Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

So rioters can burn and destroy. Loot and pillage. Assault and murder but a citizen exercising 2nd amendment rights is crucified for defending his life. Get used to it. I as a juror would let him go. The ones that should be on trial are getting passes. Flame my post all you want. I served to have the right and care not a bit what you think of my opinion unless you served with me. Then I'll accept that you are more than a basement dweller.
So rioters can burn and destroy. Loot and pillage. Assault and murder but a citizen exercising 2nd amendment rights is crucified for defending his life. Get used to it. I as a juror would let him go. The ones that should be on trial are getting passes. Flame my post all you want. I served to have the right and care not a bit what you think of my opinion unless you served with me. Then I'll accept that you are more than a basement dweller.
No, you are the one who jumped to pedophilia. Why is it that so called Christian Republicans are so heavily involved in sexual scandals? one of yours even forced a woman to have an abortion after he impregnated one of his employees. What kind of people do that?
The same type of person who thinks gas prices are more shocking than people getting shot ………. Fucking imbecile he is.
So rioters can burn and destroy. Loot and pillage. Assault and murder but a citizen exercising 2nd amendment rights is crucified for defending his life. Get used to it. I as a juror would let him go. The ones that should be on trial are getting passes. Flame my post all you want. I served to have the right and care not a bit what you think of my opinion unless you served with me. Then I'll accept that you are more than a basement dweller.
He went on a hunting trip for people of colour. Fuck his second amendment rights and yes that’s the problem, your use to it. Have got your resume all polished up to apply at your local force yet?
Generally speaking, I am glad weed became legal, but sheesh, I sure miss the barrier to entry. Go back where you came from.
So rioters can burn and destroy. Loot and pillage. Assault and murder but a citizen exercising 2nd amendment rights is crucified for defending his life. Get used to it. I as a juror would let him go. The ones that should be on trial are getting passes. Flame my post all you want. I served to have the right and care not a bit what you think of my opinion unless you served with me. Then I'll accept that you are more than a basement dweller.
I think his life would have been fine if he minded his own business and stayed in Indiana with the Religious zealots

All that violence sounds more like the insurrection on January sixth to me
No need of a resume. And your opinion is can have it. My family and I were happy to serve and keep that right for you. Dont make us take it away.
Oh ok your already employed at the local law enforcement office, great! And thanks for your service but it really didn’t help with my rights and I doubt you and your family can take anything away……. oh wait how’s the battle to take away the right to legitimate elections going?
Oh ok your already employed at the local law enforcement office, great! And thanks for your service but it really didn’t help with my rights and I doubt you and your family can take anything away……. oh wait how’s the battle to take away the right to legitimate elections going?
What legitimate elections?