Is Biden really that bad?

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Didnyou grow up with a father or father figure that had to put his foot up your ass on occasion to get you motivated? Another 4 years of Trump might have been that foot up the ass Americans need, or we’d be United States of Russia, could have went either way.

Democrats suck, but suck a little less than Republicans, bunch of do nothing, money grabbers, the whole lot of em.
Because you heard this? I think you might have been spammed some right wing propaganda to the point it stuck.

There is one party (the Democrats) that has been (slowly moving towards) legislating for 100% of the population since the 70's and one (the Republicans) that has been legislating only for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda. We are just now getting to the point that we have one party that is truly representative of our nation, and people are falling for the 'both sides' trolling that the right wing propagandists are cat fishing as 'the left' to sell.
Because you heard this? I think you might have been spammed some right wing propaganda to the point it stuck.

There is one party (the Democrats) that has been (slowly moving towards) legislating for 100% of the population since the 70's and one (the Republicans) that has been legislating only for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda. We are just now getting to the point that we have one party that is truly representative of our nation, and people are falling for the 'both sides' trolling that the right wing propagandists are cat fishing as 'the left' to sell.

Sorry I must have hurt your feelings, personally I don’t get offended by conversations of crooked politics. Do the democrats spoon feed you bullshit, you just buy whatever they say is going on? I don’t pay attention to propaganda, my thoughts are not based on faux or cnn or any other corporate (or deep blue/red media). Sure the left is a little more civil than the right but you’re drinking the Kool-Aid if you think they’re above the board.

just because you subscribe to the crooked acts they do and not the crooked acts of the other party does not make one much better than the other m.
Sorry I must have hurt your feelings, personally I don’t get offended by conversations of crooked politics. Do the democrats spoon feed you bullshit, you just buy whatever they say is going on? I don’t pay attention to propaganda, my thoughts are not based on faux or cnn or any other corporate (or deep blue/red media). Sure the left is a little more civil than the right but you’re drinking the Kool-Aid if you think they’re above the board.

just because you subscribe to the crooked acts they do and not the crooked acts of the other party does not make one much better than the other m.
No worries you didn't hurt my feelings. Sweet troll though, does that usually work with people that disagree with your nonsense?

So, do all you have are your feelings, and we just have to believe you because you start it with a stupid troll? Because I call bullshit on you having much outside of some right wing propaganda (even if it is cat fishing you as 'left').
Ahhhhh, when rob roi dodges and deflects, I'm reminded of a well worn pair of slippers; so very familiar, yet basically garbage.
Allright, last one really (Billy Cobham/one of the greatest drummers that ever picked up the sticks (fuck Moon :) )

Allright, last one really (Billy Cobham/one of the greatest drummers that ever picked up the sticks (fuck Moon :) )

Please explain your point.
What is your reaction to this photo?
Does it bring back fond memories?
Or ones that are buried deep inside your soulless cavity of a body, waiting to explode upon mankind?
I'm curious

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