What did you accomplish today?

I had one of those fun, rare days I call, "The Great Indoor Adventure"......I started this busy day with a pot of black coffee , protein shake with shit-tons of fresh fruit , some news and a freshly rolled, freshly harvested/cured Chocolope joint ( still like Zig Zags). Next the idiot box goes off , music comes on and are start my 3rd read of Dee Brown's classic ,
" Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee " (I can never get over the f'ing they took....they didn't teach ya that shit in school, it was propaganda we got). 20 pounds of food, junk and drinks later, I finished. Oh yea, I broke the rule of no going out.....had to round up my Basset.


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Worked on my wife’s new dog grooming shop, building it into the barn. Now doing the electrical, just running some 20 amp outlets in. Going to breakfast with friends in a few minutes. A neighbor in the excavation business is supposed to come over today, we will see, it might rain here. Have a good one.
The control board on my $800 Treadmill died the other day mid run. It took a few hours to troubleshoot that’s what it was.

I ordered a new board and just got it today. It only took 15 minutes to switch out the control board. However after changing the board I could not speed Calibrate it.

The speed was obviously off because a 3 mile an hour setting was a jog instead of a walk. More research lead to me finding out Nordictrack no longer allows users to access speed Calibration on their treadmills.

I ended up spending a few hours hand calibrating it. Drawing a chalk line on the tread and calculating revolutions in a 1/10 of a mile and clocking it. Jesus that was repetitive. I got it tho. 1/10 of a mile @ 3 mph clocks at 2:00 minutes.It’s maybe 1 second fast per 1/10 of a mile.
it's not the one you posted earlier in a stairwell is it?
No. its a tiny bathroom/toilet combo.
was quite a job though including having to chase a strip out of the brick wall removing the old stop tap replacing it with an angle valve at the correct place for the new toilet which has a bottom of the cistern intake unlike the topside one of the old... all the old pipe has been cut down and the holes plastered over with a skim coat and coat paint presealer
Thank you. I will. They clipped the bulge. She has to do some physical therapy.
Hopefully it was microinvasive. If not there's a little more recovery and she should take it easier a little while longer. Hopefully she isn't left with much, if any, motor deficit. But expect that what you go in with is what you come out with unless you are Vegas lucky :hug: :hug: Give her my best.