Barney's Farm Spiel

I'm from the UK mate. I do have an account with GLG and have ordered some Bodhi (Sunshine Daydream) but wasn't overly impressed with them (the seeds that is NOT GLG). Would love to order some of your USA seeds again but haven't a clue as to what to buy as most just have the breeding which I am not familiar with. Any advice would be more than welcome, typically I want big yielders, indoor 8-9 weeks, some leaning towards sativa and some leaning towards indica, and most importantly NO anxiety or paranoia. I do like sensual strains:rolleyes: Also some high CBD low THC for my daughter, she can suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Prefer fems.
Try Humboldt Seed Company. Pricey but theyre legit and just as good as any european bank. Im not trying to nose into your business but It sounds like your daughters developing an anxiety disorder and if marijuanas not helping then it can only throw fuel on the fire. I say this as someone who worked at a state hospital and saw an OCD patient repeatedly run himself into the ground trying to self medicate only to end up committed over and over again. It just did him no favors. You should see how she reacts to a cbd strain(cbd crew does amazing work) and if that doesnt help id say give it up entirely. Just my two cents. I love the stuff and it brings me much peace but its not great for everyone. Sometimes i really miss that crummy mexican bag weed from 20 years ago. Sure it was weak and filled with sticks and staple nails and the occasional dried lizard. But it was such a relaxing high. I just never saw anyone lose their fucking marbles smoking it like I see some people with todays stuff. It would have certainly served better for anxiety problems
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There you go. 5 weeks since flip. 4 strains. 3 are from Alaska breeders. All are American. It’s a poor carpenter who blames his tools.
What do you pull from that I pull about four pounds off of 8 plants concurrently I’ve bought seeds from a few American banks every time about fifty percent pop math is math when 90 to 100 percent pop and I get free shit why wouldn’t I buy from them plus there banks are older more secured places most American banks pop up and shut down regularly besides a few king Krop ilgm all those places and there shit is junk hands down junk bought fifteen strawberry cough from king two years ago 8 popped I don’t want to waste my time on that and it’s the idiot who keeps doing the same shit that doesn’t work I’d much rather stick to what I know and get what I know I can get as to trying to buy new stuff and maybe get half of what normally would like I said to each his own and Idk about you but my space and time are valuable to me so if I know I get 90 percent good seeds and few free ones to make up for the bad one or two I’m happy I mean boom I put out 125 pinapple express number 2 fifty green poison fast and fifty fast masters this summer I had six seeds not pop out of 130 seeds last year around the same results my indoor grows I buy ten and get three free ones out of that I always plant at least ten sometimes I have to shove a extra one in there so maths math
BOSS! Gotta love it when they get that pinkish hue. Are these alaska breeders available to the public? I mean do they have an active seed bank?
One is just now getting licensed and has some strains he’ll be making available. He’s head grower for a number of legal retailers here. I post on THC Farmer. IM me for user name. Sales are allowed there. Of seeds!!
What do you pull from that I pull about four pounds off of 8 plants concurrently I’ve bought seeds from a few American banks every time about fifty percent pop math is math when 90 to 100 percent pop and I get free shit why wouldn’t I buy from them plus there banks are older more secured places most American banks pop up and shut down regularly besides a few king Krop ilgm all those places and there shit is junk hands down junk bought fifteen strawberry cough from king two years ago 8 popped I don’t want to waste my time on that and it’s the idiot who keeps doing the same shit that doesn’t work I’d much rather stick to what I know and get what I know I can get as to trying to buy new stuff and maybe get half of what normally would like I said to each his own and Idk about you but my space and time are valuable to me so if I know I get 90 percent good seeds and few free ones to make up for the bad one or two I’m happy I mean boom I put out 125 pinapple express number 2 fifty green poison fast and fifty fast masters this summer I had six seeds not pop out of 130 seeds last year around the same results my indoor grows I buy ten and get three free ones out of that I always plant at least ten sometimes I have to shove a extra one in there so maths math
JBC Seeds gives freebies. Baked Beans Cannabis Seeds also give freebies. To each their own. I try supporting Americans. Otherwise I can’t expect them to support me.
I support the shit out of America I gave it 10 years of my life Doesn’t mean I have to give some crooked son of a bitch here my money do what works for you we all grow different
Who’s crooked exactly? If you don’t mind sharing. We have a canna blacklist here in Alaska. Once your name is on that you’re pretty much adrift in a large cold state.
I find this conversation funny.

People get all up in arms over buy American made blaa blaa blaa.

Creating division amongst the world economy only hurts everyone. Prices get jacked up, supplies dwindle and no one comes out better for it.

Take this proposed 300% tariff on solar panels coming into the US for example.

Ships are stuck out in the port, companies can't get their supplies, customers are being charged more for what reserves are in the county, and the US can't actually make enough panels to supply the demand.

My point is that people thinking shit coming from their respective countries are better than shit from other countries is just Ludacris in today's day and age.

Get what you what from where you want. If it's good it's good.
Who’s crooked exactly? If you don’t mind sharing. We have a canna blacklist here in Alaska. Once your name is on that you’re pretty much adrift in a large cold state.
Lol I like that, no man just the corporate capitalist man my man I much rather give my money to the European slave drivers and war mongers that ruined an entire continent with there desire for the wealth of the world but that’s for another day
Lol I like that, no man just the corporate capitalist man my man I much rather give my money to the European slave drivers and war mongers that ruined an entire continent with there desire for the earth of the world but that’s for another day
Check out AK Bean Brains. He’s on Instagram. His blueberry work predates DJ Short. He’s got numerous strains bred by him at very fair prices. I’ve bought his gear through JBC Seeds which is out of Washington.

Also Dynasty Genetics produces some really fine strains. Stable strains too. No using you as the test bed. Vashon Seed another from Vancouver Island. Just a lot of great strains.
Try Humboldt Seed Company. Pricey but theyre legit and just as good as any european bank. Im not trying to nose into your business but It sounds like your daughters developing an anxiety disorder and if marijuanas not helping then it can only throw fuel on the fire. I say this as someone who worked at a state hospital and saw an OCD patient repeatedly run himself into the ground trying to self medicate only to end up committed over and over again. It just did him no favors. You should see how she reacts to a cbd strain(cbd crew does amazing work) and if that doesnt help id say give it up entirely. Just my two cents. I love the stuff and it brings me much peace but its not great for everyone. Sometimes i really miss that crummy mexican bag weed from 20 years ago. Sure it was weak and filled with sticks and staple nails and the occasional dried lizard. But it was such a relaxing high. I just never saw anyone lose their fucking marbles smoking it like I see some people with todays stuff. It would have certainly served better for anxiety problems

RobCat many thanks for your reply. I am afraid I didn't explain my daughters situation very well in my earlier post.

My daughter is 23 years old and is prone to panic attacks and anxiety, they are getting slightly better now she is older and in a better place with her life. She can't drink alcohol as it really gives her bad panic attacks where she can't even breath properly. She is the type who tries to put on a brave front but I can often see she is struggling. She recently told me when she socializes she often feels a bit left out as she doesn't drink or take any kind of drugs whatsoever including weed and never has. She asked me about smoking weed as some of her friends vape THC juice. Now some weed can make me feel really anxious and paranoid so I want to be careful what advise I give her. I told her I would grow something for her to try, just hope I am doing the right thing. I have bought some seeds from "Delicious Seeds" ( Deep Mandarin and Cbd Jam ) they are around 1-1 to 1-3 THC to CBD (around 4-10% of THC) and also some Delimed CBD Plus which is almost THC free. I thought the THC free if she wants to just chill and and maybe medicate if she feels anxious or depressed and the 1-1 for if she has friends around and wants to relax while they drink or whatever.

She is a very sensible girl and I have told her no one has ever drank or smoked their way out of a bout of anxiety or depression. Tried a few herbals for her Ashwaganda etc and they do help to some extent but it may be the placebo effect.
I am going to post this as a tread for more advice, thanks for your help so far.
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RobCat many thanks for your reply. I am afraid I didn't explain my daughters situation very well in my earlier post.

My daughter is 23 years old and is prone to panic attacks and anxiety, they are getting slightly better now she is older and in a better place with her life. She can't drink alcohol as it really gives her bad panic attacks where she can't even breath properly. She is the type who tries to put on a brave front but I can often see she is struggling. She recently told me when she socializes she often feels a bit left out as she doesn't drink or take any kind of drugs whatsoever including weed and never has. She asked me about smoking weed as some of her friends vape THC juice. Now some weed can make me feel really anxious and paranoid so I want to be careful what advise I give her. I told her I would grow something for her to try, just hope I am doing the right thing. I have bought some seeds from "Delicious Seeds" ( Deep Mandarin and Cbd Jam ) they are around 1-1 to 1-3 THC to CBD (around 4-10% of THC) and also some Delimed CBD Plus which is almost THC free. I thought the THC free if she wants to just chill and and maybe medicate if she feels anxious or depressed and the 1-1 for if she has friends around and wants to relax while they drink or whatever.

She is a very sensible girl and I have told her no one has ever drank or smoked their way out of a bout of anxiety or depression. Tried a few herbals for her Ashwaganda etc and they do help to some extent but it may be the placebo effect.
Oh by no means am I a clinical psychologist or anything. I just remember a lot of patients using drugs only for it to cause more anxiety. Most of them with something worse than weed. Looking back i cant say i blame them. Those medication regimens would run them into the ground. It sounds like your daughters just young and finding her way. That can be an anxiety trip itself. Neither one of my kids really like marijuana that much. Which just means more for me :D. You should give peach puree cbd from G13 labs a go. Its my third run with it. I just cut mine down yesterday. Great smell and very easy to deal with. I should probably note that i dont care for cbd weed. I just grow for my aunt and a guy i was in the service with. But they definitely have great things to say about it


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I'm from the UK mate. I do have an account with GLG and have ordered some Bodhi (Sunshine Daydream) but wasn't overly impressed with them (the seeds that is NOT GLG). Would love to order some of your USA seeds again but haven't a clue as to what to buy as most just have the breeding which I am not familiar with. Any advice would be more than welcome, typically I want big yielders, indoor 8-9 weeks, some leaning towards sativa and some leaning towards indica, and most importantly NO anxiety or paranoia. I do like sensual strains:rolleyes: Also some high CBD low THC for my daughter, she can suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Prefer fems.
Try Kandy Kush