
One person said "So you get a shot, and a booster, and another for the rest of your life?"
I said flu shots are done annually.

Try pointing out mandatory vaccinations required for public school attendance - some folks are typically clueless & it blows their minds.

Try pointing out mandatory vaccinations required for public school attendance - some folks are typically clueless & it blows their minds.

That's what I posted first, and asked why the drama about adding one.
Try pointing out mandatory vaccinations required for public school attendance - some folks are typically clueless & it blows their minds.

There are enough loonies out there against shots that have been standard for decades. The would rather believe in a flat Earth where they should do as they please.
Everyone needs an annual jab for the majority of their lives. Which will go on for what, 10, 20, 100, 1000’s of years?

Think how much money has been materialised from thin air.. it’s very clever. Maybe one way of paying for their fuck ups lol
No one is compelled to get a flu shot.
I have felt so. Jobs I have made it uncomfortable if I didn’t get it. They said if you don’t get it you will have to wear a mask all the time . That was pre pandemic. Now I am made to wear a mask all the time so it’s like... hmmm. But I will get it anyway. I went to get one at work a couple days ago we had some supply but they ran out pretty quick .
Just going to leave this here.... and hey if you prove him and his team of doctors and lawyers wrong infront of the retired federal judges.,,,,you can win a million bucks.

look it over... make you own decision.. what i found interesting was how israel and india (87% jabbed and india 5% jabbed) second wave delta spike graphs looked almost exactly the same.

and the 1 million dollar contract:
Just going to leave this here.... and hey if you prove him and his team of doctors and lawyers wrong infront of the retired federal judges.,,,,you can win a million bucks.

look it over... make you own decision.. what i found interesting was how israel and india (87% jabbed and india 5% jabbed) second wave delta spike graphs looked almost exactly the same.

and the 1 million dollar contract:
Is that the same as proving Mike Lindells lies, cause the right is proven to welch on debts
So where do you think the money to protect people is coming from? The tooth faerie? What are they now not spending money on? Please explain, I am curious.

Where does it come from? Wherever it wants. Money is made up. Money is a symbol for a physical item.

I don’t know what they are not spending it on? Never asked.
That is not the #1 thing.
In this instance “money being made” does not equate to “scam being run”. You imply equivalence.

I’m merely stating that if there’s an opportunity to make money seldom governments refuse the opportunity to do so.

It’s just the way this worlds works unfortunately
Is that the same as proving Mike Lindells lies, cause the right is proven to welch on debts
I mean, its referenced work, all cited.,....I mean Iknow you could'nt have read the 30+ pages... and all the references....But okay, figured i'd lay down some verifiable facts and let you guys decide... but I can see minds are predetermined.... But wanna know whats not fake news? India and Israel spiking almost exactly the same. percentage wise. Graphs are in there... info was had by Israel and India.... Also... in the out break in MA. nearly 75% of all hospitalized... were jabbed

I mean its efficacy is pretty lousy.