RSO Experience. Advice needed.


I made some RSO for the first time and I would appreciate any comments/advice on what I experienced using this. This is my first attempt at making RSO and I think I burned it during the process thus destroying some of its medicinal properties. I ended up with about 5 grams of RSO and decided to try and use this in a salve. I have never used cannabis in any way up until now. First time user.
The salve is for a bad shoulder and I’m sure I read somewhere that you can’t experience a high, which is something I don’t want, when applied topically. I mixed the 5 grams of RSO with about one and a half cups total of coconut oil and beeswax plus about 3 mil of Arnica oil and about 5 mil of Vitamin E oil. So far so good. I’m not a good sleeper as I find it difficult “switch off”. Before going to bed that night, I applied a small amount of the salve to my shoulder to see if it would ease the pain as I toss and turn with it all night. After about 5 or 10 minutes I was experiencing very little pain in the area where I applied the salve. What I also experienced was a difficulty of focusing on any thoughts. I must have then gone to sleep, which was very unusual for me to go to sleep this quickly. I woke up about two and half hours later and found that I could hardly move, or didn’t want to, and seemed content not to move and just lay there and then going back to sleep. After another two hours I woke again and this time I felt a bit “anxious” and had to get up and walk around for a while before going back to bed. The “anxious” part was a bit concerning to be honest. Is this usual to have this reaction from a salve? I’m about to make some more RSO, for its intended purpose, and I’m concerned about taking it for fear of having a nasty experience from a high. The RSO is for a cancer treatment.
Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated.
You made a great batch. And may be more affected than others.
Yes the anxiety is normal with a very potent dose of RSO. Even for a longtime heavy consumer of cannabis it can still trip them out.
At times its down right scary to the patient taking it orally for the first time before bed. And scary frfor their caregiver when it hits at say 3am. Imagine the energy of a PTSD vet on mushrooms and meth. Extreme paranoia can happen! Let a few people know so they can sit with you till it wears off. You will eventually feel great, hungry and higher like youve never been.
Thats the effect of the first loading dose. The second loading dose didn't have any issues at all with those guys. So be aware of it.
The three times i saw this was in 2 lung cancer patients and a colon cancer patients all with metastases. Many years later still living and well. They continue to use RSO.
Thanks for the reply Snoopy. I'm sure I read somewhere that you can't get "High" when applied topically on the skin. I certainly proved that statement wrong. I got a bit of a fright when I had the reaction I did from the salve. The second thing that concerns me is the salve I made was from what I thought was ruined because I burnt it therefore the extra heat would have destroyed the medicinal properties. What's it going to be like at full strength when prepared properly. If I have that sort of reaction from the salve I'll have to be extremely careful when I ingest full strength RSO.
Thanks for your advice Snoopy. I appreciate it.
Its strong medicine for sure. You may not have burnt it. Its supposed to be dark dark brown or black. Cannabinoids are converted to more active forms during the process from the heat.
This is my experience and others experience. Its anecdotal real world but we're not doctors. This information is by no way cannonical.So do more research...
You only need to be careful for about a week.
The first night with a freak out followed by an unbelievable cannabis high. The loading doses for my friends with cancer with metastases.
I take much smaller doses as needed usually for 2-3 weeks as needed for arthritis.
After the freakout the maintenance doses for is the rest of the week is getting used to it, a tolerance. You can work or do whatever you normally do after that week. Just a tad slower at times and some spacey mind at times too.
My regimen I sleep incredibly well, wake up feeling supple and need an extra cuppa' to shake the fog for the first couple of mornings. Then my mind is used to it.
So adjust the amount ingested. Its easier to dose in a 1ml syringe, if the "size of a grain of rice" is too much. But warm you stock supply in water bath stir it the fill syringe and fill gel capsules. There is some settling or separation of the cannabinoids by weight in the RSO. I noticed this with 4, 10ml syringes taking 3 drops in a capsule at night. The effect was different at 3 ml left in 1st syringe, confirmed in 2nd syringe dosing. So warmed, stirred the 2 remaining syringes and filled the capsules all at once. Stored in fridge. That fixed the lack of effects was noticed at bottom half of syringe.
blessings to you friend
I’m pretty experienced. You can’t get high by rubbing it on your skin. No way no how. You consumed a little. It doesn’t take much. Half size of a rice grain will take an inexperienced user to the moon. Works good for pain. I make my pain cream strong. A gram of active ingredient in a 2oz jar. NOBODY has ever gotten high off this by rubbing it on there skin.
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Hi fskitch, Thanks for the reply. I certainly didn't ingest any of this. I just rubbed some on my shoulder for pain. You've obviously read my original post, and , like you say, I've read that you can't get high from topical applications and that is why I applied some of the salve to my shoulder. Have you any opinion/reason as to why I'd get a reaction like I did? I'm not making this up. I've never had an experience like this before. This the very first time I've touched any form of cannabis.
Applying a topical to the skin only allows it to break the skin/muscular barrier, but not enter into the blood stream. Rubbing alcohol on your skin won't get you drunk. (That being said, I do admit narcotic 'Patches' work exactly as you say)
You said the pain started to go away within 5- 10min(thats my experience as well) and that you started to feel high in that time period. Consumption would have taken place at least an hour before to feel the effects not 10 min. Its my opinion a small amount was ingested when making or preparing.
The only way to prove it out would be to apply some to the skin again and see what happens.
I fully activate (decarboxylate) my RSO before making pain rub and give to people that do not partake and never had anyone get high from the rub.
Hi fskitch, I'm not doubting you for one second. Like you, I decarboxylated the RSO before making the rub. I'll do as you suggest and try it again and see what happens. I think I'll try it during the day this time. I'll let you know how I got on. Thanks again.
Hi fskitch, I'm not doubting you for one second. Like you, I decarboxylated the RSO before making the rub. I'll do as you suggest and try it again and see what happens. I think I'll try it during the day this time. I'll let you know how I got on. Thanks again.
You also said it was to treat cancer. You consume it to treat cancer. You will get high. You build up tolerance real quick. Sativa dominant strains, especially if you’re not used to weed, can cause anxiety..Rick Simpson himself says to use Indica or Indica dominant strains so you can rest and heal.