What did you accomplish today?

Hopefully it was microinvasive. If not there's a little more recovery and she should take it easier a little while longer. Hopefully she isn't left with much, if any, motor deficit. But expect that what you go in with is what you come out with unless you are Vegas lucky :hug: :hug: Give her my best.
Sad thing is it's been 10 weeks since symptoms started. Nobody we went to would help due to covid. Several er visits trying to get admitted with no luck. All the neurologist and surgeons were booked until Feb to March of next year. I finally picked a place through a hospital that had locations next to us and in Lexington. I called them, among others, daily. Explaining the situation and begging to get her seen. Finally a pa agreed to see her on her lunch break. From there they decided it was serious enough to do the MRI the next morning and look at it the same day. Then surgery a few days later.

We were told there is a chance of permanent motor loss and numbness. Was also told that there is a chance with physical therapy for a full recovery. The time puts it at possibly going either way.

Yes. It was a small incision and came home the same day.

I'm mad as hell. One er trip a 81 woman had been sitting with chest pains for hours. She later died.

Shits a mess. You and I have talked. It seems it's been one thing after another and I'm about to my breaking point.
Sad thing is it's been 10 weeks since symptoms started. Nobody we went to would help due to covid. Several er visits trying to get admitted with no luck. All the neurologist and surgeons were booked until Feb to March of next year. I finally picked a place through a hospital that had locations next to us and in Lexington. I called them, among others, daily. Explaining the situation and begging to get her seen. Finally a pa agreed to see her on her lunch break. From there they decided it was serious enough to do the MRI the next morning and look at it the same day. Then surgery a few days later.

We were told there is a chance of permanent motor loss and numbness. Was also told that there is a chance with physical therapy for a full recovery. The time puts it at possibly going either way.

Yes. It was a small incision and came home the same day.

I'm mad as hell. One er trip a 81 woman had been sitting with chest pains for hours. She later died.

Shits a mess. You and I have talked. It seems it's been one thing after another and I'm about to my breaking point.
Yeah shit is a mess and it is enraging. I'm hoping for a full recovery for her. She's relatively young so she has a better chance than the elderly in this mess. Much love and hang in there hun. If you wanna talk you know where I am :hug: :hug:
My plans for the day, eggs, hash browns, Jimmy Dean hot sausage, football, thaw something out for the grill, beer run, football, buds and suds, grill the meat, football, drag racing, might have to put the last one off till tomorrow, Pandora and Youtube music. I have such a busy day.
Yeah shit is a mess and it is enraging. I'm hoping for a full recovery for her. She's relatively young so she has a better chance than the elderly in this mess. Much love and hang in there hun. If you wanna talk you know where I am :hug: :hug:
I appreciate it. I may holler at you. I think venting a bit helps. I get so busy at times I feel isolated if that makes sense.
Replaced a leaking hose bib with a new frost free one. Cheated and used a shark bite fitting because my propane torch skills leave a lot to be desired; especially in tight spaces.
Old one
working area - I’d have burned the hell out of the joist if I’d tried to solder here and there would have been many swear words when it leaked after installation:
New one:
Going to burn one in a minute then caulk around the new fixture.
Replaced a leaking hose bib with a new frost free one. Cheated and used a shark bite fitting because my propane torch skills leave a lot to be desired; especially in tight spaces.
Old one
View attachment 5007059
working area - I’d have burned the hell out of the joist if I’d tried to solder here and there would have been many swear words when it leaked after installation:
View attachment 5007061
New one:
View attachment 5007060
Going to burn one in a minute then caulk around the new fixture.
Cursing is the most fun part of plumbing.
Snarl animated emoticon



Replaced a leaking hose bib with a new frost free one. Cheated and used a shark bite fitting because my propane torch skills leave a lot to be desired; especially in tight spaces.
Old one
View attachment 5007059
working area - I’d have burned the hell out of the joist if I’d tried to solder here and there would have been many swear words when it leaked after installation:
View attachment 5007061
New one:
View attachment 5007060
Going to burn one in a minute then caulk around the new fixture.
A piece of tin in between the soldering area and the joist works well, and always have a bucket of water nearby. But soldering is a bit of an art...

Looks good! Just don't leave a hose connected in the winter or it will still burst, if you live where it gets below freezing.
Transplanting...in mid October? ...moved growspot. This will look awesome tonight when the lights turn on.
7-10days more veg then let em flower. Wanna see how far i can push into Dec/Jan here in my area of texas. Ive let pots sit out and not cared, but this legit effort for 3rd grow 2021. I think i can squeeze 3 in a year if my timing is right.