Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
First time I ever saw a live pot plant was about 11 months ago.
Neighbor had a small room with dirt and 9 plants. I thought it looked like a neat hobby.
So I read and researched, bought a tent and light and nutes, all the good stuff.

Dropped 4 beans last year in October, had a blast and never stopped. It's October and I'm dropping the same strain I started with.

The End.

No not really, just My story.


Well-Known Member
Renovations suck when you are living there...Everything takes 2-3 times as long because you have to do way more cleanup, moving things, etc. The house I'm in now was like that...I moved in days before Christmas with no furnace in the house, just a woodstove. It was a mighty cold winter!!

I got my girls in the flower room loli popped today. Better late than never.


Well-Known Member
Renovations suck when you are living there...Everything takes 2-3 times as long because you have to do way more cleanup, moving things, etc. The house I'm in now was like that...I moved in days before Christmas with no furnace in the house, just a woodstove. It was a mighty cold winter!!

I got my girls in the flower room loli popped today. Better late than never.
Yeah, we started renovating in 2017, kicked into high gear in 2019 then the pandemic hit right as we finished the exterior and the master bedroom. So the interior has slowed to a standstill. That bathroom is finally done, which was what started in 2017. What's left now is the livingroom wall and ceiling rebuild, library and dining room floor replacement, and then we paint everything that hasn't been painted since we bought the place.

Before the pandemic my wife and kid were gone 8+ hours a day, I had about 2 hours of work to do and then I could work on the house. Now they're both home 24/7 and I'm at work from 7am - 3pm coming home exhausted. I'm still going to do the living-room because I need to rewire both electrical and A/V and I really hate paying someone for something I'm certified to do. The library and dining room floors, I'll probably pay someone to just get it done faster.

My wife and I have already agreed, there's going to be at least 3- 6 months in our next place where we don't live in it and just fix all the crap before we move in.


Well-Known Member
That was always my rule of thumb...Have the interior renovations 100% complete before moving in...If there was some outdoor stuff, ok, but no indoor work. Then on this house I made an exception and paid for it for months. The day I closed on my last house, I had to set a toilet in this one as both baths were being renovated. I've since added a 3rd full bath. There was no kitchen floor or counter tops, or appliances, no interiors doors, no furnace, and for the first week I had to brush my teeth in the shower, lol. Of course that was near 20 years ago and I was a younger man, but damn, that move was rough!! Oh there was no blacktop then either and it's a long steep driveway. I remember towing contractors up the driveway to work. So funny looking back...The shit I did to save or make a buck!!


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Partner came home with another bunch of joints that her coworker gave her. Something ain't right, nobody does that, I want her to take them back. We still have 18 joints from the batch he gave her last week.

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Shit, I need to roll joints (a bunch of them) for the next several days, sigh. Thanks for reminding me.