Drying in a fridge

This is hilarious, a number of people here have went well above and beyond what was enquired about in this thread. Did I ask if any dick heads could chime in with their uneducated opinion on what will and won’t work for me? Some people just need that light shining on them all the time, sad really. It’s ruined my thread lol. What kind of pricks frequent these forums idk. Ever heard of live and let live, or die. I’m not here to convince anyone, nor do I need convincing, I keep saying that but people keep trying. I’ve spent months reading about peltier devices and fuckin dew points, I’m not about to bow to some arseholes unfounded comments about how they’ve never tried it know fuck all about it but it deffo won’t work! Take a fuckin day off!
All 3. Different
It makes no difference what so ever if it’s a frost free fridge or a frost free fridge freezer, a frost free fridge collects the moisture in a tray, a frost free fridge freezer collects the moisture in the freezer and freezes it. And I did say fuckin wine fridge! Prick
it's funny a few years ago on thcfarmer someone started a thread about it and it was very informative and such and then out of nowhere dudes start smashing him, like total wackos basically, uncalled for treatment, which eventually led to thread closed and op getting banned

then a few months later one of the users who had been supportive the op and interested in that earlier thread, started a thread on his experience with it and as an old(ish?) person who had many years of experience wished he had known about it before lol, in a bizarre twist, as the thread was near the end and all was amicable, another rando swoops in this time in full shroomed out trip mode goes on a wild rant i guess(?) insulting the idea and once again this was the second and only time i have ever seen anything like this , and all just bercause my googling had now led me to fridge drying somehow lol

anyway some anecdotal evidence:

From the DrZiggy thread from 420:

User Tommyboy1973:

I just tried some of my first harvest with this method. Small quantity in a dorm fridge. It’s been 2 weeks and 3 days and when I pulled it out last night, temped to room temp, and capped overnight it was at 72% this morning. So almost there. So far I’m liking the method. It’s allowed me a slow controlled dry in the high heat and low humidity where I am.

My low and slow buds are in the cure stage now. Just watch that RH at the end of the dry! Mine went from like 70 to 60 in one day. I had to add a little moisture back in. It is very dry where I am so the humidity in the fridge was in the 30’s, air RH can be as low as 10. Bumping consists of opening the jars long enough to fan some air in and then shutting it, lol. I smelled the fridge dried bud compared to my hang dry bud and the difference is remarkable. You really can smell those terpenes. I thank @BigD13 for leading me to this thread and method.
User kelticBlue:

Here is my latest harvest about 2 weeks out of the fridge and into the jar with some of the nicer tops in front of the jars.

they retain good color and terp smell is very smooth and herbal. herbalicious even
and from my earlier post where i mentioned Sucassa's post from this site(which was all in bold):

This is all rather entertaining to read. it seems the real question isnt being addressed too well.
I personally cure my bud in my mini fridge inside of some oatmeal cookie boxes. Everyday just give em a shake/roll around to break up the buds that are resting on eachother and bam close up the fridge and wait.
This dry/cure method is known as the Lotus Dry Cure method. I highly highly recommend reading up on this.

as for mold, lotus dry is idiotproof.. The buds really for some reason wont mold in the fridge, even though the drying process is prolonged.(2weeks).

I Actually did multiple tests with grows where id dry it in the fridge on harvest day and also left half of my crop in the grow tent with fans and my exhaust. (22degrees C, and 61%humidity) the stuff from the tent ended up tasting like every other flavorless weed out there.. it still gets you high but kiss your terps goodbye.When i smoked the fridge dry stuff omg the flavor hit me like my first sip of fruitopia on a summer day.

dont believe me try it out.

ALSO MAKE SURE THERES NO GROSS ASS FOOD OR OPEN SAUCES IN YOUR FRIDGE. I personally will peel an orange every 2 days and throw it in my fridge aswell to keep the citrusy smells inside and yes it does make your weed taste a little more citrus.

thanks for reading.
it's funny a few years ago on thcfarmer someone started a thread about it and it was very informative and such and then out of nowhere dudes start smashing him, like total wackos basically, uncalled for treatment, which eventually led to thread closed and op getting banned

then a few months later one of the users who had been supportive the op and interested in that earlier thread, started a thread on his experience with it and as an old(ish?) person who had many years of experience wished he had known about it before lol, in a bizarre twist, as the thread was near the end and all was amicable, another rando swoops in this time in full shroomed out trip mode goes on a wild rant i guess(?) insulting the idea and once again this was the second and only time i have ever seen anything like this , and all just bercause my googling had now led me to fridge drying somehow lol

anyway some anecdotal evidence:

From the DrZiggy thread from 420:

User Tommyboy1973:

I just tried some of my first harvest with this method. Small quantity in a dorm fridge. It’s been 2 weeks and 3 days and when I pulled it out last night, temped to room temp, and capped overnight it was at 72% this morning. So almost there. So far I’m liking the method. It’s allowed me a slow controlled dry in the high heat and low humidity where I am.

My low and slow buds are in the cure stage now. Just watch that RH at the end of the dry! Mine went from like 70 to 60 in one day. I had to add a little moisture back in. It is very dry where I am so the humidity in the fridge was in the 30’s, air RH can be as low as 10. Bumping consists of opening the jars long enough to fan some air in and then shutting it, lol. I smelled the fridge dried bud compared to my hang dry bud and the difference is remarkable. You really can smell those terpenes. I thank @BigD13 for leading me to this thread and method.
User kelticBlue:

Here is my latest harvest about 2 weeks out of the fridge and into the jar with some of the nicer tops in front of the jars.

they retain good color and terp smell is very smooth and herbal. herbalicious even
and from my earlier post where i mentioned Sucassa's post from this site(which was all in bold):

This is all rather entertaining to read. it seems the real question isnt being addressed too well.
I personally cure my bud in my mini fridge inside of some oatmeal cookie boxes. Everyday just give em a shake/roll around to break up the buds that are resting on eachother and bam close up the fridge and wait.
This dry/cure method is known as the Lotus Dry Cure method. I highly highly recommend reading up on this.

as for mold, lotus dry is idiotproof.. The buds really for some reason wont mold in the fridge, even though the drying process is prolonged.(2weeks).

I Actually did multiple tests with grows where id dry it in the fridge on harvest day and also left half of my crop in the grow tent with fans and my exhaust. (22degrees C, and 61%humidity) the stuff from the tent ended up tasting like every other flavorless weed out there.. it still gets you high but kiss your terps goodbye.When i smoked the fridge dry stuff omg the flavor hit me like my first sip of fruitopia on a summer day.

dont believe me try it out.

ALSO MAKE SURE THERES NO GROSS ASS FOOD OR OPEN SAUCES IN YOUR FRIDGE. I personally will peel an orange every 2 days and throw it in my fridge aswell to keep the citrusy smells inside and yes it does make your weed taste a little more citrus.

thanks for reading.
Thankyou for going to the effort of saying what you have and also posting the supporting evidence. Too many people think they know it all, such a shame, It’s not like I’m here saying myself and all of you have been doing it wrong for years and now this is the only way to do it from now so everyone needs to get on board or you’ll die. There’s a number of ways to do things and I’d never try and shame someone for trying something different.
Thankyou for going to the effort of saying what you have and also posting the supporting evidence. Too many people think they know it all, such a shame, It’s not like I’m here saying myself and all of you have been doing it wrong for years and now this is the only way to do it from now so everyone needs to get on board or you’ll die. There’s a number of ways to do things and I’d never try and shame someone for trying something different.

indeed, i think we missed the first wave of resistance though hopefully lol. as a precaution and to the skeptics, there was someone on the drziggy thread who experienced mold but they had the jars covered with nylon, and the fridge was mistakenly left ajar for almost 10 hours... but so far after all my googling of this topic in forums that was the first i've heard mold mentioned
indeed, i think we missed the first wave of resistance though hopefully lol. as a precaution and to the skeptics, there was someone on the drziggy thread who experienced mold but they had the jars covered with nylon, and the fridge was mistakenly left ajar for almost 10 hours... but so far after all my googling of this topic in forums that was the first i've heard mold mentioned
Yeah I mean shit happens from time to time doesn’t it , I’ve no doubt that many more people have tried this and fucked something up somewhere and got moldy buds, just the same as many people have fucked something up with a traditional method and got mold.
The way a frost free appliance works is to briefly heat the sides and drain the runoff.This causes a humidity spike.You want a manual defrost appliance for drying.Good luck and keep this fiasco going
Omg I’ve just realised you’re the person who commented earlier saying the humidity would be over 100%. U actually said that and ur gonna sit there and try and make me feel stupid?
Make you feel stupid? I’m not tryin to make you feel anything. I don’t know you to care how you feel. I’m going off my own fridge and early work as a kid at fast food with the walk in units. Nothing got dry in those things.

and look up supersaturation. I learned that shit in Florida. You can go over 100% rh bud.
The way a frost free appliance works is to briefly heat the sides and drain the runoff.This causes a humidity spike.You want a manual defrost appliance for drying.Good luck and keep this fiasco going

in actuality, for the many years this idea has been online, the conventional wisdom (based on trial and error) is to use an auto defrost fridge lol

it writes itself lol
Make you feel stupid? I’m not tryin to make you feel anything. I don’t know you to care how you feel. I’m going off my own fridge and early work as a kid at fast food with the walk in units. Nothing got dry in those things.

and look up supersaturation. I learned that shit in Florida. You can go over 100% rh bud.

actually as i have learned after researching this, a walk in fridge is ideal and used by professional growers, or at least in this instance, the grower who used the walk in fridge had the superior pot at the local dispos
im expecting a more complete terpene profile as the lower temperature allows for preservation of the more volatile compounds (like myrcene) throughout the transition. Also less shrinkage and preservation of the colours that are visible at harvest.
I’m also expecting to be able to push the drying time to upwards of 3 weeks.
If you don’t mind would you please keep us posted with the results good or bad.

me too i can't wait to try this also^

lettuce definitely wilts in a fridge, but if you catch it before wilting and put some water on it it will crisp back up. this when keeping a head of green lettuce in a semi-open plastic bag on any shelf. sealing lettuce in a fridge causes mush and mold. so there definitely is an environment with air exchange in the fridge if not just due to opening the door, and for whatever reasons it is a good environment to slow and cold dry cannabis, and lettuce for that matter lol