Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Smileys getting high animated emoticon
OK, A guy went to his Dr and told him his dick is orange.
Dr asked "Does your girlfriend have any problems?"
"I don't have a girlfriend"
"Have you been with someone recently?"
"No, I haven't gone out in awhile"
"What do you do on the weekends then?"
"I just sit at home, watch porn, and eat Cheeto's"
I know that one.
And my friend said to avoid the jalapeno ones. It really scared him. Turned orange and burned. LMAO. TY.
well that was interesting........had a wonderful conversation with the neurologist....the Mrs is ok, but her MS is progressing.....it's slow though which is a good thing......so like we talk about the cannabis thing for her as well....she said she couldn't find anything on it.....well missy glad i did you work for you....made her a copy of the compassion program that's in the texas, and also gave her a printed copy of leafy where it shows for Dr's....man her eye lite up...so this could be a good thing cause she told us she'll look into it for the MS....i asked for me as well....cause i have to deal with the Mrs's.....the dr just laughed.....hey i tried...at least she might get it.....we'll see....
Find that in your basement?

How's the project progressing?

I am pumping my basement today....I was just outdoors in the rain changing the direction of a rain gutter extension. I have water coming in the one corner...weird!

I really need to break down and put new perimeter drainage in....I was hoping I could make it til next summer, but maybe not.
Find that in your basement?

How's the project progressing?

I am pumping my basement today....I was just outdoors in the rain changing the direction of a rain gutter extension. I have water coming in the one corner...weird!

I really need to break down and put new perimeter drainage in....I was hoping I could make it til next summer, but maybe not.

When do you rest?

I thought it was hash or some concentrate.
I did too, until the post that followed it.

Here's todays blunder. I had to go drop off my hearing aids for a repair. I came out, walked up to my car, opened the door, and German Shepherd about ripped my head off. It wasn't my car!! o_O Luckily I didn't get the door open and there was a human in the car, apparently waiting for his better half in the doctors.....He gave me the nastiest look, and I just gave him a big wave and smile and got in my car, parked 15' away...Oops.