Why do you think there will be hyperinflation? There wasn't any inflation during the Great Depression. Of course the government shouldn't just mint all the money they want, that would be foolish. They have to figure out how much they can use without destabilizing the dollar.
Remember Y2K? Did you think that was going to be a huge problem too? Just curious.
FloJo - you make some very good points, however a new roof has necessitated moving all my plants temporarily and I'm rather busy. I'll respond when I get a chance.
comparing our situation to the great depression is not fair, because that was a global issue related to production and finance, whereas our current situation is caused by our country and its debt.
also comparing it to Y2k is completely irrelevant because it had to do with dating of documents and accounts, and had nothing to do with debt and inflation.
that being said, there are several reasons that are going to contribute to the hyperinflation that we are about to see.
first and most foremost is because of the bailouts. they advertise 700 billion but in fact the obligations of the bailout come out to about 5 trillion dollars. when bush took office 8 years ago our deficit was about 5.5 trillion dollars. when he went into his second term i believe it was about 7 trillion. now at the end of his presidency it is at 10.6 trillion dollars. now you throw in the added 5 trillion which means our debt is about to soar to 15 trillion dollars.
this is not to mention that our national debt only counts debt secured, not financial obligations like the trillions to social security payouts, government pensions, welfare, and other social programs.
next you have the fact that because we have been the world consumers for the last half century, our currency has been looked at as "the gold standard" for currency investments. one of the main reasons that our currency has not seen the amount of inflation that it should by reasonable economics is because countries and foreign banks continue to buy up our securities when they come to maturity. if they do not renew the securities this means in essence that currency or debt will come back to america, causing a surplus, and thus devaluing the currency.
again our dollar is only a debt, not a real value because it is not backed by anything except "the faith blah blah of the federal gov".. horseshit
now i like to look at it like a person in credit card debt. if you have a bunch of credit cards, and continue to make the payments on time, your debt allowance will continue to increase. they will give you as much credit as you can pay. eventually if you keep running up the bill, there will be a tipping point where you will no longer be able to make those minimum payments on your debt. once this happens you declare bankruptcy, and quit paying out your financial obligations. this is essentially what is happening to our gov.
there is an old saying that says, those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it... now granted i am only 22, and not a history major, but i have read, and seen many similarities to the depression and hyperinflation in nazi germany post war.
now before the war germany was an economic powerhouse, with the strongest economy in europe. they produced most of europes steel and coal, produced an enourmous amount of electricty, and had a strong agricultural backing. (i think they produced like a third of the potatoes in the world) the point is they had a backbone in industry and their currency was also backed by gold. they were the superpower overseas.
now when they went into the war they financed it by taking loans from foreign banks, planning to pay it back after their victory in the war. when that ran out the german gov. started to print currency without the backing of gold. when the war ended, and the debts came in, their coffers were emptied of gold, had to give up all kinds of industry and resources. they also suffered a economic collapse, and with the devaluation of the currency, with continued printing of the money, saw severe hyperinflation.
before the war (1914) 1 dollar=4 german marks
after the war (1919) 1 dollar= 19 german marks
july 1922 = 490 marks
august 1922= 1000 marks
december 1922= 7000 marks
january 1923 =17000 marks.
july 1923= 353,000 marks
september 1923 =99 million marks
december 1923= 4.2 trillion marks for 1 dollar
see so even though the majority of printing of money came during the war between 1914-1919, the economic impact was not seen until years later when the currency actually started cirulating in the consumer sector.
people were burning money as firewood because firewood cost more than the paper!!! people were getting paychecks in wheelbarrows!!
in the end the german central bank got rid of the currency and issued in the new currency which was again backed by gold, it then stabilized a few years later..
this is EXACTLY what is happening to us, once the impact of the new money being printed along with the default of securites and bonds because nobody trusts in the american currency anymore, we could see inflation just as bad as germany saw.. believe it or not.
this is not some scare or bs, this has been happening for 70 years and it is about time to pay the piper, our currency is being devalued and is about to be history after inflation, but what will happen is the gov. will let it get bad enough to where the people are begging for a solution, and thats when they will issue in the north american union and change our currency to the amero.. world banks/currency is all in the news we are about to go through some shit.. believe that