can seeds be 2 fresh

Phily Kelly

Active Member
do you all believe that seeds can be germinated as soon as they come from the plants or should they be put away for a while first. please refrain from calling me stupid etc. I'm just lookin 4 people's opinions:weed:


Well-Known Member
hmm fresh seeds? i don't see why not? then again i don't really know.. but in theory.. why would you have to wait? :P


Well-Known Member
ive heard its best to wait 3-6 months to let them further mature. some people put them in the fridge for a few weeks to simulate a winter waiting to sprout.


Well-Known Member
i let mine wait a a couple months in a dark closet
and i dont think that was even long enough 'cuz only 2/6 of them sprouted...


Well-Known Member
hmm, good point about the winter.. maybe it is best to wait. check around about it on the net, with other seeds, to see how it works maybe? ...


Well-Known Member
do you all believe that seeds can be germinated as soon as they come from the plants or should they be put away for a while first. please refrain from calling me stupid etc. I'm just lookin 4 people's opinions:weed:
absolutely, they have to age first. Stick em in the fridge after you've picked them a couple of weeks minimum, a month is better but 4-6 months is not necessary.

Phily Kelly

Active Member
thanks for the help guys just wanted get a few opinions
friend wanted to germinate them straight away, mixed white widow and afghan kush he is eager to see what they turn out like.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys just wanted get a few opinions
friend wanted to germinate them straight away, mixed white widow and afghan kush he is eager to see what they turn out like.
well who wouldn't be eager? if you have alot of them give it a shot, like an earlier poster said you may just have a lower germination rate.


New Member
perfect thread for me now :) . Last week I popped 5 seeds out of their bracts while the plant is entering peak flower production and put seeds directly in jiffy mix cups. so far two have come up. this is a mostly sativa hybrid now, from a ww female and a ww/mystery sativa (bag seed that had dense but thin buds and a great racy high). could be that indicas and ruderalus might need a shot of cold but not equatorial strains? just a thought.. peace


Well-Known Member
All the above I have experienced like they say you will have a lower success rate if you dont wait but I usually wait around 6 months to a year before i start and i usually have a 99% success rate! If I start right off the plant there might be a few that sprout but usually they are just sitting in the water. From what I hear seeds can take anywhere from 1-90 days to germinate so that's a pretty long time. Now I believe that the seeds that did not germinate along with the other ones still might germinate in like 2-3-4 mabye 5 weeks who knows just change out the water....Personaly Fuck that if my seed dosnt germante in 2 weeks im throwing it away......So theres my 2 cents!


New Member
three have now surfaced and it's only been 4, maybe 5 days since i put them about a quarter inch deep in jiffy mix. all of them seem very health and vibrant.


New Member
bump up, 4 out of 5. i think the requirement to "rest" the seeds is an old wives tale...sorry to any wives, ;) peace


Well-Known Member
sweet as if its working for ya, its got me excited cos a mate just gave me bout 10 northern lights seeds that have just come off. Was gonna wait ages but FUCK that shit im gonna plant the lot and see what happens!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have a place that I go to every year to buy seeds and plants for my outdoor veggy garden. Over the years I have had a good relationship with the people that work in the greenhouses there. The best tip I ever got from them was to put my seeds in the freezer for 48 hours before germinating as this will make the seed think it has just come out of winter and it is time to sprout. This has worked great for me. I never tried with Mary Jane seeds as I only do clones and never from seed.


New Member
#5 just poked through the surface! Maybe letting them dry and cool could actually speed up germination. #5 had me worried, but it wasn't anywhere near as long as I've waited for older seeds to germ.:weed:


New Member
One of the five looks a bit like a mutant ;) First true leaves, while healthy and green, look like they are attached upside down.


Well-Known Member
This is an interesting thread. I didn't think it was possible for seeds to be too fresh before. I stored mine in the fridge before germinating and it seems to help.

Sounds good pinkus, I hope the mutant comes around ;)


New Member
One of the five looks a bit like a mutant ;) First true leaves, while healthy and green, look like they are attached upside down.
I'm keeping this thread going because I have my own accidental experiment going on.

the mutant was the first thing unusual i noticed but one of the five also seems to have an altered seedling branching pattern. It's not too weird, but it reminds me of some old colchine experiments to turn weed triploid.

Upsidedown wasn't a very good description. the best way I can think of to describe it is like this: if the edge of the leaf had a draw-string (like sweat pants say) and it was drwn to tight forcing the bulk of the leaf to billow out, so if you look at it from the side you seee the bottom of the leaf. If I misted them it would hold water.:blsmoke::leaf:

If you want to get strange looking plants try planting right away. Otherwise I'd wait. But, loike any good parent I'm not giving up on my little freaksbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Yeah, those first two pics look weird. It would be interesting to see if that plant straightens up and flies right.