See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

Yawn. If you actually had a brain that functioned you'd know that just because a person doesn't support trump and thinks he's a piece of shit doesn't make them a bleeding liberal. In fact Biden won the Independent vote and got some Republicans as well because trump was such a terrible president.

And like I already said in an earlier post. Since you clowns can't actually defend trump or point to any actual accomplishments all you do is point somewhere else. You simple minded trumers are so predictable. What the hell does Hunters artwork have to do with anything. And as far as emails go maybe you can recover the thousands of emails destroyed by ivanka, jared, and everyone else in trumps inner circle.

You have no room to talk about anything. You're just a sore loser. Get over it. trump lost. He was a one term failure destroying the country which is why patriotic Americans kicked his smelly ass out of the White House.
oh thats it - make me prove a negative. thats rich.

we cant defend trump? once more - tell me what Biden has done that is so great.

i am still waiting.
oh thats it - make me prove a negative. thats rich.

we cant defend trump? once more - tell me what Biden has done that is so great.

i am still waiting.

You really have difficulty with comprehension. You're the one that worships trump. I only voted for Biden because he was a better choice than trump. You look at things as "Us vs Them". I look at things like "What's best for the country". What was best was to get rid of trump and the rest of the intelligent people in America agreed. I found that to be a good sign because it means there are less dumb people than smart people.

I'll put it in very simple words that maybe even you can understand.

trump sucked and was voted out by America.

Biden wasn't the best but was better than trump which is why he was elected.

You and others like you can't accept that your Dear Leader is no longer in power and have resorted to embracing conspiracy theories or using rumors surrounding Biden's son as some kind of argument. I don't recall voting for Hunter Biden. In fact I'm positive he wasn't on the ballot.

But hey, you're on a roll. Let's talk about Obama's birth certificate. I know you're salivating to get that topic in so I just gave you an opening to spew that crap as well.

Isn't there a qanon march or something you should be attending?
you fuckers can't tell the truth if your lives depended on's the newest stupid lie, so easily debunked, it's least try to make it believable

nice spin - but in full context he is talking about red flag - if you know someone who is a very serious danger then you move 'cause there aint no time for the courts. - it would have saved a lot of lives in Florida and elsewhere. but of course Trump is not allowed to do that. just like you'd complain if he cured cancer.

meanwhile its "masks!" "you must get a shot!" "believe what we told you this morning, not yesterday!" (which is valid everyday with President Brandon.)

and yet you STILL say the other side are the it up. its quite enjoyable.
nice spin - but in full context he is talking about red flag - if you know someone who is a very serious danger then you move 'cause there aint no time for the courts. - it would have saved a lot of lives in Florida and elsewhere. but of course Trump is not allowed to do that. just like you'd complain if he cured cancer.

meanwhile its "masks!" "you must get a shot!" "believe what we told you this morning, not yesterday!" (which is valid everyday with President Brandon.)

and yet you STILL say the other side are the it up. its quite enjoyable.
nice spin yourself...but it's still all bullshit. fascist trumptards tried to blame Biden for a trump statement, and were ripping him a new asshole...until it became clear that trump said it and not now it's all backpedaling and excuses...whats good for the goose isn't good for the gander? so you're not only a fascist, you're a hypocritical fascist...
are you STILL talking?
the dumbest people around are the fascists who force their beliefs on everyone else call everyone else fascists.
classic playground strategy. you must feel so smart. lol
are you STILL talking?
the dumbest people around are the fascists who force their beliefs on everyone else call everyone else fascists.
classic playground strategy. you must feel so smart. lol
it's not hard to feel superior to someone so obviously deluded, so completely taken in by a fucking retard with a 4th grade comprehension and speaking yes, at least compared to you, i do feel so smart.... :lol:
it's not hard to feel superior to someone so obviously deluded, so completely taken in by a fucking retard with a 4th grade comprehension and speaking yes, at least compared to you, i do feel so smart.... :lol:
of thats rich. someone who voted for Biden bragging about being smarter than someone else.

it just gets better!
of thats rich. someone who voted for Biden bragging about being smarter than someone else.

it just gets better!
how deep a hole do you intend to dig before you bury your head in the sand? you obviously wouldn't recognize the truth if it was humping your leg...
i'm not a fan of Biden's, but he's an intelligent, thoughtful person(i don't mean he remembers his granny's birthday thoughtful, i mean he actually has fucking thoughts in his head, not cheeto dust and hair dye...) he has kind of a bad track record on a lot of things, but he could be 10 times worse than he is, and still beat trump with a switch all the way down the fucking yeah, still smarter than you by a long way, magat
how deep a hole do you intend to dig before you bury your head in the sand? you obviously wouldn't recognize the truth if it was humping your leg...
i'm not a fan of Biden's, but he's an intelligent, thoughtful person(i don't mean he remembers his granny's birthday thoughtful, i mean he actually has fucking thoughts in his head, not cheeto dust and hair dye...) he has kind of a bad track record on a lot of things, but he could be 10 times worse than he is, and still beat trump with a switch all the way down the fucking yeah, still smarter than you by a long way, magat

Wouldn't know it by listening to him. He seems to be incoherent to the point his handlers are afraid to let him talk to reporters. Trump tended to spew word salad but at least you knew what he meant.

Guess we wait and see how high that spike goes. Fortunately now they are being shipped all over the country as opposed to being dumped Gila Bend and Phoenix.
who gives a flying fuck about immigrants?..think they won't take the vaccine to get into the country? and they're coming to you have any fucking idea what would happen to the price of food if they didn't come? food would rot in the fields, farmers would go under even faster than they are now, and prices would be so high you would need a fucking duffel bag of cash for a weeks groceries...if you could find anything on the shelves to buy...
Wouldn't know it by listening to him. He seems to be incoherent to the point his handlers are afraid to let him talk to reporters. Trump tended to spew word salad but at least you knew what he meant. i didn't know what he meant...he was so all over the place with every reply that half the time it seemed like he was answering questions that hadn't been asked while ignoring those that were...which im not sure wasn't his intent all along....
Biden used to stutter, and still does to a small extent, but i can usually follow what he's talking about with no problems, more than i could ever say about trump and his non-answers. trump is 75, and Biden is you really think 3 years makes any kind of difference at that age? they're both too old to hold the office in my opinion, but Biden is at least as coherent as trump ever was, and a damn site more so in nearly every case
who gives a flying fuck about immigrants?..think they won't take the vaccine to get into the country? and they're coming to you have any fucking idea what would happen to the price of food if they didn't come? food would rot in the fields, farmers would go under even faster than they are now, and prices would be so high you would need a fucking duffel bag of cash for a weeks groceries...if you could find anything on the shelves to buy...

So we open the border wide and hope people run across to pick our lettuce? There is this thing called a guest worker program. You may have heard of it. We don't need uncontrolled border crossing to make sure our vegetables get picked.

I don't picture those Hatians picking a lot of lettuce btw. I'm guessing you don't live anywhere near the border or you would have a clue as to the problems undocumented immigration causes.
So we open the border wide and hope people run across to pick our lettuce? There is this thing called a guest worker program. You may have heard of it. We don't need uncontrolled border crossing to make sure our vegetables get picked.

I don't picture those Hatians picking a lot of lettuce btw. I'm guessing you don't live anywhere near the border or you would have a clue as to the problems undocumented immigration causes.
i live in a town that wouldn't be operating right now without undocumented immigrant workers...most people do, they just refuse to see it