Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Not gonna lie, that sorta looks like a fun time.

I imagine it began with a conversation starting over the vibratory effects of sound waves, and just snowballed from there.

also, I smoke reefer cigarettes, how come that’s never happened to me!?! :cry:

I kinda figured with your handle, you could just hook up a sub-woofer and get a far superior effect to that of a french horn. I remember one festival where we made the "sitting box" basically just a box with two sub-woofers in it pushing enough peak electricity to power my grow. We painted it and put LEDs in it to make it look a little less like a multi-person rectangular sybian, but that's what it was.

I played my electric cello at that event through the ograsma-box, I collected a nice set of groupies shortly after laying into my low C string while playing my Drum-n-Bach set.