I wondered what happened that 2018 Super Bowl? Jared Goff and Todd gurly were hot shit those what, three years together. Then all of a sudden. Just awful
i hope they fire him mid season

and does garret bolles have pics of elway with a farm animal?? he might be one of the worst OL in the league. every other play is a holding penalty.

and taking Fant as your #1 pick? wtf?
i'm kinda glad i'm more of an Eagles fan but we suck as bad as denver.
That Eagles Super Bowl was awesome. I was rooting for the Eagles. Have you seen the 2 part Super Bowl episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Good shit. I'm an Eagles fan too. But right now it goes Denver, Seattle, and then Eagles. I'm rooting for the Bucs too.
That Eagles Super Bowl was awesome. I was rooting for the Eagles. Have you seen the 2 part Super Bowl episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Good shit. I'm an Eagles fan too. But right now it goes Denver, Seattle, and then Eagles. I'm rooting for the Bucs too.
we love it's always. other than seinfeld, it might be the 2nd funniest IMO

anybody that beats brady is fine with me. and to call the play Philly Special is too funny.
we love it's always. other than seinfeld, it might be the 2nd funniest IMO

anybody that beats brady is fine with me. and to call the play Philly Special is too funny.
Hell Ya. I'm watching Seinfeld right now actually, lol. "The Big Salad" is on now. I've seen them all probably at least 10 times.

Purple 23. Do you know what I mean?
how about king of queens? that's another that i find pretty funny too.
Oh ya. I've seen all those more than once too. I actually met Gary Valentine once. He was super cool.

I don't know if you know but him and Kevin James are brothers. Kevin changed his name since he thought it sounded more Hollywood or something.

So my son and I were walking through Keystone Village to go riding and saw him there. They were filming a movie. I yelled "Danny!", and he walked over to us and started talking to us. Asking my young son if he was gonna go rip it up. After a minute or so the director yelled over to him and we said our goodbyes.

He hasn't let fame go to his head at all. I think The whole Sandler crew is probably cool like that. But that's just the vibes I get from them.
Oh ya. I've seen all those more than once too. I actually met Gary Valentine once. He was super cool.

So my son and I were walking through Keystone Village to go riding and saw him there. They were filming a movie. I yelled "Danny!", and he walked over to us and started talking to us. Asking my young son if he was gonna go rip it up. After a minute or so the director yelled over to him and we said our goodbyes.

He hasn't let fame go to his head at all. I think The whole Sandler crew is probably cool like that. But that's just the vibes I get from them.
i liked that one where captain stubing ( danny's dad) comes to town and kisses doug on the lips.

jerry stiller was really good too