Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
So did the billionaire asshole
There is an ongoing investigation into suspected tax fraud by Trump. We'll see how much he earned and how much he stole by defrauding our government.

It sure sounds like the ex-president has a whole bunch of stuff to hide.

Legal experts who, unlike Mnuchin, actually know the law, noted at the time that it would be unprecedented for the secretary to not turn over the returns, given that a 1924 law expressly states that “Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” But Mnuchin, loyal stooge that he was, had indicated for some time now that he would do no such thing.)


Well-Known Member
Just the same talking points over and over. No matter what it always goes back to climate change, Covid,racism, Jan 6, rich people, or Trump. It’s like a big wheel of fortune. I could try to argue that the registration fees are too high on vehicles and somehow it would end up on Trump. Weak! This is a waste of time.
Nice snowflake. I mean why would people care about the worst economic and social disasters when they could snowflake about a obscure legal term that nobody is teaching kids?


Well-Known Member
now your just lying....everybody saw the violent insurrection mob.
eady a



  1. you are.
    "you're an angel, Deb!"
By the looks of the poll in here (a marijuana forum no less!) he's doing a shitty job. Go sit down at your local VFW, grab a beer and ask those folks how they feel? Go to any non-metropolitan area and ask those folks... Keep spouting your liberal bullshit, it doesn't change the fact that Biden sucks. Doesn't change the fact that he's a crook and Hunter's laptop has the emails that prove it. Russia collusion, next? Tell me HIllary's campaign didn't drive those investigations? One of her campaign lawyers just got indicted by Durham... Already a convic tion for a guy lying on a FISA warrant. Dems are the problem here. I don't agree with every republican, but I sure as hell disagree with 95% of the dems on everything. They want socialism.


Well-Known Member
There is an ongoing investigation into suspected tax fraud by Trump. We'll see how much he earned and how much he stole by defrauding our government.

It sure sounds like the ex-president has a whole bunch of stuff to hide.

Legal experts who, unlike Mnuchin, actually know the law, noted at the time that it would be unprecedented for the secretary to not turn over the returns, given that a 1924 law expressly states that “Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” But Mnuchin, loyal stooge that he was, had indicated for some time now that he would do no such thing.)
I don't care if he cheated on his taxes. I can't vote democrat. I'm not a socialist...


Well-Known Member
US Military is a socialist organization....
It was pretty much a dictatorship when I was in. Did you serve? Seem like a socialist organization?

Bottom line again. Biden sucks, is a crook and radical socialist democrats have taken over your party. It won't stand, dems will be voted out...


Well-Known Member
Some is a far cry from being a full blown socialist. Sorry, Biden sucks and is a crook. I don't doubt Trump's no boy scout but I've been around long enough to know none of them are...
Because his kid who has a ivy league law degree took a job in a foreign nation that is a ally to us?


Well-Known Member
It was pretty much a dictatorship when I was in. Did you serve? Seem like a socialist organization?

Bottom line again. Biden sucks, is a crook and radical socialist democrats have taken over your party. It won't stand, dems will be voted out...
US Army 9th Infantry 1969-73. Yes Army has socialized medicine & food & operates as a team for the good of them all. Dictators in the Army is where the term "fragging" comes from..seen it with my own eyes.


Well-Known Member
Some is a far cry from being a full blown socialist. Sorry, Biden sucks and is a crook. I don't doubt Trump's no boy scout but I've been around long enough to know none of them are...
I agree with you that americans in general are crooks, but the whole, "this country isn't at all socialist and adding two years of school/trades to the existing 12 year system is full blown totalitarian socialism!!" is insanely dishonest. I think that your dishonest socialism hyperbole makes you no different than the people you loathe.


Well-Known Member
overthrow my ass, there was more crime being committed in all the BLM riots, Kamala bailed some of em out and one killed someone. That's a traitor. Biden leaves US citizens behind in Afghanistan, THAT'S A TRAITOR. How about we talk about patriots and traitors? Poll every living US veteran and service member about who was better for the country? THEY ARE PATRIOTS, LET THEM DECIDE. Traitor my ass motherfucker. I'm a veteran patriot.
You do know that you have been under attack for a very long time don't you? It must suck to be so trapped in the right wing propaganda.

As for Biden, if those people that were in Afghanistan did not want to leave, should he have had them forcibly removed for you to be happy?

You might not be a traitor, but you are supporting one when you ignore Trump selling out our nation and trying like hell to destroy our democracy.

We need less socialism, period. Too many working people are paying for non-working people.
Yeah fuck all those rich people who don't have real jobs and just spend money they got from someone else. lol cuck.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you that americans in general are crooks, but the whole, "this country isn't at all socialist and adding two years of school/trades to the existing 12 year system is full blown totalitarian socialism!!" is insanely dishonest. I think that your dishonest socialism hyperbole makes you no different than the people you loathe.
Google the term socialist democrat. Look at Bernie Sanders' body of work. He almost beat Biden. Between him and the squad, they're trying to make us a total socialist state. I'm not making this shit up dude. Total socialist state...


Well-Known Member
Google the term socialist democrat. Look at Bernie Sanders' body of work. He almost beat Biden. Between him and the squad, they're trying to make us a total socialist state. I'm not making this shit up dude. Total socialist state...
Yeah those post offices he got names were really a drag on our economy. Snicker.
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