A perfect cure every time

I checked out your website. The pictures you have of your 5 gal curing buckets look awfully close to Derek Gilman's. It looks like you took stills from his video showing his buckets with his In the Pines.

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Am I crazy or missing something?
Nope. That's where the image came from. Another image of the buckets came from gamma corporation. The images of the Totes came from Iris. The images of the Jars came from Google. Images of the small parts came from Google. I'm sure there's more. None are copyrighted if that's what you're thinking. Lol
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Oops . Some how my music that I post on the Chill Music page got duplicated onto the Perfect Cure Everytime thread at the same time .

Not sure how that happend but it is my bad but I still can't figure out how it happened . I guess I was reading this thread on curing at the same time I was posting on the Chill Music thread and somehow it posted my music on two threads at the same time . Sorry .

What I have been experimenting with a little is harvesting the same variety at different ripeness stages.

Sometimes harvesting a week before what I would think would be the "official harvest time", sometimes a week after, and notice how different the weed looks, and tastes. I find that harvesting pre-maturely lends more greenish, spicy sativa like characteristics and harvesting "post-maturely", gives me really nice hashy, earthy flavors. It's intriguing to me that 2 weeks can make such a difference in how my plant tastes and looks though it's the same exact variety.