Fertilizing seed starting mix dr.earth?


Well-Known Member
So I have a feminized skywalker og germinating..

I mixed up some peat, perlite and ewc .. I'll be using dr. earth fertilizer.
I can fertilize the mix with the dr.earth thn place the sprout in it right? I've seen some start using ferts bout a week after germinating but thts with liquid nutes but I'm getting into mixing my own potting mixes ..

So yeah should it be fine go fertilize the mix prior to placing the sprout in it?


Well-Known Member
That’s pretty much what I do. Get em started in solo cups then once they’ve got a few leaves the go in the soil that’s been mixed with some dr earth. I give em a top dress before flower too. Keep it simple and you’ll have some dank ass weed in a few months.


Well-Known Member
That’s pretty much what I do. Get em started in solo cups then once they’ve got a few leaves the go in the soil that’s been mixed with some dr earth. I give em a top dress before flower too. Keep it simple and you’ll have some dank ass weed in a few months.
Yeah definitely, trying to keep it simple .. also I grow vegetables and herbs outdoors , when watering with fish fertilizer do I water till slight runoff or or just enough to reach the roots without runoff?


Well-Known Member
no clue on the fish fertilizer but I usually have a little runoff.
Alright , yeah it can get confusing when just starting out some say water till run off or no run off

I find tht with a slight runoff , you'll know the water has reached the rootzone .

Thanks for the input btw