My 1st time ID'ing plant sex? Amirite??


Well-Known Member
Is this in fact female?? I say it is, my buddy says male. Or still too soon? Until now I've been relying on testing, but trying my hand at ID'ing sex.


Well-Known Member
Too soon. Need to uppot.

Nice work in the back though.
It will get repotted once i confirm lady parts. Should be soon. I'm also trying another trick i read about; give a seedling "bloom oriented nutrients" & it will show sex sooner than usual. This plant is about 3.5 weeks from seed but as u can see I accidentally starved it for a bit.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
It will get repotted once i confirm lady parts. Should be soon. I'm also trying another trick i read about; give a seedling "bloom oriented nutrients" & it will show sex sooner than usual. This plant is about 3.5 weeks from seed but as u can see I accidentally starved it for a bit.
I've had plants take 50-60 days to show sex sometimes. Made me consider those leaf sexing services. I heard about one from Mr Grow it on youtube...Farmer Freeman I believe is the company....they aren't exactly expensive but I'm not sure the price is worth it still since I only have a max of 10 plants at any one time and patience is free. But if time is of the essence....


Well-Known Member
I've had plants take 50-60 days to show sex sometimes. Made me consider those leaf sexing services. I heard about one from Mr Grow it on youtube...Farmer Freeman I believe is the company....they aren't exactly expensive but I'm not sure the price is worth it still since I only have a max of 10 plants at any one time and patience is free. But if time is of the essence....
I always use FarmerFreeman. Very reliable. I love it because we usually get sex results before seedlings hit 20 days
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