Did you mean aerobic? Anaerobic is not what you want, although LaB is anaerobic but amazing for your soil. I’m sure it’s giving it the nutrients it needs, if not it’s breaking down into humus and will be amazing for your soil. I don’t know where you live, but chances are they are deep burrowing worms. I highly suggest you get a worm bin, but keep your compost going. It’s very easy to keep a worm bin, just make sure balance the carbon/nitrogen. They love newspapers, straw, cardboard, leaves, etc. buy at Least a ten gal bin (apparently they don’t reproduce in smaller than that, at least that’s what the person told me whom I buy my red wrigglers from. Check out kashi composting as well, it’d be a great addition to your compost pile. Sorry to hear about the bugs. I work on a farm (not the green kind) and I gotta shower and change clothes before I look at my plants… it doesn’t always happen.
but good on ya, looks like you got a great set up. I love SIP’s, they changed the game for me. I’ll be building one here pretty soon. I’ll start a journal and make sure to tag you in it.
Happy Growing,
Tom Bean