Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
Id ask methigan if hes keeping the monthly checks biden is sending him but i know his wife and him are infertile from years of meth abuse and thus not getting those checks

Hey methigan did you keep the $1400


Well-Known Member
So an alleged tax cheat is crossing the line for you? lol
Sir, you are bad at jokes.

Edit: and no, I don't give a shit that he didn't pay taxes. It's a bad look for a president to brag about it, but oh well. What bothered me was the dude was and is a fraud that lies constantly and just pushes bullshit. Motherfucker is a used car salesman. He was born rich and behaved like a spoiled little bitch, yet wanted the accolades of being seen as a great man.


Well-Known Member
If running for public office then yes it takes on a whole new meaning, but as I said you have weak comprehension skills. He also did far worse than that, but raping women is ok too I guess. Fucking pathetic you trumpers are.
Any convictions of Trump on those rape allegations? Didn't think so. Russian collusion? Didn't think so. You're being sold a bill of goods. Dude's no boy scout but neither was Bill Clinton. I suppose by your standards of proof, he's a pedophile...

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Any convictions of Trump on those rape allegations? Didn't think so. Russian collusion? Didn't think so. You're being sold a bill of goods. Dude's no boy scout but neither was Bill Clinton. I suppose by your standards of proof, he's a pedophile...
Ya don't suppose someone with money could skirt a sex charge?
And why did Trump payoff the Playboy bunny and Stormy Daniels...Hush money?


Well-Known Member
Google the term socialist democrat. Look at Bernie Sanders' body of work. He almost beat Biden. Between him and the squad, they're trying to make us a total socialist state. I'm not making this shit up dude. Total socialist state...
Social Democrat is a less loaded search term, especially since you proudly display that you don’t know what socialism is and how it differs from social democracy.
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