Beakthrough cases happen when the vaccine wasn't effective.
I you do you?I you need a booster.....
You don't understand statistics do you?I give up.
You never took statistics did you? The data is not comprehensive by the CDC's own admission anyhow. Try again."In practice, statistics is the idea we can learn about the properties of large sets of objects or events (a population) by studying the characteristics of a smaller number of similar objects or events (a sample). Because in many cases gathering comprehensive data about an entire population is too costly, difficult, or flat out impossible, statistics start with a sample that can conveniently or affordably be observed."
The data is comprehensive, so therefore not a statistic.
wearing your seatbelt is no guarantee you won't die in a car accident, but it sure improves your chances of living through it....and please stop at stop signs Roy....and please don't drive drunk even though drunk drivers have a 99% survival rate.
Do you always obey the speed limit @doublejj ?wearing your seatbelt is no guarantee you won't die in a car accident, but it sure improves your chances of living through it....and please stop at stop signs Roy....and please don't drive drunk even though drunk drivers have a 99% survival rate.
That wasn't the question, nice dodge though.I haven't received a speeding ticket in 40+ years...
I try not to do things that might endanger others...That wasn't the question, nice dodge though.
So you disobey the speed limits, but you haven't gotten caught in 40 years, and you do it in a way that you deem safe to society. Got it.I try not to do things that might endanger others...
I share the road with others that I don't know, and drive defensibly as to not risk the safety of others on the road. Common courtesy saves lives. Thinking of others is a bold concept I know but you might raise your eyes and see the danger you might present to those around you.So you disobey the speed limits, but you haven't gotten caught in 40 years, and you do it in a way that you deem safe to society. Got it.
That isn't at question here.I share the road with others that I don't know, and drive defensibly as to not risk the safety of others on the road. Common courtesy saves lives. Thinking of others is a bold concept I know but you might raise your eyes and see the danger you might present to those around you.