The dream is dead.


Well-Known Member
Those tears are from laughing....just having some fun. You incels are here posting nonsense all day 7day/wk. Same tired echo chamber circle jerk. It's beyond looserish. I've said no lies. Trump is not part of this convo except in your tiny brain....and stretched out bum hole. Poor people in the hood getting fukkked over by their own 'heros' is the subject matter. To be more specific....lib azzholes. Not 1/6.

You cant stop shit, sitting in mommies basement huffing on boofy skin bongs. Try some sunshine...go 'try' talking to a women if you're feeling less than your usual looser self?

Hope and change sucker
oh i remember now, youre the guy who gets mad about pronouns LOL thats healthy


Well-Known Member
Those tears are from laughing....just having some fun. You incels are here posting nonsense all day 7day/wk. Same tired echo chamber circle jerk. It's beyond looserish. I've said no lies. Trump is not part of this convo except in your tiny brain....and stretched out bum hole. Poor people in the hood getting fukkked over by their own 'heros' is the subject matter. To be more specific....lib azzholes. Not 1/6.

You cant stop shit, sitting in mommies basement huffing on boofy skin bongs. Try some sunshine...go 'try' talking to a women if you're feeling less than your usual looser self?

Hope and change sucker
We are the majority. You cannot stop us.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
yes, I'm completely aware that people can believe they and their own problems are special when they aren't. We have that same attitude in the US.

It just seems odd. There is plenty of land in Australia. Not a large population. Wages are good. Employment is good. But the housing industry can't keep up. If I were susceptible to fake conspiracy theories, I might be able to find one that explains it. But I'm guessing the problem with a shortage of affordable housing in Australia is out there in the open not something nefarious and secret.

There have been so many booms and busts in the cost of homes in the US that home ownership isn't universally considered a dream any more. Especially in the younger crowd of wage earners. I've always looked at my home, first and foremost as a hedge against inflation. I bought my current home about 20 years ago. Price seemed high then. It's higher now. But I'm not moving until I decide it's time to downsize.

I can't say what the "American dream" is because I don't believe there is ONE dream for all of us. My goal after college was to make a good living working in an interesting job using my brain and not my back. Maybe it was a dream, IDK. Are goals the same as dreams?
Australians don't want to live in the desert. We like the coast. Sydney for eg has water one side and a national park on the other three. Its a trapped market

For sure housing is a fairly stable investment against inflation and has made more millionaires than any other.
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Well-Known Member
The first city on your list, st louis, is under complete gop governance you fucking retard. Governors have a lot more power than mayors.

Oh and your hero trump is the loudest voice against affordable housing, said it draws too many "low income minorities". His exact words. So you can cry about being called racist again but i dont give a shit about your hurt racist feelings bitch :^)
Sorry no....U-Cuck. Ask New Yorkers how much influence the sexual predator Gov had over NYC DeBlasio. Zero.

St Louis Mayor Tishaura is full-lib. What has she done with all the fed stimulus money....hmmmm?

How yur guts feeling after another night with Bad Orange Man. Blended eah?


Well-Known Member
Sorry no....U-Cuck. Ask New Yorkers how much influence the sexual predator Gov had over NYC DeBlasio. Zero.

St Louis Mayor Tishaura is full-lib. What has she done with all the fed stimulus money....hmmmm?

How yur guts feeling after another night with Bad Orange Man. Blended eah?
missouri is completely run by republicans. the governor, AG, the senate and the house - all republicans. they can pass laws and do a lot of stuff. mayors cant do that.

sorry you dont understand how governance works, retard republican. go get vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
missouri is completely run by republicans. the governor, AG, the senate and the house - all republicans. they can pass laws and do a lot of stuff. mayors cant do that.

sorry you dont understand how governance works, retard republican. go get vaccinated.
Awesome republican governors completely outwitted and overpowered by sucky limp-dick liberal mayors yet again. Strange how that happens so often.


Well-Known Member
Sorry no....U-Cuck. Ask New Yorkers how much influence the sexual predator Gov had over NYC DeBlasio. Zero.

St Louis Mayor Tishaura is full-lib. What has she done with all the fed stimulus money....hmmmm?

How yur guts feeling after another night with Bad Orange Man. Blended eah?
lol New York huh. Giuliani, Bloomberg, were not Republican mayors? There must have been no crime then I guess.

Or are you one of these insurrectionist RINO dick heads that think anyone that doesn't want to overthrow our democracy for a spoiled brat who got everything handed to him and had to cheat by working with a foreign nation to brainwash his cult and enough of the 'libs' that wouldn't vote for him to not vote to win the only real job he ever had, is a 'Democrat'.

Anyways, looks like you are just another boring troll trying to 'own the libs' like a good brainwashed cuck, so you have a good night methposting your unoriginal race baiting regurgitated talking points all night and I will catch up with them in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Australians don't want to live in the desert. We like the coast. Sydney for eg has water on three sides and a national park on the other.

For sure housing is a fairly stable investment against inflation and has made more millionaires than any other.
Let me get this straight:

People are saying the "dream is dead" because they can't resolve the classic problem in home buying? Location, price, quality. Except for the very wealthy, people can specify two of those variables and end up compromising on one of them. If you won't compromise on location and if prices in that area are too high for the house you want then you have to settle on less of a house. Or maybe in order to purchase the home you want at a price you want you have to compromise on location. Something always has to give.

Is this your dying dream? That everybody lives where they want in the house they want at the price they want? In a capitalist society? Dream on.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry no....U-Cuck. Ask New Yorkers how much influence the sexual predator Gov had over NYC DeBlasio. Zero.

St Louis Mayor Tishaura is full-lib. What has she done with all the fed stimulus money....hmmmm?

How yur guts feeling after another night with Bad Orange Man. Blended eah?
citation required.


Well-Known Member
How is historical facts 'white guilt shit'?

Have you not heard of redlining before, or are you pretending like it didn't happen?

Fine pick a state/city. I call bullshit on your whitewashing of history and am bored enough to put in the time to prove it.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen. But every group of people have suffered struggles. So you are telling me that these poor people are doomed and that a difficult history decides their future so why even try? I’m saying negative bullshit like that is holding people down who are very capable of changing their lives. I have known a lot of people from different backgrounds that came up poor but did what it took to find a way. The way that you describe them makes them seem hopeless when they are NOT. Maybe people should stop making excuses and discouraging people and start trying to encourage them to better them selves. I have not given up on them even if you have


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying it didn’t happen. But every group of people have suffered struggles. So you are telling me that these poor people are doomed and that a difficult history decides their future so why even try? I’m saying negative bullshit like that is holding people down who are very capable of changing their lives. I have known a lot of people from different backgrounds that came up poor but did what it took to find a way. The way that you describe them makes them seem hopeless when they are NOT. Maybe people should stop making excuses and discouraging people and start trying to encourage them to better them selves. I have not given up on them even if you have
What kept and keeps them down is not nebulous “negative bullshit” but people who speak as you do.

They are not hopeless, but they are disenfranchised specifically due to almost every Republican since after Eisenhower.


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying it didn’t happen. But every group of people have suffered struggles. So you are telling me that these poor people are doomed and that a difficult history decides their future so why even try? I’m saying negative bullshit like that is holding people down who are very capable of changing their lives. I have known a lot of people from different backgrounds that came up poor but did what it took to find a way. The way that you describe them makes them seem hopeless when they are NOT. Maybe people should stop making excuses and discouraging people and start trying to encourage them to better them selves. I have not given up on them even if you have
The problem is "negative bullshit", "discouraging people"?


Well-Known Member
What kept and keeps them down is not nebulous “negative bullshit” but people who speak as you do.

They are not hopeless, but they are disenfranchised specifically due to almost every Republican since after Eisenhower.

Disenfranchised is the tiger pacing in the cage at the zoo or a dolphin swimming circles in an aquarium. These are not animals but people and another man does not decide their fate they do. So to say they are in a rough spot because of Republicans is false. They should not be looking for help from the left or the right but from inside and from above. The devils chains are disguised as democrat welfare. That EBT food may nourish your body but it will kill your spirit. The key is self sufficiency and to depend on nobody but yourself. The Devil doesn’t give charity and strings are attached to everything “ Free”


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying it didn’t happen. But every group of people have suffered struggles. So you are telling me that these poor people are doomed and that a difficult history decides their future so why even try? I’m saying negative bullshit like that is holding people down who are very capable of changing their lives. I have known a lot of people from different backgrounds that came up poor but did what it took to find a way. The way that you describe them makes them seem hopeless when they are NOT. Maybe people should stop making excuses and discouraging people and start trying to encourage them to better them selves. I have not given up on them even if you have
go out tomorrow and just make twice as much as you do now. Nothing 8s stopping you but yourself. Let me know how it goes


Well-Known Member
Disenfranchised is the tiger pacing in the cage at the zoo or a dolphin swimming circles in an aquarium. These are not animals but people and another man does not decide their fate they do. So to say they are in a rough spot because of Republicans is false. They should not be looking for help from the left or the right but from inside and from above. The devils chains are disguised as democrat welfare. That EBT food may nourish your body but it will kill your spirit. The key is self sufficiency and to depend on nobody but yourself. The Devil doesn’t give charity and strings are attached to everything “ Free”
When you go put tomorrow and double your income do it without a cell phone. You didnt create that yourself. You must only rely on yourself


Well-Known Member
Disenfranchised is the tiger pacing in the cage at the zoo or a dolphin swimming circles in an aquarium. These are not animals but people and another man does not decide their fate they do. So to say they are in a rough spot because of Republicans is false. They should not be looking for help from the left or the right but from inside and from above. The devils chains are disguised as democrat welfare. That EBT food may nourish your body but it will kill your spirit. The key is self sufficiency and to depend on nobody but yourself. The Devil doesn’t give charity and strings are attached to everything “ Free”
That is a key upland of malignant Repugs.

“Depend on nobody but yourself” works for the wealthy white heyerosexual male from a respectable church.

What your broken credo conceals like a guilty cat scratching-

-is that your chosen ideology, every time it gets in power, expends serious energy robbing and oppressing the “lesser Americans”. Your ESL slur cast that into the bright light.

Like another said here:
we outnumber you.
Decency will supplant the rapine that Republican public servants (!) consider standard operating procedure.
We will reclaim and rebuild the republic in a manner that offends you:
with liberty and justice for ALL.

All y’all traitriots sure like to drape yourselves in the Flag as of it belonged just to the sad cognitive failures who suck at the test of the hard-right media from Fox on. Guess what! We are taking it back, one act of redemption at a time.Then you will witness the apocalypse of one after the other of the high-ranking culture warriors remanded to the care of the State they do grimly tried to take down.

You do not understand how completely you have broken faith with something as simple as the Pledge. We will overcome you and banish you obvious hate racists back to the verminous shadows from which you hailed. We will not use your chosen methods as many more of us know what honor is. It is amazing but incontrovertible that what was the party of Lincoln has gone almost uniformly rogue. I exclude the brave attempts by such as Cheney who still believe in the basic tenets of a pluralistic Republic.

We outnumber you. And as more voters wake from the fever dream engineered by enemies foreign and domestic, and the treason of the right-wing media, then choose to leave the GOP, we will undo your insurrection diligently, calmly and with resolve. We have the rule of law on our side. You know it. This is why you are the avatar of rage, hate and ultimate impotence.


Well-Known Member
That is a key upland of malignant Repugs.

“Depend on nobody but yourself” works for the wealthy white heyerosexual male from a respectable church.

What your broken credo conceals like a guilty cat scratching-

-is that your chosen ideology, every time it gets in power, expends serious energy robbing and oppressing the “lesser Americans”. Your ESL slur cast that into the bright light.

Like another said here:
we outnumber you.
Decency will supplant the rapine that Republican public servants (!) consider standard operating procedure.
We will reclaim and rebuild the republic in a manner that offends you:
with liberty and justice for ALL.

All y’all traitriots sure like to drape yourselves in the Flag as of it belonged just to the sad cognitive failures who suck at the test of the hard-right media from Fox on. Guess what! We are taking it back, one act of redemption at a time.Then you will witness the apocalypse of one after the other of the high-ranking culture warriors remanded to the care of the State they do grimly tried to take down.

You do not understand how completely you have broken faith with something as simple as the Pledge. We will overcome you and banish you obvious hate racists back to the verminous shadows from which you hailed. We will not use your chosen methods as many more of us know what honor is. It is amazing but incontrovertible that what was the party of Lincoln has gone almost uniformly rogue. I exclude the brave attempts by such as Cheney who still believe in the basic tenets of a pluralistic Republic.

We outnumber you. And as more voters wake from the fever dream engineered by enemies foreign and domestic, and the treason of the right-wing media, then choose to leave the GOP, we will undo your insurrection diligently, calmly and with resolve. We have the rule of law on our side. You know it. This is why you are the avatar of rage, hate and ultimate impotence.

Lmao!!! People are getting tired of the bullshit. You are probably some younger person hyped up on piss and vinegar thinking you are going to change the world. People with any sense know that politics swing on a pendulum. The left has pushed too many bizarre ideas that are as insane as Hitler in the last century. Gone are the pro worker for the people democrats of yesteryear. You have the mentally ill and the communists basically running your party. I mean you people are fucking nuts. You will see people in the upcoming elections tire of the higher prices, the tax and spend policies, the crime and the push from leftist ideas that most don’t agree with but are too afraid to speak out about. Biden is fucking worthless so he’s not really going to energize the base. And in a few years it will swing back to a democrat in charge. All this bullshit happened in the 60’s too but it resolved itself and went back to normal and this will too. So enjoy the mentally ill girls with the weird colored hair and the shit in their faces while it’s here. It will definitely be gone tomorrow and you can sit around telling your kids about how cool you thought you were when you are nothing more than a fart in the wind


Well-Known Member
Lmao!!! People are getting tired of the bullshit. You are probably some younger person hyped up on piss and vinegar thinking you are going to change the world. People with any sense know that politics swing on a pendulum. The left has pushed too many bizarre ideas that are as insane as Hitler in the last century. Gone are the pro worker for the people democrats of yesteryear. You have the mentally ill and the communists basically running your party. I mean you people are fucking nuts. You will see people in the upcoming elections tire of the higher prices, the tax and spend policies, the crime and the push from leftist ideas that most don’t agree with but are too afraid to speak out about. Biden is fucking worthless so he’s not really going to energize the base. And in a few years it will swing back to a democrat in charge. All this bullshit happened in the 60’s too but it resolved itself and went back to normal and this will too. So enjoy the mentally ill girls with the weird colored hair and the shit in their faces while it’s here. It will definitely be gone tomorrow and you can sit around telling your kids about how cool you thought you were when you are nothing more than a fart in the wind
How old are you?


Well-Known Member
Lmao!!! People are getting tired of the bullshit. You are probably some younger person hyped up on piss and vinegar thinking you are going to change the world. People with any sense know that politics swing on a pendulum. The left has pushed too many bizarre ideas that are as insane as Hitler in the last century. Gone are the pro worker for the people democrats of yesteryear. You have the mentally ill and the communists basically running your party. I mean you people are fucking nuts. You will see people in the upcoming elections tire of the higher prices, the tax and spend policies, the crime and the push from leftist ideas that most don’t agree with but are too afraid to speak out about. Biden is fucking worthless so he’s not really going to energize the base. And in a few years it will swing back to a democrat in charge. All this bullshit happened in the 60’s too but it resolved itself and went back to normal and this will too. So enjoy the mentally ill girls with the weird colored hair and the shit in their faces while it’s here. It will definitely be gone tomorrow and you can sit around telling your kids about how cool you thought you were when you are nothing more than a fart in the wind
Wow, if that's dems, I can't wait to hear your take on republicans.