Why don't you take your ill informed political views to the covid threads in the politics section? You'll find a couple like minded people over there sharing your views. This is General Marijuana Growing not the Ridiculous Conspiracies section.
If you would read the article I posted I'm sure you'll feel different. I'll make it even easier. The article is saying weed "users" are prone to get COVID.
So I'm a bad guy for having an opinion? When did I say don't get vaccinated? If anyone wants to get vaccinated they can do it. I don't care. Do whatever they want with the vaccine. You shouldn't make up stories to make yourself look good. It is my opinion I can have one!
You still havent cleared up who "they" are.
How is talking about vaccine side effects political? The ones making it political are you guys who keep instantly assuming political affiliation due to vaccination opinion or are making it political.

There are obvious side effects. Myocarditis and pericarditis occurs in roughly 1 in 7000 boys/men aged between 12-35. Myocarditis can be life threatening.

I have lupus and have had myocarditis (life threatening) after my flu shot and after getting a chest infection a few times due to an overactive immune system, rheumatic inflammations and lupus.

I have tried to get vaccinated a few times, but the gov here has warnings about the obvious risk of myocarditis due to my age, medical history and current conditions. They check my medical history and refuse to vaccinate me due to risks obtained through the study of US, UK and other countries vaccine side effect tracking by the CDC and WHO.

Are you going to instantly assume my political affiliation due to my own government refusing to vaccinate me? That's the biggest issue now...every time I pull out my exemption, a bunch of bleeding heart losers start wrongly assuming my political affiliation and the cry about a certian man that never stood as a political figure in my country. It's bizarre.

Talking about vaccination side effects is a valid, current public health issue, not a political issue, and we all have the right to talk about it without instantly being branded and forced into a social gulag.
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How is talking about vaccine side effects political? The ones making it political are you guys who keep instantly assuming political affiliation due to vaccination opinion or are making it political.

There are obvious side effects. Myocarditis and pericarditis occurs in roughly 1 in 7000 boys/men aged between 12-35. Myocarditis can be life threatening.

I have lupus and have had myocarditis (life threatening) after my flu shot and after getting a chest infection a few times due to an overactive immune system, rheumatic inflammations and lupus.

I have tried to get vaccinated a few times, but the gov here has warnings about the obvious risk of myocarditis due to my age, medical history and current conditions. They check my medical history and refuse to vaccinate me due to risks obtained through the study of US, UK and other countries vaccine side effect tracking by the CDC and WHO.

Are you going to instantly assume my political affiliation due to my own government refusing to vaccinate me? That's the biggest issue now...every time I pull out my exemption, a bunch of bleeding heart losers start wrongly assuming my political affiliation and the cry about a certian man that never stood as a political figure in my country. It's bizarre.

Talking about vaccination side effects is a valid, current public health issue, not a political issue, and we all have the right to talk about it without instantly being branded and forced into a social gulag.
No. It was his repeated reference to "them". Seems like sides are all that matters to alot of folks these days.
What is wrong with compromise and teamwork. Political affiliation aside, our elected officials should represent all their constituents
No. It was his repeated reference to "them". Seems like sides are all that matters to alot of folks these days.
What is wrong with compromise and teamwork. Political affiliation aside, our elected officials should represent all their constituents
Makes sense...I've just seen it a billion times here. Every time someone speaks out about the vaccine side effects or covid in any way, they just get labelled as a right wing extremist instantly and discussion is shut down as political, when they never mentioned politics in any way.

The point is we should all be allowed to have our own political affiliations regardless of our vaccination status, or opinion on the vaccine. It shouldn't effect out personal relationships or political choice. I don't think I agree politically with most of my family and friends, and I would never let it get between our love for each other. It's completely irrelevant. I just want to see the same here.
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So I'm a bad guy for having an opinion? When did I say don't get vaccinated? If anyone wants to get vaccinated they can do it. I don't care. Do whatever they want with the vaccine. You shouldn't make up stories to make yourself look good. It is my opinion I can have one!
I'm so f'n sick of the, "It's muh freedumbs", crowd. For those who have a vaccine available and selfishly refuse to take it, get Covid and create a new variant you are KILLING other people and potentially you'll be the reservoir that creates the mutation that escapes the vaccination.

Further all of you anti-vaxxers who are stuffing up the hospitals and ERs are killing innocent people who NEED those services through NO STUPIDITY of their own.
I'm so f'n sick of the, "It's muh freedumbs", crowd. For those who have a vaccine available and selfishly refuse to take it, get Covid and create a new variant you are KILLING other people and potentially you'll be the reservoir that creates the mutation that escapes the vaccination.

Further all of you anti-vaxxers who are stuffing up the hospitals and ERs are killing innocent people who NEED those services through NO STUPIDITY of their own.
Your doing it again. Your assuming in anti Vax. I can't get vaccinated due to health issues.

What do you say then to the countries that are over 90% vaccinated and have their highest case and death rates right now? That kind approves it's not about transfer of virus, more trying to irradicate your opponent..

Being vaccinated doesn't stop you from gaining or transferring the virus.

Just admit this is an us vs them thing, not about covid.

By the way, I'm liberal, and have all my vaccine shots bar the second shot of covid (flu, MMR, diphtheria, HIV, tetanus and more) as I have current pericarditis, so stop assuming peoples vaccination and political affiliations. It's not doing you any good.
This type of seventh grade tribalism is what's it tearing your country apart. I hope this doesn't continue forever.
I understand why you can't take a vaccine. It's why herd immunity is so crucially important it protects people like you who legitimately can't take a vaccine. As for tribalism that's assuming 2 equals. Anti-science, white supremacy, willingness to die for a cult and facism are things you can't normalize.
Your doing it again. Your assuming in anti Vax. I can't get vaccinated due to health issues.

What do you say then to the countries that are over 90% vaccinated and have their highest case and death rates right now? That kind approves it's not about transfer of virus, more trying to irradiate your opponent..

Being vaccinated doesn't stop you from gaining or transferring the virus.

Just admit this is an us vs them thing, not about covid.

By the way, I'm liberal, and have all my vaccine shots bar the second shot as I have current pericarditis, so stop assuming peoples vaccination and political affiliations. It's not doing you any good.
No I am not. Please read what I just wrote. That was aimed at the person I quoted, who was not you. You have a legitimate reason and herd immunity is very important for someone in your position. I have compassion for your position and understand it.