not the lights being too close because the curling looks to be happening to all of the plant, not just the top leaves, and CFL's don't get that hot anyway.


Well-Known Member
had a similar problem and was told it was a nitrogen overdose. scotts soil and had just started adding nutes. are the very tips that are curled over starting to show a lighter color than the rest of the leaf?


Active Member
The pot is pretty small, its 7inches round at the top. I used to water it more, but it started to droop, so I cut back. The plant is a little over a foot tall. and the curling is only on the top, and some bud leaves.


Active Member
had a similar problem and was told it was a nitrogen overdose. scotts soil and had just started adding nutes. are the very tips that are curled over starting to show a lighter color than the rest of the leaf?
Yes that's exactly what is going on. Any ideas how to fix this.


Well-Known Member
thats a nitrogen overdose. flush the pot with plain ph'd water. 3x the capacity of the pot then restart nutes very lightly at next watering. like 1/4 strength and make sure that your nutes are higher in P & K than they are in N. the yellowing tips won't recover but it should stop spreading. just flush and let it dry out really well before you water again. the combo of the nutes you gave it and the nutes in the soil is just a little too much Nitrogen from the sounds of it.


Well-Known Member
thats a nitrogen overdose. flush the pot with plain ph'd water. 3x the capacity of the pot then restart nutes very lightly at next watering. like 1/4 strength and make sure that your nutes are higher in P & K than they are in N. the yellowing tips won't recover but it should stop spreading. just flush and let it dry out really well before you water again. the combo of the nutes you gave it and the nutes in the soil is just a little too much Nitrogen from the sounds of it.
Sounds about right to me because like I said, it's not the lights or the humidity. I think it would be a good idea to put your girl in a bigger pot before you flush it out. Also, it is better to water when the dirt has dried out than to water every couple days regardless. If you let the dirt dry out good between waterings the plants roots will go looking for water, thus giving it a bigger root system and you bigger buds in the end. Best of luck!


Active Member
Awesome, thanks alot, I'll be flushing it tomorrow morning or later tonight, hopefully this will be taken care of. Thanks again