Anime your top ten favorites

…and so far so good. I’ve watched at least the first episode of what’s dropped so far, and I’ll end up watching almost all of them.

*Weakest* so far is ‘takt: OP. Visually the thing is incredible and everyone ought to see E1, just to see what MAPPA and Madhouse (the studios are both in it) can do. The problem, if there is one, is how incredibly flat and affectless and *generic* the 3 central characters are; given how dazzling the gf work is, and the semi-interesting story, it’s jarring to realize by the end of the episode that I’ve seen EACH of these characters in a dozen different anime - and DONE BETTER THAN THIS every .

“World’s Greatest Assassin Reincarnates as an Assassin (or Something Like That)”, on the other hand, is so far very different from every isekai I’ve seen. I won’t spoil any of it, because I wouldn’t do that to you guys, but this is a serious standout - story, dialog, gfx (not just the animation, but the *design* and layout of the 3pisode), voice actors, and even the music. Opening and closing tunes are immediate hits with me (and I used to work in radio, so…). They would have to screw this up very badly for me to bail. Helluva first ep.

“The Muv-Luv Alternative” seems to be part of some existing series or game or something, ‘cause a lot of people seem to already know about this. Not me: just another mecha-suit combat thing…*yawn*.

WRONG. This thing begins kicking ass right out of the gate & doesn’t let up at all; what few breaks in the action there are, are just chances to draw berth before it’s kicked out of you again. Forget the mechanic suits, it’s the famous Alien Invasion trope…but you really FEEL IT. The animation is first-class, the script/dialog/voice-acting feels *real*, normal, exposition happens on the screen, in action, not in Ms A expositioning Mr B. The (what, layout? Design? Pacing? Story sequencing/scene sequencing? I dunno, what’s the animation equivalent of editing?) keeps the story and the actions moving fast, but not too fast to follow. The show keeps going all the way through the credits. The end left me blinking & thinking “Fucking HELL!”

Got goosebumps on my arm tellin’ y’all about it….

“The Fruit of Evolution” is a isekai harem comedy built around taking the piss on (out of?) isekai harem comedies. So far, it’s more interesting than funny, but it’s funny enough…and it looks like this might be the only light-hearted show in the bunch.

It’s all very new, several dropped E1 yesterday, more today, tomorrow, …and there’s a bunch of shows getting an extra tranch of 12-13 episodes, including 86, Mushio Tensei (Jobless Reincarnation), and Demon Slayer. MushTensei is good, and well-done, but lotta folks rave about it and I don’t know why. 86, I’ve mentioned before, and as good as everything is in it, it’s really all about the story. I actually put off watching it until I could go straight into the 2nd half. I’ve heard y’all talk about Demon Slayer, but I just never made a point of watching it, but with the movie “Mugen Train” out now, and season 2 beginning in another week or so, I started it yesterday…and it’s as good as y’all said.
i caught the 86 one, and you right so far so good, think i'm up to episode 5 (i think). Black Butler has got me going a very interesting story and i think they are bring out another series too......

i'll ck the rest of them out....
oh also ck out out God of High's got a very limited episode lot....but it has a good story, your gonna love the ending......not gonna spoil it :bigjoint:
a friend of mine that has Disney+ introduced these to me....and evidently there is a competition out to see which ones they are gonna expand on and ones they''re not.....

..this is Star Wars: Visions.....

here are a couple of clips......

the artistery are excelllant, and through 9 episodes there are some great stories......

I haven’t watched all of them yet, but the ones I’ve seen are very good looking forwards to the rest.

re: the new autumn shows:
- takt:Op Destiny has turned out to be very interesting, after a somewhat odd first ep: ominous meteorite spawns monsters who attack and destroy all sources of music; in turn, heroes are spawned who wield the power of music to defeat them - but not without major struggles. Action is set in the USA. “Takt” is the name of the MC.

- World’s Finest Assassin may be the best of the season; art, characters, setting and setup are almost all in place, and I expect it to get much more interesting as it rolls forward…but it’s pretty great already: top assassin gets sweet reincarnation deal…if he kills the Hero of the world he’s reincarnated in…*before* his new body turns 18….

- Platinum End is an interesting setup, not as interesting to me as the others, but YMMV: 13 angels pick 13 humans for an elimination battle-royale to see which one gets to be God.

- Muv-Luv Alternative (weird-ass name) continues to impress; feels somewhat crammed full, but still compelling: after a climactic losing battle in which the non-human BETA defeat all human forces, a few thousand survivors abandon Earth, leaving billions to be killed and eaten…after which, MC awakens in a world where that hasn’t happened yet, and he struggles to change fate and save everyone.

- Fruit of Evolution continues to be damn’ funny, almost slapstick, turning isekai tropes on their heads left and right. Trying to explain any of it would spoil the fun, but MC starts off as a dumpy slob…but then….

There’s a lot of other shows I *would* watch…if only I could figure out where to watch them.

Hope everybody’s weekend goes great!
I haven’t watched all of them yet, but the ones I’ve seen are very good looking forwards to the rest.

re: the new autumn shows:
- takt:Op Destiny has turned out to be very interesting, after a somewhat odd first ep: ominous meteorite spawns monsters who attack and destroy all sources of music; in turn, heroes are spawned who wield the power of music to defeat them - but not without major struggles. Action is set in the USA. “Takt” is the name of the MC.

- World’s Finest Assassin may be the best of the season; art, characters, setting and setup are almost all in place, and I expect it to get much more interesting as it rolls forward…but it’s pretty great already: top assassin gets sweet reincarnation deal…if he kills the Hero of the world he’s reincarnated in…*before* his new body turns 18….

- Platinum End is an interesting setup, not as interesting to me as the others, but YMMV: 13 angels pick 13 humans for an elimination battle-royale to see which one gets to be God.

- Muv-Luv Alternative (weird-ass name) continues to impress; feels somewhat crammed full, but still compelling: after a climactic losing battle in which the non-human BETA defeat all human forces, a few thousand abandon Earth, leaving billions to be killed and eaten…after which, MC awakens in a world where that hasn’t happened yet, and he struggles to change fate and save everyone.

- Fruit of Evolution continues to be damn’ funny, almost slapstick, turning isekai tropes on their heads left and right. Trying to explain any of it would spoil the fun, but MC starts off as a dumpy slob…but then….

Hope everybody’s weekend goes great!

think ill ck out the "worlds finest assassin one", i've perved a few clips on's seems interesting enough to give it couple of episodes

and might ck out Platinum end as well....
Faraway Paladin: *just* finished watching the first 3 episodes (all there are @ the moment), and it’s terrific, if you like the sword & sorcery / isekai stuff - beautiful, well-told, a first-rate set-up, good characterization. The setup: a human baby is raised by three undead - a warrior, a priestess, a mage - and trained by them until the age of 15, when the mysteries surrounding his life are revealed.
Faraway Paladin: *just* finished watching the first 3 episodes (all there are @ the moment), and it’s terrific, if you like the sword & sorcery / isekai stuff - beautiful, well-told, a first-rate set-up, good characterization. The setup: a human baby is raised by three undead - a warrior, a priestess, a mage - and trained by them until the age of 15, when the mysteries surrounding his life are revealed.
Thanks for that and have a great day and a better night
I think the thing I love best about anime is how I’m always stumbling into something amazing…and it just happened again.

This show is called Guilty Crown, and it was yet another “sure, let’s see what’s going on with this one”.

There’s not a bloody thing I can say about it, except “WATCH IT”: the closest thing I can compare it to is Elfen Lied - but that’s only because of the intensity of it, the grip it took on me. Eleven eps ended with what felt like a climax - but there’s still 11 more to go, and I feel wrung out…but after a break, I know I’ll be right back on it.

I think the thing I love best about anime is how I’m always stumbling into something amazing…and it just happened again.

This show is called Guilty Crown, and it was yet another “sure, let’s see what’s going on with this one”.

There’s not a bloody thing I can say about it, except “WATCH IT”: the closest thing I can compare it to is Elfen Lied - but that’s only because of the intensity of it, the grip it took on me. Eleven eps ended with what felt like a climax - but there’s still 11 more to go, and I feel wrung out…but after a break, I know I’ll be right back on it.

Thanks once again and I'll tell my son about it and as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family and friends be safe out there
Berserk is awesome my son is really into the manga I tell him all the time that he needs to let me color in those books get me yelled at every time ha ha ha he he he ha ha ha
I think the thing I love best about anime is how I’m always stumbling into something amazing…and it just happened again.

This show is called Guilty Crown, and it was yet another “sure, let’s see what’s going on with this one”.

There’s not a bloody thing I can say about it, except “WATCH IT”: the closest thing I can compare it to is Elfen Lied - but that’s only because of the intensity of it, the grip it took on me. Eleven eps ended with what felt like a climax - but there’s still 11 more to go, and I feel wrung out…but after a break, I know I’ll be right back on it.
