Reading about Pink Box got my interest peaked. I believe facts should be presented to support the claims anything else is an opinion. I submitted the four samples below to Dark Heart Nursery.
  • Gorrila Butter (Obtained from pink box)
  • Apple Fritter (Obtained from Mainley over a year ago)
  • Tropicana Cherry (Obtained from Mainley over a year ago)
  • Lambsbread (personal cut).

Luckily I didn't contaminate any of my clones with his and will burn the gorilla butter. Below is also a picture of the gorilla butter so you can see what a dudded plant looks like. I had my suspicions when it was growing as it was showing what looked like a nutrient deficiency but every other plant was fine. Very unfortunate as I was looking forward to growing this one out. I'll submit another sample in a couple weeks to ensure my plants are clean.



Going to post my positive MB15 test results on my Instagram page. Do you mind if I use your gorilla butter test result photo as well? A couple dozen of my followers use pinkbox that I feel should be made aware.
Just flipped mine into flower tonight from dookie. Clones took 10 days to root. I would have a week ago but I’ve had COVID Today is day 12 so it’s finally going away and a excruciatingly painful pinched nerve in my neck since a week before I got COVID so needless to say I’ve been in a lot of pain lol. I need to get in there and defoliate I’m hoping in the next week I’ll be able to do so since my pinched nerve is starting to feel better now. Sorry about the sob story just been a BITCH of the last 2 weeks. These pics make me happy about cookies gmo cut. Also have his sour D cut and OG cut will be flowering them out in the coming months
Geez, sorry to hear that. Feel better soon :hug:
Hello! I live in Illinois and am permitted to possess 5 plants as a medical cannabis patient. Unfortunately, the Illinois med/rec was set up to make money First. As a result, very little foresight was used when drawing up the legislation. Anyhow, they don't sell cuts or clones to patients here in Illinois, yet. I notice that in other states like CA and MI they are able to provide affordable cuts to patients at a reasonable and realistic price. I'm on a tight budget and can't afford spending hundreds of dollars per cut. I'm new to Strainly, can anyone point me to some reputable strainly members that offer 3-5 packs at a reasonable price? So far I have made contact with Dookie and AJN, if you have any suggestions where to point me to, drop me a line or post here, thank you!
Hello! I live in Illinois and am permitted to possess 5 plants as a medical cannabis patient. Unfortunately, the Illinois med/rec was set up to make money First. As a result, very little foresight was used when drawing up the legislation. Anyhow, they don't sell cuts or clones to patients here in Illinois, yet. I notice that in other states like CA and MI they are able to provide affordable cuts to patients at a reasonable and realistic price. I'm on a tight budget and can't afford spending hundreds of dollars per cut. I'm new to Strainly, can anyone point me to some reputable strainly members that offer 3-5 packs at a reasonable price? So far I have made contact with Dookie and AJN, if you have any suggestions where to point me to, drop me a line or post here, thank you!

Dookie is solid.. im in chicago and he sent me gmo cuts in the blizzard last year..they all made it.
Hello! I live in Illinois and am permitted to possess 5 plants as a medical cannabis patient. Unfortunately, the Illinois med/rec was set up to make money First. As a result, very little foresight was used when drawing up the legislation. Anyhow, they don't sell cuts or clones to patients here in Illinois, yet. I notice that in other states like CA and MI they are able to provide affordable cuts to patients at a reasonable and realistic price. I'm on a tight budget and can't afford spending hundreds of dollars per cut. I'm new to Strainly, can anyone point me to some reputable strainly members that offer 3-5 packs at a reasonable price? So far I have made contact with Dookie and AJN, if you have any suggestions where to point me to, drop me a line or post here, thank you!
AJN is a great place to shop never had a problem with any of his cuts grab up his apple fritter if you want a soild cut very eazy to grow and yelds well I have his Durban Biscotti , gelato 41 , gush mints just about to go in flower also dookie I have ran his stuff too also a soild dude clean cuts just watch who else you shop with alot of dirty clone sellers out there
I just ordered his three pack of GMO! How did you like it and do you have any tips and suggestions on care? Thanks:)

She is a nice cut, i did a few runs and cut her loose.. ive got so many beans to pop.. id say just train her good, shes big n branchy and got a pretty decent stretch.
Take it as you will.. I messaged him and said plainly
"are your clones hlv free and do you test for it? "
He replied "no but your momma has viruses"
Then blocked me. I left his response out to preserve his dignity.

And.. This definitely is not toxic at all.. This isn't a witch hunt. On the other hand I will be making a point of calling out sellers who sell large volumes of clones to the community and don't test anything. If it was me I'd feel like I had Moral responsibility.

So either way I'll be talking to all the clone vendors I meet and if they don't test or are sketchy I'll tell people. I might start a review thread hopefully some of you guys will participate? I think it would be good for the benefit of the growing community.
Ya I saw it then he was gone lol he's always been a good dude to me

Think I'm gonna pick up a couple things to support him before he's gone.
He is a legit professional. Transaction was easy-peasy, prompt communication, Dook had healthy GMO cuts to my doorstep in under 48 hours. Make sure you order soon! I just found him and am kinda bummed that next week will be his last week filling orders.

Why is dookie calling it quits?
When I get a new cut I have a cheap isolation method and I prefer fresh cuts as opposed to rooted ones .. whatever the cut is rooted in can carry bugs so I prefer to re root or just a fresh cut

gallon zip lock bags
Ya fav organic insect killer /prevention

I take the bag and spray it with my preventative mix not too much stick the cuts in and put them in a small box with light .. the cuts stay alive as long as light and humidity is in the bag .. after about 3-5 days I stick the cuts there new root plugs and back into new bags with a light veg spray feed mix until I see roots the bag periodically to mix in some fresh air just like u would with clones and a dome

The reason I prefer the bag to a dome is the bugs like to hide on the underside of the leaves and it’s hard to get the stem and underside unless u dip it or drench them .. with the plats pressed flat against the bag it’s really no where hide and sitting in the solution for days kills eggs etc’s super easy to control humidity in a gallon bag as opposed to a dome also u get light from all angles top to bottom on both sides a dome gives bugs places to hide