What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
That's right, Halloween. In the 17 years I have been here, I have yet to get a trick or treater here....It's about 250' up the driveway, so I don't blame them.
Really lax day here. I slept in...did a load of laundry., washed and re-filled a bird feeder, and about to make something to eat....a grilled ham and cheese sounds good. I'm feeling the need for a good meal though. Maybe I'll whip something up for dinner.:D

Also shopping for seeds...


Well-Known Member
Guarding the remainder of the candy. We get a large turn out. Sadly is now misting and a normal Halloween here. Minus the sleet, freezing rain and snow.

What will look like blood on my mutts snout and chest? Yet be easily washable. He will be doing his growling I'm sure.

Happy Halloween all. 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Guarding the remainder of the candy. We get a large turn out. Sadly is now misting and a normal Halloween here. Minus the sleet, freezing rain and snow.

What will look like blood on my mutts snout and chest? Yet be easily washable. He will be doing his growling I'm sure.

Happy Halloween all. View attachment 5020193
Pix stix...I haven't had those since I was a kid.

They should package cocaine like that...It would be a hit !


Well-Known Member
These things are where it’s at. Just one is like a full stick of condensed cotton candy. Pop one and it melts in your mouth in seconds , like magic. View attachment 5020249
I haven't had those since childhood either!!

Just getting dark here...all the little goblins will be out. I remember one mom in my neighborhood as a kid use to make home made popcorn balls, and invite us in for a minute for cider and a popcorn ball, and send us off with another one...and they were the best!!